
Citalopram joint pain

Common Questions and Answers about Citalopram joint pain


Avatar m tn Abnormal dreams, acne, aggressive behavior, alcohol intolerance, angina ( chest pain ), arthritis, belching, bone pain, breast enlargement, breast pain, bronchitis, bruising, chills, conjunctivitis (pinkeye), decreased muscle movements, delusions, dermatitis, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, drug dependence, dry eyes, dry skin, eczema, emotional instability, excessive milk flow, excessive muscle tone, eye pain, fainting, feeling of well-being, flu-like symptoms, flushing,
Avatar n tn I also started getting joint pain on my shoulders, its not a sharp pain on but just bothersome. I have no idea what is wrong with me, I am thinking that maybe the joint pain comes from the stress I feel because things are just not right. Before all this started I had a bout with depression and anxiety, I am currently on Citalopram 20 mg a day, but I still feel down mostly because of the feeling that this will never go away. Now all I hear is its in my head, but I feel it with out a doubt.
Avatar f tn I think it works well for my depression. I take a couple of pain meds now because my pain is kind of out of control. I was diagnosed with fibro 11 years ago. I also have arthritis and degen. disc disease, so my pain isn't controlled by the Celexa. As I said though, the depression is pretty well controlled by it. Hope this helps.
Avatar n tn You should call your pharmacist. That's what they are there for and it's free.
Avatar n tn For a few months I experience upper arm pain close to my shoulders when I lift my arms up. At the same time I have a constant sinus infection. Can there be any connection? What doctor should I see for my arms/shoulders? Second question. I was taking Selexa for two weeks and I got a bad skin rash. I stopped taking Selexa three weeks ago but rash doesn't go away. What can be the reason?
1451182 tn?1285107397 I have been newly dignose with HIV and have a T cell count of 701 and a viral load of 8 thousand and something I have also been dignose with depression a year ago. I just started back taking Citalopram 40 mg and I'm taking a vitamin B-Complex. I have been have moments of weakness,diharria, headaches, and chest pain for the last week or so. I just want to know if I'm doing something wrong?
Avatar n tn I am on Citalopram for anxiety and my dentist will not issue any pain medication to me for a root canal. What are my options?
Avatar f tn I have been on citalopram for a year and a half I got the valium to help with draw off the pain pills hydrocodone and. Oxycodone I'm just not sure if they are safe together??
Avatar m tn i have suffered from panic attacks 4 years but 4 the past week i have had chest pain and felt anxious constantly, is this normal or is there something wrong with my heart? I also take panic attacks out of the blue and thats what scares me, why do i take them 4 no reason? Im on citalopram but i dont think they r working, r they any good? Please help me its driving me mad!!!
695983 tn?1242774124 If you been on the meds for a while then you are getting ill, chances are it's not the med. Have you been on other meds in this class before? Citalopram is a good drug and the side effects are pretty minimal for most. I would get a full check up to make sure you rule out bladder/kidneys infections. Anxiety can cause tummy troubles, I've had the trots from anxiety in the past, and I've had peed more from that as well.
Avatar n tn On 5/28/2010 I was hit from behind and received a hard blow to the back of my head, cracked my scull, layed in ICU 3 days, came home 3 days later, no med. no pain. Went trough rehab, finished rehab good. About that time we found I had and inner ear problem. Dr. put me on Zyrtec and flonase . The Zyrtec about sent me over the edge. We stopped that.They than put me on citalopram an anti depres and Apprazolam. After two weeks we decied I was having side affects from citalopram.
Avatar m tn 1 mixture of (S)-Citalopram and (R)-Citalopram]; Escitalopram [(S)-Citalopram) is a pure enantiomer. The dosages for Escitalopram are typically 1/2 of those for Citalopram, and there are fewer side effects, suggesting that most side effects come from the (R)-enantiomer.'' Basically escitalopram is the new citalopram with less side-effects and requires only half the dosage and I think it is the reason for it's cheaper price. -http://en.wikipedia.
