
Coffee enema blog

Common Questions and Answers about Coffee enema blog


Avatar f tn Top 10 Dangers of the Coffee Enema The dangers associated with the coffee enema, green tea enema, coffee colonic (coffee or tea high enema), and coffee or tea suppository are as follows: Adding ingredients to the enema recipe (such as coffee, green tea, vinegar, baking soda, bath/epsom salt, or minerals) is not proven to do anything superior to the effects of plain saline. Inserting anything into the anus may result in anal tearing.
Avatar f tn My parents and I have been doing it over the past few months. We boil coffee to do enema with enema buckets that we have already. The reason I started doing it is because of constant fatigue, always feeling tired and of course, my bowel movements are not so constant. After the first time doing, I felt some improvement. After each time I do enema I feel better and better. Until the last few times I did I start to have this pain I mentioned, which worries me.
Avatar n tn Coffee should never be used an enema... perhaps you aren't familiar with an enema... you need to discuss this with your doctor. It's not a good weight loss option and I would not trust any doctor who recommended it for weight loss. Eating a healthy diet, with moderate exercise is the best way to lose weight.
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Avatar f tn Ugh!!! The joys of pregnancy :/ I am not a coffee drinker, so when I get constipated I drink coffee and it usually does the trick. Also, watch what you're eating. Don't want to be eating too much cheese...
Avatar f tn You can take medimucal but you might want to try a long walk, more fluids, a cup of coffee or most helpful might be changing your diet to more fiberous foods and cutting back on binding foods.
Avatar f tn A good cup of dark roast coffee always helps me. And don't feel weird asking those kids of questions here...luckily were all in the same boat and many of us have experienced constipation at one point or another during pregnancy...along will all the other gross stuff lol. Try coffee hopefully it helps. I know when I get constipated in get horrible pains in my belly so I will do anything to get things moving. Keep fruits in your diet to help keep it at a minimum. Good luck!!
Avatar f tn ( ive also tried strong coffee,papya,honey and lemon hot water, prunes but couldnt keep them down made me sick.. idk what else to do ...
Avatar f tn constipation is common but have you tried a cup of coffee or pieces of chocolate? I know it's caffeine but it helps my metabolism when I am really hurting!
Avatar f tn You could drink coffee, prune juice or apple juice to help loosen it up. Best thing to do is go buy a fiber mix & it'll help you go. If you're that backed up though I would recommend getting some medical attention before it becomes dangerous for you and baby.
Avatar f tn I had it real bad due to the medicine i was on and nthn helped meds milk coffee stool softer suppository but i ended up having to use an enema it sucked but i finally got relief
Avatar f tn A large cup of coffee does it for me but if you're a regular coffee drinker it might not help. Sorry that is the worst but it'll pass.
Avatar f tn I havnt been able to have a bowel movements in 4 or 5 days.. I hurt so bad so I went and bout stool softener and drink black coffee with chocolate bar.. what else can I do.. I'm in crying pain!
3245423 tn?1353501901 Constipation can b terrible i had to use n enema 1x a week during pregnancy cuz the meds i was on made me b backed up bad n no stool softner fiber fruit veggies coffee miralax m.o.m helped enema just got me by. my lil guy is a month n it feels so good to b regular again.
Avatar m tn by the way sugar and salts are just mental, i mean i dont use ny sugar and any salt, same my sister, after some weeks your own body balances and you feel the sugars and salts in the food now i am free not to use them and feel foods even more delicious especially coffee (well the bad quality coffee without sugar can be felt mmeditely and is disgusting but coffee with lil milk is ok and the sugar taste comes from milk)
Avatar f tn Fleet enema or supository it does wonders if your backed up lol
4489852 tn?1375753951 This is not a question, but I wanted to post my blog on here for other people to read if they wanted to. I had a hard time finding a chiari blog that was kept up to date and was current, so I wanted to start one not only so that i could have record of everything, but also so that other people could read my story and see that they are not alone in this fight. This is the blog I started in April.
1853014 tn?1340038575 I think this is the blog you are talking about. It is excellent. You can see there are many, many pages of valuable information. Plus it is written very well and has some humor too. http://hep-free.
1431138 tn?1294566894 Thanks everyone, but I have managed to go a little more but not enough to give me any comfort. The midwife from my dr's office told me that I can't do an enema. I tried coffee, because it usually gets things going but even that hasn't worked. I even tried apple juice because with me, too much of it gives me massive poops... Didn't work either.....
Avatar n tn herbs and concoctions, but there is a window of opportunity to treat this problem, and it is best to rely on your M.D. for advice in this respect. There is no evidence whatsoever that coffee enema will improve the condition. There are various degrees of impairment. Fortunately there are prescription medicine and surgical options. The medications seek to prevent further blockage. Herbal medications that inhibit clotting and promote blood flow such as Omega-3 fish oils are helpful.
Avatar f tn Just an FYI I learned the hard way not to let this issue go more than 3days as I ended up in the hospital with contractions and had to have an enema! Give yourself one at home before it goes that far.