
Citalopram and xanax interaction

Common Questions and Answers about Citalopram and xanax interaction


Avatar m tn I was just diagnosed with anxiety issues and they put me on xanax for the panic attacks that I can't control and also Citalopram for the daily use to keep me mello. They say I won't feel the full effect for a couple of weeks but I can feel like it's doing something because I don't have any attacks until about an half hour before I need to take my pill. So anyway I hope this helps, good luck.
Avatar f tn Yesterday the dr told me to stop taking the celexa and continue with the xanax. Which I can take up to 4 times a day. I tried citalopram 50 mg back in 2010-2011 but was taken off of it because of increased anxiety and also sucidal thoughts. We decided the dr and I to try a baby dose of citalopram this time and see if it would help. Because I am at a different place now than I was back then. So I have taken 8 doses of the xanax so far which has been half a pill every time.
Avatar f tn I had been on citalopram which work great 4my anxiety and nw pregnant.1st i got told to stop cold turkey with the citalopram which i did but i start getting extreme anxiety after afew weeks.and dr put me on prozac which is ment to be less risky during pregnancy.ive been on it 4 2weeks now.ive seen no improvement and im scared it will harm baby.i have constant physical anxiety all day my heart races and my chest has this horrible feeling of! What can i do to ease this?
Avatar n tn I take atenolol 100mg daily , and also citalopram ( an SSRI) 10mg daily, no problems whatsoever. Hope you feel better soon. I'm bias with citalopram because of all SSRI it is usually less likely to interact with other drugs and also has the least side effects profile, I feel like a new person since being on it.
1810386 tn?1405549577 Its great for sleeping with pain. But have to becareful with other meds. I had to stop taking it when tried citalopram and stuff like that. We aren't drs so best to call yours or ask pharmacist at cvs.
Avatar f tn in my expirience, drinking makes my anxiety/ocd worse for a few days after. I haven't drank in a year, but when i did, the next few days i was so nervous and anxious i couldn't function. and yes, xanax and drinking can cause liver and kidney problems over time, and in excess can cause overdose.
1451182 tn?1285107397 Yes I take citalopram and on the drug interaction list, you will see B vitamin supplements are a no no.
Avatar f tn Hello everyone I started having severe anxiety attacks two month ago, though I have suffered with anxiety my whole life. I have been on Citalopram for four days now and the side effects seems to be increasing. I am on a small dose, one quarter of a 20 mg tablet. I am suppose to go up to one half of a 20 mg tab today but am afraid to. I am jittery, have headaches, am groggy but panic when I try to sleep, have heat flashes through my upper body, my eyes feels strange...the list goes on.
Avatar f tn The sister drug to Citalopram is Lexapro, which I have been prescribed for depression, but only because I am on 2 mg per day of Xanax, which is the common medication for panic attacks and anxiety. Xanax is in the class of drugs known as "depressants", which obviously will make you "depressed" thus continuing the 3 ring circus of meds, one to depress you , another to fight the depression, and so on.
Avatar n tn Alprazolam (Xanax) and lorazepam are in the same class of meds called benzodiazepines and there is absolute no reason to take both meds..
Avatar f tn How many hrs were between the dose of fluconazle and Xanax ? I feel like death and I took the fluconazle one pill at 8 am and it's now 11 pm and feel like total blahhh!!!
Avatar n tn Hi, I use to take Klonapin which is like xanax and I use proventil. I never had a problem with it, but if you're worried you should ask your Dr. or pharmacist.
Avatar m tn You need to consult a doctor about your withdrawal from the Xanax. The new doctor should have reviewed your record and should have prescribed a substitute to what you were taking knowing this could be an Issue.
Avatar f tn I am on citalopram 10mg and xanax .25 four times a day. I have a med check on wed with my doc, though I may still call today.
Avatar f tn Hello, My doc has me starting citalopram for severe anxiety attacks. She has me on one quarter of a 20 mg tab for four days, then a half tab for four, three quarters for four days and finally a full twenty. Has anyone else started like this? The doc wanted to help me with side effects since I am very sensitive in the stomach. Will starting this slower make the theraputic effects take longer to show. I am desperate to feel normal again. I am on .25 of xanax to help with the transition.
Avatar n tn I started Citalopram 12 days ago. First week I took 10mg, then last Saturday started 15mg. I wondered if people have increased anxiety? I am having just bad restless legs, thoughts racing, but very spacy and forgetful, even though I'm super anxious. I have to take a xanax in the morning and at night to cope. The nausea SE went away, but wondered if this other is normal?
Avatar n tn I was wondering if anxiety can cause my chest pain off and on during the week. also i am on citalopram and xanax (when i need it), are those medications okay to take or are they harmful in the long run.
Avatar n tn t take it every day, but I do take it 5 out of the 7 days. I was on prozac for a year and then switched to 20mg of lexapro once a day. I want off the xanax and lexapro and know in order to do it right, you have to wean yourself off of it. What would the best way be to wean myself off of these medications so that I have the least side effects possible?
Avatar m tn In appropriate neurochemical, functional, and behavioural non-clinical experiments, escitalopram shows greater efficacy and faster onset of action than comparable doses of citalopram. The lower efficacy of citalopram in these studies is apparently due to the inhibition of the effect of the S-enantiomer by the R-enantiomer, possibly via an allosteric interaction with the serotonin transporter.
Avatar f tn It is safe for you to take citalopram with Imodium, there is no drug interaction between the two medications.
Avatar f tn I feel more nauseous. Could this just be from the weening of xanax (I was on it for about six weeks) and getting use to the paxil. I thought I found the right combo, now I am discouraged. Thanks in advance!
Avatar f tn I went to a pain management clinic for over 15 years but I cannot find a new clinic that will accept me because I take Xanax AND I CANNOT COME OFF THEM I have tried several times. My psychiatrist has even written a letter to some clinics stating I cannot come off of the Xanax but they still refuse to take me and want to put me on Suboxone and I do not know what to do. I CANNOT TAKE THE PAIN ANYMORE.
Avatar f tn I am prescribed xanax for anxiety (recently for anxiety and panic attacks) and I got doxycycline hyclate for a sinus infection yesterday from a small clinic. I completely forgot to ask if there was an interaction between these two drugs. I may not even have to take the xanax, only if I have a panic attack will I. Does anyone know if there is an interaction between these two?
Avatar f tn how many 20mg of citalopram equal 2mg of xanax? my doctor prescribed me both meds but .