
Difference between keppra and levetiracetam

Common Questions and Answers about Difference between keppra and levetiracetam


Avatar f tn I see these color blobs that move in my vision that shouldn’t be there, they don’t show any connection to stimuli so I don’t have synesthesia. I’m on levetiracetam aka keppra and clobazam aka onfi. When I was on oxcarbazepine (trileptal) and levetiracetam (keppra) I started having these weird headaches where I would lose my vision, hearing, smell, and coordination, but I could still speak and feel. The doctors are pretty much stumped. Has anyone ever had a situation like this?
Avatar m tn I am taking tablets for my minor neural problem for the past 4 years, The tablets i am consuming are Oxcarbazepine (Trileptal) -300mg and Levetiracetam (keppra) -250mg. Now I am looking for a tablet which should have both of this content in the same. I feel guilty that I am taking more tablets and my health condition is improved now. so I planned to reduce my tablet dosage. so I look over this- i.e.
Avatar f tn How ever, I have been on and still am on keppra, 3000mg a day, I have trouble sleeping and my neurologist as well as surgeon ect...
Avatar f tn i was put on keppra and now am having a lot of confusion and am very tired and extremely moody. is this related to the seizure and or the medication?
Avatar f tn I'm a 32 year old male and I've been suffering from grand mal and partial complex seizures for almost 20 years. I take Keppra and Lamictal, and thought I don't have any problems getting and keeping an erection, I find it almost impossible to ejaculate when I'm with my partner. Even when I masturbate, it takes a lot of time and concentration to achieve orgasm.
Avatar f tn i take 3000 mg of keppra and 600 mg of tegratol a day,)not a typo) still not fully seizure free and am having alot of dizzy spells.which i was told by my neuro that it was vertigo due to the pollen in the air. can all this med make me gain weight. not a little person , but have gain about 20 pounds in the last month or so. wating or exercise habbits have not changed. could it be the meds.
Avatar f tn So after staying overnight and at the vet the next day he came home and has been on Keppra and phenobarbital. 500mg 2x a day Keppra and 60mg 2x a day pheno. He has the side effects which are lessening but hasn't been as bad as I read could be. He is very responsive and is pretty much himself besides the side effects(weak legs, tired). It's been 6 days and no seizures so far. Will be going to vet in a week for check up and blood test again. I am so on edge..
Avatar f tn , now they have added Keppra to his phenobarbital and after a visit with an animal neurologist, who believes my dog has a tumor based on some exercises he put him through, and added prednisone to the mix, I feel all of this is excessive and unsafe for my dog but he's never had any medical conditions before so I don't know what is 'normal' in doggie meds - are pheno-barbital, Keppra and Prednisone commonly prescribed together for seizures?
Avatar f tn Keppra or levetiracetam is indicated for seizure and sometimes used to treat neuropathic pain. The exact mechanism in treating epilepsy is actually unknown but the drug is known to bind to a synaptic vesicle protein which is believed to impede nerve conduction across synapses. Diagnostic tests such as EEG may be normal especially if it was done after the seizure episode. It is important that you take your medications regularly and as prescribed.
1328714 tn?1294578263 If memory loss is on it I would recommend trying Keppra (Levetiracetam), it is quite new and has virtually no major side effects. I have been on it since just before christmas, and I feel better and my memory is improved. The frontal lobe is actually the memory part of your brain, so unfortunately it is inevitable your memory is a tadge unreliable. I can sympathize with you as I have epilepsy, and have done for the past 4 1/2 yrs. The next few months will be hard but you can get through it.
Avatar f tn please respond. She is now on keppra and is VERY tired on it, and has had to stop her schooling because of fatigue. Does the fatigue go away after a while or is it always this potent?
641243 tn?1235752084 Thanks for the great research Ginger. I confess, I have no idea what foreign companies are good or not when it comes to pet meds since I've always obtained mine from our vet. Kate - will you please let us know how Wentworth does with the keppra? My nephew has fairly severe epilepsy and keppra never seemed to help so they're weaning him off it now. What it DID do was send him out into the ozone and turn him into a drooling idiot, and he still had daily multiple seizures.
Avatar m tn I have my prescription and medical certificates to support my condition. I am curious to know if I can get Levetiracetam refill in the pharmacies in the US or will a doctor prescribe this to me without me going through medical tests. I usually get my tests (primarily EEG and MRIs) in India and want to avoid these tests in the US, because 1. I am in perfect health conditions 2. Even with insurance, they will be extremely expensive. The last partial seizure that lasted a few minutes was in 2012.
Avatar f tn continued to increase med dose, now on 3000mg of Keppra a day. Lots of side affects, but they are lessening and medication is slowing seizure activity way down. EEG showed a few "abnormalities". Seeing Neurosurgeon in 1 month. All very new & scary! Sound similar to anyone? Any advice on what to expect from neurosurgeon and moving forward?
Avatar n tn I'm very concerned about my dad, he's been having episodes of uncontrollable shaking, muscle locking, pain and massiev temperature spikes; in moments like this he can't move or talk. My concerrn is parkinsons or epilepsy but these seizures have increased over time and when they started they were just shaking hands that when away after eating. He's been tested for diabetes, anxiety, parkinsons etc; and all of them have come up as negative.
Avatar f tn I read something on rxlist about moodswings and irritibility related to Keppra. It's believed that Keppra makes your brain "dump" Vitamin B6 at times which lowers dopamine or seratonin levels and makes you feel horrible. Does your daughter take vitamins? I'd try some Vitamin B6 if her multivitamin doesn't contain it. I started taking Trader Joe's High Potency vitamins and feel much, much better since starting. Good luck.
Avatar n tn I began to track them carefully and I believe I saw a pattern of only during the 2nd half of my monthly cycle, days 15 - 28 (and usually between 18 and 21) My neurologist decided to put me in the hospital to do a video EEG monitoring and I told him the dates it needed to be. We hit it right and it was determined that my seizures are NES. I was told that they could have a physiogenic or psychogenic cause.
Avatar n tn Neurologists may be very quick to tell you that you are fine with a pineal cyst and that it is not causing your symptoms. But beware: 1) Doctors in general don't really understand what the pineal gland does; and 2) Some don't seem to understand the difference between symptomatic and asymptomatic pineal glands and tell their patients not to worry about pineal cysts.
Avatar f tn ( ) and Zonegran.
197575 tn?1215532624 Is there a difference between a complex nodule and a complex cystic nodule? I know complex means both solid and cystic. My friend's ultrasound call it a complex cystic nodule. Thanks.
571167 tn?1223214465 I do not believe the medications the medical community has place him on are worth the side-effects. They placed him on Levetiracetam, Benztropine, and Abilify, and the side-effects are NOT worth the potential benefit of what--self-control? I have worked with youth in placement for 18 years, and these medications do not make any significant difference in their judgments because they do not change their value system.
Avatar f tn My daughter is now experiencing several side effects to keppra. She is extremely drowsy, very short tempered, depressed, and is reporting to me that her memory is 'foggy'. She's on a very low dose of keppra, only 250 mg at night and 125 mg in the morning. She's been on it a total of 3 weeks now. I've been with her and she seems to be very melancholy and also short fused over the many situations. She weighs 100 pounds and is 20 years old.
Avatar m tn My name is Joy and in 2000 I had a very large frontaltemporal meningioma removed by surgery I was lucky that I had a lot of medical training was an emt for 12 years and I recognized I was seriously ill and thought it was a brain tumor long story short I had a dr who kept telling me it was only job stress. At the time I was working at a medium security mens prison. Not stressful for me at all its just how you deal with life. Being a take c harge person I fired the quack dr.