
Differin with duac

Common Questions and Answers about Differin with duac


Avatar n tn Topical gels such as Differin and Duac are more effective when used in conjunction with oral antibiotics. A 12 weeks course of both antibiotics and a topical lotion should clear your acne. Are you female? (Sorry cannot tell from your post). If so speak to your doctor about taking an anti-androgen pill like Diane35. Acne forms when androgens (male hormones found in both male and female bodies) stimulate the sebaceous glands.
Avatar f tn i have extremely oily skin and i think its because i use my acne medications such as differin and duac but even though i wash my face 3 times a daii it is still oily and its worse during parties because i cant wash my face then..? wat should i doo..any herbal remedies as well?
Avatar n tn I know, but as you say this is leaving you with scars. A synthetic topical retinoid like Differin will turn the skin over and completely remove the blemish. Or see a beautician or a nurse at a skin center who could extract the lesion without scarring, or carry out a chemical skin peel. Eloise.
Avatar m tn They are all stumped and confused, but my current dermatologist believes that my acne may be contributing to this constant skin outbreak, and is treating my acne with Duac, Defferin, and Minocycline each once a day. He believes that if my acne problem gets managed, it will leave room for this unknown skin infection/inflammation to heal. Doesn't seem to be helping so far unfortunately.
Avatar n tn Alternative treatments include topical retinoids such as Differin, topical antibiotics such as Duac, or oral tetracyclines such as Oxytetracycline. Discuss these with your doctor. You don't state your gender, but female acne patients will benefit from taking an anti-androgen contraceptive pill such as Yasmin or Diane35. Eloise.
Avatar f tn Extremely sensitive skin- adverse reactions to salicylic acid and anything higher than a 2% benzoyl peroxide. Have tried differin, retin-a, duac, also natural solutions such as tea tree oil, lemon, honey, coconut, eggs, yogurt, witch hazel. Also have tried systems such as proactiv and muriad to no avail. Have completely overhauled my diet- hardly any sugar, no white/ refined starches, very little dairy, no red meat, lots of veggies, lots of water. No caffine, little to no alcohol.
Avatar m tn Hi, I'm a 21 year old male. Ive been using Duac Once Daily (Benzoyl Peroxide 5%, Clindamycin 1%) for years however these are the things I'm unsure about: 1. Does it need to be stored in the fridge even after opening it? I always thought the pharmacy has to store it in a fridge and then after it's opened it can just be stored in any temperature below 25 degrees C so can be in a cupboard. 2. Should it be washed off in the morning?
Avatar n tn The Duac worked great on my spots but now I have a really greasy forehead with lots of little bumps. My nose feels quite greasy too. I have stopped putting the Duac on my forehead but no change yet. Did you find anything that helped? Thanks.
Avatar n tn I was concerned about pimples i was neverendingly getting on my face, not many but it was still bothersome so decided to consult my doctor about it and she prescribed me Duac which I have been using for more than 6 weeks now, and my skin has cleared up remarkably. However, now im anxious when it comes to stopping the use of this treatment for fear my skin will go back to how it was initially, as i don't wish to keep returning to the doctor everytime the tube finishes.
Avatar f tn Hello, Differin or adapelene is used for acne vulgaris. Clean your skin with a mild cleanser (not soap) before applying the medication. Pat the skin dry with a clean towel and Apply the medication in a thin layer to the entire face or other affected skin areas. Do not apply any other skin products unless your doctor has told you to. Avoid application to the areas of skin around eyes, lips and mucous membranes.
Avatar f tn s a risk that tetracyclines may lessen the contraceptive properties of the pill. Useful prescription topical lotions for acne include Duac gel, Differin and Dalacin-T. For more information check out my advice on The Acne Forum.
Avatar f tn Avoid using any lotions and creams over the face for the meantime. Wash your face with a mild cleanser with moisturizing properties like Cetaphil. Pat your face dry. Then apply a good hypoallergenic moisturizer over the area and see if this improves. If the symptoms still persist then you can apply mild steroid like dermacort. If the irritation persists then please get it evaluated from a dermatologist. I hope it helps.
