
Combination of avodart and flomax

Common Questions and Answers about Combination of avodart and flomax


Avatar m tn No do not change your medicines if Flomax works. Even if you stopped or switched to another type you could still have floppy iris syndrome. If it works keep on it and tell your eye surgeon. Special techniques and instruments and drops make FIS not the problem it use to be when we first saw it.
Avatar m tn 1. Do not stop taking avodart. That medication and other like it such as flomax can cause "floppy iris syndrome" here's the deal even if you stop it can still happen so don't stop. The eye surgeon needs to know ahead of time you're on the medicine so special drops and techniques can be used. 2. Swimming is BAD after surgery and should be avoided. I ask my patients not to swim for 6 weeks.
Avatar m tn I did not associate it with flomax until recently. Is it harmful if I stop taking the flomax and is this the cause of my retro? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/226027'>Retrograde Ejaculation from Flomax......permanent or not?</a>.
Avatar m tn If I remember correctly one of the drug companies just came out with a single pill that has both Flomax and Avodart in it. Just for your understanding, Flomax will give you relieve in just an hour or two so you can pee freely, but does not reduce the prostate size much(which is the the long term goal) where as Avodart slowly reduces the prostate size over months. Obviously, two two together will give you the best outcome.
Avatar f tn I'm a 50-year old male, who was diagnosed with MS in 2000. I've had two major flare-ups (exacerbations), primarily related to balance, spasticity, optic neuritis, and lack of sensation from the waist down. I've not had any lasting nerve damage, other than slightly off-kilter balance, occasional optic disturbances in my left eye, and dampened sensations from my knees to my feet. I'm still ambulatory and work 40 hours a week.
Avatar m tn Ok, here goes. This initially started 9 months ago w/ ejaculating blood. Went to internist and he said, "prostitus"... Went on cirpo for 2 weeks. Gone.. 3 weeks later and I felt like I was carrying a gallon of water in me. Turns out I was. I went to a urologist and he did a ultrasound on my stomach.. 311 cc's of liquid... After 4 months of carrying a gallon of water. 3 different antibiotics constant pelvic pain, always bloated, shooting penile pain...
Avatar n tn Flomax works by relaxing the muscles in the bladder and prostate, which leads to improved flow of urine and fewer symptoms of BPH. It indeed can have side effects like you describe. It's a relatively low percentage of patients, less than 4% that have these types of side effects but none the less, that could be going on for you. Before discontinuing the med though, talk to your doctor.
Avatar m tn When I developed gynecomastia (which is minor and I ignore) I lowered the dose of AVODART to one twice a week which is 8/month (from 15/month). AVODART has a long half life. Will 8/month still work? I wrote to GLaxo who make Avodart and they said what you said "ask your physician". My physician is very busy and I don't want to waste his time. My next appointment is in June and I will ask at that time if I don't have an answer by then.
Avatar n tn I've taken flomax for several years, and want to undergo cataract surgery. What should I expect? This discussion is related to <a href=''>Cataract surgery and Flomax</a>.
Avatar f tn s the downside. We have to have our prostate shrunk and medication that does it can also affect our penis. Have you had much shrinkage? Shrinkage can happen for different reasons. Even getting older an cause it, smoking, taking various medications (not just avodart), gaining weight, etc. Do you find you also have erectile dysfunction? Avodart, unfortunately, is associated with these side effects. It's unclear though how long they will last. What does your doctor say?
Avatar m tn However, I did discover that if I masturbated in the sauna at my gym (always alone), I sometimes could produce some *** if I leaned back and pressed my thumb against the base of my penis prior to the point of ejaculation. This did not always work, but it was great when it did. Since the combination of meds was no longer helping my symptoms, my urologist recommended laser surgery to reduce the size of my prostate.
Avatar m tn If you experience side effects or if you plan to discontinue it, it is best that you discuss this with your doctor, who knows your medical history and the management plan of your condition. Side effects of proscar include trouble getting or keeping an erection, decrease in sex drive, decreased volume of ejaculate, and ejaculation disorders. Take care and do keep us posted.
Avatar m tn I am a 61-year-old, white male. In the past, I had been VERY heterosexually active. I’m not gay. I am now in an exclusive, monogamous relationship and have been for quite some time. Three years ago, I was diagnosed with BPH, and prescribed a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. Urine stream improved. Frequency abated. I asked my urologist to consider putting me on the standard dosage of Depo Testosterone, strictly as an exogenous source of free testosterone, due to malaise, fatigue, etc.
Avatar m tn I am a male, and had 5-min sex with a woman I recently met at the end of September 2015. Biggest mistake of my entire life. In mid October, I started feeling a lot of pain in my penis, as if someone was pulling my urethra from inside. I was diagnosed with NSU, I had a slightly red meatus, and was given antibiotics. The pain did not go away, I went back to the doc and I was diagnosed (confirmed) with a UTI. I requested an HSV 1 & 2 IGG and IGM Herpeselect test at the 2 month mark.
Avatar m tn Fortunately, we have good ways of dealing with IFIS, such as intraocular epinephrine, viscoelastics, and the Malyugin Ring pupil expander. A sign of potential trouble is if the pupil doesn't dilate well in the office; this frequently indicates a more severe IFIS problem will be encountered at surgery.
1580703 tn?1651904887 It just relaxes the smooth muscles of the urethra to aid in smooth flow of the urine. Though flomax may lead to sexual dysfunction and retrograde ejaculation, the effects are unlikely to be permanent. Hope the information is helpful. Take care!
Avatar m tn I am 77 years old and have been taking Flomax for about 2 years. I have had cool thermo therapy for enlarged prostrate about 2 years ago. Unrination is really no problem anymore, but I have a problem with getting erections and now when I ejaculate I have no semon in me. Also have a runny nose mostly in the a.m. What is your advice and opinion for this problem. Thank you This discussion is related to <a href=''>use of Flomax</a>.
Avatar m tn Flomax can reduce the amouht of seman that you produce. It would be unusual though to have this production reduced down to zero unless the man was ejaculating very often. In general terms Flomax is a useful medication with very few side-effects..
Avatar m tn I would concentrate on finding the best cataract surgeon on your plan and make sure he or she has done dozens and dozens of Flomax cases and is very comortable with the management. Dr. David Chang in Los Altos, CA has written extensively on the best techniques to manage such cases.
Avatar n tn A related discussion, <a href="/posts/Urology/Flomax-no-Prostate/show/2081876">Flomax-no Prostate</a> was started.
Avatar m tn light headness after cataract surgery and Dr was told about Flomax of which I am still on 2 years later
Avatar m tn maybe Flomax only helps if you have a UTI though to better flush infected urine out? it seems though that the semen will empty into the bladder then and be flushed out of your system instead of going to the urethra so I don't know if that is good or not? I've read of long term loss of STRENGTH on Flomax and possible sexual dysfunction.
Avatar m tn t seem to be a great drug since it lowers blood pressure too much, I almost fainted on losartan and flomax. Is it true it permenently exhausts you and causes muscle weakness?