
Diet soda research

Common Questions and Answers about Diet soda research


Avatar f tn No its definitly the asparteme that is bad, but thats the reason you should never drink diet soda. Asparteme is pure poison. Just do your research on it. Also watch out for pedialite for babies they started putting that crap in there too. Your much better off with a sugary soda then that stuff. You want to take it easy on the caffeine too, but I would definitly worry more about the asparteme then anything.
Avatar f tn There is research that suggests a high-sugar diet during pregnancy can make the baby more likely to get diabetes. If you are drinking sugared drinks (high fructose corn syrup) please limit yourself to one can a day, even that amount has the equivalent of 12 teaspoons of sugar in it. If you are drinking diet soda, big problems -- the chemicals they use in them are (by some accounts) even worse for you than sugar.
Avatar f tn Diet and decaf are the worse no matter if you're pregnant or not. I like fizzy drinks so it doesn't have to be soda. Maybe find a different alternative?
Avatar f tn Thanks. I just wanted one diet root beer because I am dying for root beer lol.
Avatar f tn Ok, so I cut regular soda out of my diet. I normally drink water, diet can iced tea (or fresh) and seltzer. Now my question is.... is diet soda OK in moderation? Like when me and my bf go to a mall, water gets so boring and the fast food places generally never have seltzer water. So therefore I'm forced with diet soda (YUCK). Is it ok just on the weekends? I mean I guess I'm doing something right, I've lost 30.5bs since 9/14 (not even 3 months yet) and still have another 12.
1536593 tn?1292557199 I get severe head aches when I drink Diet Soda, off brand or not, could it be an intolerance to the artificial sweetener or an allergy?
Avatar f tn What is everyone's thoughts on drinking diet soda? I know they say to stay away from artificial sugars, but I've been drinking diet soda forever & I'm having a hard time giving it up. Is one a day bad?
5913031 tn?1382391190 Diet soda... Not sure about. Any diet soda is bad for you period whether pregnant or not. Research shows it can cause cancer. Also contains aspartame which is a form of rat poison, anyway. Soda is alright during pregnancy here and there... As long as you don't consume for then 200mg.
Avatar f tn I wouldn't drink any. Soda and diet soda is bad for you whether you are pregnant or not.
Avatar f tn If it is not diet soda, that is one heck of a sugar load. I think it is the equivalent to 12 teaspoons of sugar in a 12-ounce can. And unfortunately, if it is diet soda, it is loaded with chemicals. Hate to say it because the sugar gives you a higher diabetes risk and a higher risk that your child will later on develop diabetes, and the chemicals are just nasty for you. Can you taper off by cutting the soda in half with sparkling water?
5898681 tn?1392221010 Diet soda is a no no during pregnancy. It has aspartame in it. My dr said no artificial sweeteners!
Avatar f tn Folks, my wife drinks diet Coke every day, and she's lost a lot of weight. Now I know that's just anecdotal, but diet coke doesn't cause weight gain. But the chemicals in it will harm you. Artificial sweeteners are more harmful than sugar to your health, but they do reduce weight gain. They do have fewer calories and do metabolize into sugar less once ingested. But I wouldn't consume it for health reasons.
Avatar f tn Where is your proof and research? Bleh, just tired of the speeches and rude comments. Is anyone else going through this?
Avatar f tn I LOVE high fructose corn syrup!!
Avatar f tn Hi Ladies what are your thoughts on coffee 1 small cup a day, also what do you think about diet drinks in moderation. I love soda I know its bad for you and I am drinking tons of water these days but sometimes only a soda will do.
Avatar f tn If you drink diet sodas, you are trading the sugar for chemicals. There is also a body of research that says the diet drinks are bad for the body, setting the insulin levels on some kind of crazy response and harming the (can't remember if it's liver or what). Thing is, those are all true whether you are pregnant or not. It's just worse to do it to the body when there is a baby growing inside it than when there is not.
Avatar f tn A diet, honestly should not have to invovle drugs or to take a shot or antyhing.
7366593 tn?1400009626 I havent drank diet soda my whole pregnancy...I just wanted to know if I could have one cup on diet coke? Im 37 almost 38 weeks pregnant.
Avatar f tn I gave up all pop once I realized how much sugar is in a glass of pop. Diet soda is even worse. Most diet soda has an ingredient in it called Aspartame. Did you know that one of the ingredients of aspartame is wood alchohol. No joke. I researched aspartame and discovered this. Wood alcohol is actually a poison. Also the more diet soda you drink, the greater your craving for sugar is. Soda is also very bad for your intestines.
Avatar f tn You're better off drinking a regular soda than diet because of the aspartame. Aspartame isn't good for you at all!
Avatar n tn You can have soda, I wouldn't drink that many in a day as you need to stay trying drinking more water..I have one soda a day, 2 at the max!
Avatar n tn Hello, I am a 20 year old male. I have been for the last month having on and off tingling on the TOTAL left side of my body. Not just arms and legs, but back, face, neck, and chest. The tingling would be on a scale of 1 to 10 a 3. It doesn't hurt, no loss of strength, no loss of coordination, no twitches or cramping (except left bicep, very rarely though) JUST TINGLING. I have been diagnosed with anxiety.