Avatar f tn im over the moon i started getting micro dermabrasion and also using duac once daily cream and i havent had any breakouts and my skin is so smooth and only ever get one spot with pmt and periods im so happy because ive never had clear skin since i was like 11 ! my scarring is getting more smooth and im just buzzing with the duac because if i get a spot coming i put that on it and its gone by morning i havnt changed my diet so i know its not that !
Avatar m tn Also avoid using any lotions and creams over the face for the meantime. Wash your face with a mild cleanser with moisturizing properties like Cetaphil. Pat your face dry. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
Avatar f tn Ok so I have been prescribed differin gel for "acne" problems. I recently had a huge one with deep cyst (when i touch it i can feel hardness under the skin)...then it formed a white head and oozed a lot of pus (and some blood) after which it stopped being painful. My question is can I still keep on applying differin gel on top of the acne even though it's "broken" skin? The differin seems to help calm the inflammation pretty quick and dry it out...
1094941 tn?1264559085 Above my chin and on the sides of my mouth I have some big blister like bumps that are filled with water and hurt bad. I have treated them with all sorts of things and now my skin feals like sand paper and is so dry. It is very red and irritated and I am so depressed and angry. I don't want to be seen by anyone. I have never had anything like this. Couls you give me a clue as to what it might be or how to treat it?
Avatar n tn When in the light I notice that on these patches there seems to be a top layer of thin skin. The Differin has subsided my breakouts nicely, but I am still left with these very noticeable red spots all over my face and I am absolutely freaking out. There appears to be no indentation so I would hope this wouldn't be permanent. Is it normal to have such a reaction and if so, how can I help this heal, and how long will it probably take?
Avatar m tn he put me on oracea 40mg once a day and differin gel 0.3%....i was reading the paper that comes with oracea~doxycycline and it says it doesnt kill bacteria now im getting worried because minocycline does kill bacteria now im worried i will break out more from the says its for rosacea but doest oracea work to kill acne to or no?and the differin gel 0.3% isnt this not as strong drying to dry up pimples as retin a micro 0.1%?
1632818 tn?1299941302 (As a side note, I saw on google a lot of people were complaining about how the initial result of their acne being treated with differin was that their acne would become worse than ever. My experience is not similar to that at all, the little pimple on my chin is now gone.) I'm scared that these products might be bad for my skin too, but I don't want to make another dermatology appointment after my last experience.
Avatar m tn He gave me differin and it worked ok.While i was using the differin i was working all summer long outside and usually wore a hat.Well two years later ever since my forehead is my natural skin color which is pale.The rest of my face is very red.I have very oily skin and my skin breaksout if i put lotion or toners on it usually.Is there any advise on how to get my skin to even out and get this redness to go away.Please help.
Avatar m tn 1. When applying Duac once daily gel I wash my hands with hand wash and then just wash my face with water before applying the gel, what cleansing routine should I be using to improve my acne? Should I be using some sort of soap when washing my face? 2.
Avatar m tn i also wash face with mild cleanser and apply moisturizer, after apply moisturizer on my nose still becomes more oily. I went to see the dermatologist and he given me the differin cream, differin also make my nose oily and did not stop the oil production,which is also not helping, i very hopeless right now. please help with my oily nose.
Avatar m tn t mind using Differin by itself if it comes down to it. But, if these ointments do help with redness and scarring and is safe to use without making my skin worse, I will use it.
Avatar n tn I have been diagnosed with Folliculitis. It started last November after unprotected sex with a girl. I noticed 3 pus filled pockets on my public hair area and 1 on my penis (they had fishy smell). (After my STD results came back negative) The doctor gave me Flucloxacillin 250mg tablets which I used for a week. The pockets were gone but I then started getting small pink spots in public hair area and lower abdominal. The doctor gave me Dermol cream to use and also use as body wash as well.