Avatar n tn Are you still taking citalopram? I suggest that you discuss your concerns with the physician who prescribed citalopram and determine if an alternative would be indicated. Also, if you are still experiencing symptoms and an MRI of the cervical spine was not performed, it may be worthwhile performing to evaluate for other possibilities such as transverse myelitis. Additional testing, such as a spinal tap, may also be recommended.
Avatar n tn My indigestion gives me horrible chest pain. Hiatus hernias can cause chest pain. Your doctor should rule out all physical possibilities and then get to work controlling that anxiety. Good luck!
Avatar f tn I am physically exhausted most days I still have 10-15 diareah a day, and I am now having swelling of my feet and hands and muscle cramps in my legs and joint pain in my shoulders. Before I got sick I walked 10 miles a day now I have to rest after getting the mail. The imodium cramps my stomach and the anti cramp drug knocks me out . are these side effects of these drugs ? will they dissapate? do I need to see another DR.?
Avatar n tn Hi, I've been suffering with some problems with anxiety for a long time and more recently they have led me to depression. Months back before I started really feeling the depression my doctor had me try out 20 mg's of citalopram. I was on it for three months and really didn't feel a difference in myself, so I decided to go off them. I did have some trouble withdrawing as it was quite the pain in the ***.
Avatar f tn I gained about 30 lbs on Citalopram. I work out and eat healthy. I just saw a new doctor and he believes the Citalopram is causing my weight gain. I have been on it for about 18 months. I am now taking half a pill of Citalopram in order to wean myself off of it. My doctor then prescribed me Bupropion HCL (take twice a day). He says that should help with weight loss. Has anyone had good experiences with Bupropion? Did you gain weight on Citalopram? Thanks!!!
Avatar f tn Hi I am getting bad burning/ tingling in mouth and also same on inner thighs and lower legs with pain behind my ears, neck , under arms and bot knees and elbows. I am on citalopram for anxiety but symptoms getting worse, any ideas?
Avatar f tn I have a 17 year old friend that takes Citalopram HBR 20mg tablets. He doesn't alway take them and was arguing with someone about that fact so, he decided to take some, yes plural... apparently he took all of the pills in the bottle his guess was around 30 of them. He did this probably almost 72 hours ago. He says his heartrate is sporatic. really slow sometimes and really fast others. He gets really cold. Sometimes goes numb(not sure exactly what he meant by that...
Avatar m tn About 6 months ago I was very constipated so I went to the ER and they did xrays on me and told me I was just constipated from anxiety. I saw my regular doctor and got put on citalopram 10mg. It did nothing for me so I went back recently to up the dosage and also to see why I was getting constipated again. My doctor told me to take 20mg and to add fiber into my diet. I think I went a little overboard will the fiber which made me very gassy and hurt my stomach.
Avatar f tn I started having joint pain a couple of weeks after gall bladder surgery. It is continually getting worse and in my shoulders, wrists and right jaw. My left hip joint has gotten better. The pain hurts really bad at night when I am laying and try to move my arms. I am also having trouble chewing with my jaw in pain. I am 63 years old and a Real Estate Agent. I never had a pain at all until after the surgery. I have always been in good health and don't drink or smoke.
Avatar f tn Joint pain refers to discomfort, aches, and soreness in any of the body's joints. Joint pain is a common complaint, and does not typically require a hospital visit. Arthritis is a frequent cause of joint pain.
Avatar f tn I got diagnosed with hsv2 last fall. After continual outbreaks my doc finally put me on suppression therapy. I've had weight gain depression and now joint pain. It's a 6 month dose and one month to go. Does the joint pain go away after dosage is done? Does the weight come off? I exercise regularly and eat properly. Depression I know is a mental battle. I just don't like the joint pain as I'm trying to get this weight off.
634590 tn?1293774093 As you know i took 20mg isotretinoin for 15 days and pain started in my right hip joint. Went to Arthopedic and he said it is infection. im now on antibiotics (one week on IV augmenten + oxidil and then on ciprofloxacin 500 twice) for last 5 weeks. Today i suddenly feel same kind of pain in my left groin (front of hip joint) . im wondering if there was infection in right hip joint how can that infection travel to my left joint even im on antibiotics.