
Colonic obstruction

Common Questions and Answers about Colonic obstruction


Avatar f tn Colonic diverticulosis, and there is a bowel loop medial to the cecum which has.a slightly thickened wall. This is probably the terminal ileum and is incompletely distended. Also a few mildly prominent mesenteric lymph nodes. And atelectasis in the right lung. Could.this mean cancer?
Avatar n tn Not sure why you think you have colonic inertia because your doctor had a hard time performing a colonoscopy. Colonic inertia is extremely rare and indicates that the muscles of the colon do not function. It has nothing to do with the shape of the colon. You also do not develop this as a complication of surgery. I have colonic inertia and had my colon removed because of this 6 days ago. I am sitting in my hospital room as we speak.
Avatar m tn Hello all, I have previously posted about constipation and bowel problems and have been to see my specialist, and am wondering if anyone has suffered with similar circumstances and if they can help me with any advice. I'm a 30yr old Male, have had numerous obstruction operations and gangerine peritinitis ages 2. I hAve had numerous tests in the last 4 months: HERE is my diagnosis. Colonic Inertia (Large Bowel) Slow transit also in my small Bowel. pelvic floor dysfunction.
Avatar n tn Cramps in relation to bright red rectal bleeding may be suggestive of a partial colonic obstruction and very rarely suggest cancer .The possibilities that may need to be considered include GI motility issues as seen in IBS, infections, inflammatory bowel diseases, growths/ masses etc. You should seek consultation from a gastroenterologist to consider the possibilities mentioned above. Have a fiber rich diet. Once a specific cause is identified, it can be managed accordingly.
Avatar f tn She was having severe constipation and was found to have colonic pseudo obstruction. In August she had a total colectomy with an anastomosis between the small intestine and rectum. Since then she is still having severe abdominal pain, nausea, and even some constipation. We have found ourselves making many doctor's office visits, ER trips, and hospital admissions but no one has an answer for the pain.
Avatar f tn The other one would leave 6 – 8 inches of my sigmoid colon. Do you know which of these is most often done for colonic inertia? Is one more effective than the other? In addition, the one taking my entire colon would join the small bowel to the rectum at a right angle. The other one would attach the small bowel going straight down into the sigmoid colon. Do you know which of these techniques is best? It seems like going straight down would be but I’m not sure. Thanks much!
Avatar f tn She was having severe constipation and was found to have colonic pseudo obstruction. In August she had a total colectomy with an anastomosis between the small intestine and rectum. Since then she is still having severe abdominal pain, nausea, and even some constipation. We have found ourselves making many doctor's office visits, ER trips, and hospital admissions but no one has an answer for the pain.
Avatar n tn Focal area of bowel wall thickening in the ascending colon (series 2 image 50) could be physiologic, although colonic neoplasm cannot be excluded from this appearance. This finding was not present on the previous exam. A mildly enlarged and several mildly prominent mesenteric lymph nodes are noted in the right lower quadrant, which have increased slightly in size since the previous exam. For example, the largest mesenteric lymph node in the right lower quadrant (series 3 image 27) measures 1.
Avatar m tn Some of the tests that they will have you take are these ...a colonoscopy - where they look inside to see if there is an obstruction. A colonic transit study (a.k.a. a sitz marker test) where you swallow these tiny pellets and your then x-rayed. Then every day for a week you go back and get x-rayed again so that they can see how slow or how fast your colon is moving things through. Also, a defacting proctogram.
Avatar m tn Large amount of proximal colonic stool with moderate colonic stool distally to this. No fecal impaction or bowel obstruction.
Avatar n tn I’ll suggest an examination by a surgeon and may be some tests like an x-ray abdomen/CT scan etc to rule out the presence of a partial obstruction in the gastro-intestinal tract. Meanwhile, you can also try some enema to evacuate the bowels once. Maybe that sets everything right. You need to continue with the measures you’re following. I sincerely believe that helps. Please do keep me posted. Kind regards.
Avatar f tn Biospy report says Sections show of the colonic biospy show a sessile serrated Adenoma In which no evidence of dysplasia or malignancy is seen, also Present are seperate fragments of Colonic Mucosa showing the presence Of a lymphoid aggregate . Multiple Levels have been performed .
Avatar n tn 3 years ago I underwent a partial colectomy for colonic inertia, leaving me with about 5 inches of the sigmoid colon. The surgery and recovery went very well. I have been pretty much constipation free since the surgery having 2 bowel movements a day most days. 3 months ago, I began experiencing constipation on a regular basis again, have had continual problems with acid and bile reflux and severe chest pain that feels like a heart attack.
Avatar f tn Hi, Colonic inertia is a condition in which the nerves and/or muscles of the colon do not work normally. As a result, the contents of the colon are not propelled through the colon normally. The cause of colonic inertia is unclear. In some cases, the muscles or nerves of the colon are diseased. Colonic inertia also may be the result of the chronic use of stimulant laxatives .Please consult a neurologist for the review of the EMG results and get a nerve conduction study done .
Avatar n tn There is no clear cut association between hysterectomy and colonic inertia. Some of the causes of colonic inertia include inadequate water intake, inadequate fiber, lack of physical activity, increased stress, hypothyroidism, eating large amounts of dairy products, irritable bowel syndrome, neurological diseases and depression. Avoiding dairy products, warm liquids, fruits and vegetables and drnking plenty of water helps.
5153051 tn?1364441441 A recent defecogram revealed large 3 x 3 cm rectocele and moderate/large enterocele, which is causing the distal rectum to completely collapse on itself, creating a mechanical obstruction to evacuation of the stools. The defecogram also showed colonic and rectal dysmotility. Anorectal manometry was done yesterday, results are pending. In addition, I strongly suspect uterine prolapse (cervix is maybe 1.
Avatar f tn I have been told that regular colonic hydration is good for cleaning out the diverticula in a person with diverticulosis. How accurate is that? I have been wanting to go to a CCT, but was worried about it. Has anyone out there tried it? What was it like, and did it work?
Avatar f tn I am 50 years old and my surgeons which i have seen 2 and my family doctor say i have a classic case of colonic inertia. They want to do sugery in August. They will remove 80% of my colon. I have a slow moving digestive system and muscles that dobn't work in my colon. Any-one have anything similar. It is a life ultering treatment. I just want to feel normal again. Not bloat up every time I eat, and have tons of gas all the time.
5153051 tn?1364441441 I am a 28 year old female who has never been pregnant, but who has had a long battle with constipation. After having some real problems with constipation in early February, I have been diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse including a moderately large rectocele and enterocele seen during defecography. The enterocele actually causes the colon/rectum to collapse, obstructing complete defecation.
Avatar n tn Hello first I apologize if my English is not good I just moved in USA. I have had problems with constipation since I can remember my self.
Avatar f tn hi, i have resently been diagnosed with colonic inertia. i had the sitz mark test and my colon still had all of rings in at the end of the test. now my gastro is sending me to a colonectomy surgeon this thursday. my biggest fear is i do not want to have a colostomy. i have had a constipation problem all my life but its getting worse. my gastro dr. told me the older i get the worse this is going to get. i need help from anyone who is going through this and what i can expect.