
Ciprofloxacin for eyes

Common Questions and Answers about Ciprofloxacin for eyes


Avatar n tn Is it possible for ciprofloxacin to cause vitreous detachment and floaters? I had never noticed floaters previously, but after a 20-day course of ciprofloxacin I now have 4 or 5 floaters across both eyes and have also experienced flashing lights in my eyes when I am in a dark room.
Avatar f tn What antibiotic is better to take for a tooth infection/ absess tooth Ciprofloxacin or Bactrim?
Avatar f tn I don't know if I have Trich or not but I was wondering if taking Ciprofloxacin 500mg 2x daily would cure it?
Avatar f tn they gave her antibiotics by iv in the hospital, and sent her home with ciprofloxacin drops for her eyes. her eyes were red and swollen when she was diagnosed with this. all this went away for about a month. now it is back. im worried the mrsa is active again. does she need more antibiotics. i know mrsa is resistant to most antibiotics, but shouldnt you try them to see if they will work?
Avatar m tn Hi! I'm 22 years old guy, I have a pharyngithis and tonsillits for 2 weeks, the doctor gave me 5 day ciprofloxacin ( I don't know if it works for tonsillitis ) and 7 day nimesulide. In the second day taking the ciprofloxacin, my throat pain went away and until now just the pharyngithis and tonsillits persistis.
1413519 tn?1281818201 You need to call his doctor. Homatropine is used to dilate his eyes. He is getting an antibiotic (ciprofloxacin) and an anti-inflammatory medication (prednisolone acetate, a steroid). You are incorrect about the pupil still being so large and that implies that the prognosis will not be good. Pupils are dilated when there in inflammation inside his eye. Dr. O.
Avatar f tn first i wake up and i feel dizzy like a mild dull headache at the back of my eyes and a stiff neck at the back of my neck and head , making me feel quite dizzy and unbalanced , also if noticed that im getting like leg cramps and sometimes joint pain in my knees , also sometimes when im still or lying down i notice i get muscle spams and jerking , also my jaw can at times ( but i have braces and could have something to do with that) also my tongue can feel quite heavy , and my chest feels tight
Avatar f tn After I received unprotected oral sex and had protected vaginal sex I began to develope some problems. Within a few days a had a burning feeling in urethra,sore testicles and a couple marks on my penis. The marks are about 1/8 of an inch across and are oval. They are barely noticeable only slightly darker than the surrounding skin but are ever so slightly indented. I went to see my GP around week two after the incident.
Avatar f tn I have had problems with both of my eyes for over a year now. I have been to several eye doctors and still no relief. upon waking of the morning my eyes start watering and burning. I was told by my ophthalmologist to wash my eyes in baby shampoo and put hot compresses on my eyes. I have been prescribed the following: Omnaris Nasal Spray 50mg, Fluticasone 50 mcg nasal spray, refresh Ophtahalmic .2%, Tobradex Ointment 3ml, Ciprofloxacin 3.5, .3% GenTeal lubricant eyedrops and Lotemax .
Avatar m tn Hi! I'm 22 years old guy, I have a pharyngithis and tonsillits for 2 weeks, the doctor gave me 5 day ciprofloxacin ( I don't know if it works for tonsillitis ) and 7 day nimesulide. In the second day taking the ciprofloxacin, my throat pain went away and until now just the pharyngithis and tonsillits persistis.
Avatar f tn The first was for a possible bacterial infection on the eye and the second is for the white spots (infiltrates). It takes weeks to months for the eye to get back to normal. You should discuss glasses or refractive surgery (lasik) as an alternative to going back to contacts which are the likely cause of your problem.
Avatar n tn It is difficult to say if they are due to the underlying disease or due to ciprofloxacin. You should consult your doctor for a complete evaluation and diagnosis.
Avatar n tn There are numerous causes for eye discomfort upon awakening. Bedroom ceiling fans are a major culprit. You need to see an eye-MD for a comprehensive dry eye and blepharitis evaluation. There are many specific causes of blepharitis and dry eye, and this diagnosis is too complicated to be sorted out on an internet forum. Once you know exactly what is going on, check back for helpful practical advice on lifestyle changes and treatment options.
Avatar m tn Hi guys need your advice, i have just came back from malaysia and had watery stools for a week. Just visited the doctor and she gave me ciprofloxacin antibiotics for five days. My diarrhea still persists. She claimed its a bacteria infection.
Avatar n tn About 4 weeks back while travelling in Asia, I had unprotected sex & few days later a massage at a not very clean place. After that I started getting mild etching all over my body though it seems more like dry skin because there are no rashes, blisters, bumps or sores anywhere.
Avatar n tn Dear doctor, I returned from a trip to Asia in late November where I had had protected vaginal and unprotected oral sex with female CSWs. While there I was taking ciprofloxacin and azithromycin 500 mg daily for prophylaxis. Two days after returning, I noticed mild burning on urination, and next day there was a clear to slightly yellow discharge, in small amounts.
Avatar m tn In parallel, we did the semen analysis also at a Urology center. They have prescribed Ciprofloxacin 500mg for 14 days-2 dosage each day. At the moment I stopped taking thyroxine and taking only Cipro. Our worry is whether the hypothyrodism is causing issue in low fertility and motility or the infection in semen (for suggesting to take Ciprofloxacin) the main problem now? Is hypothyrodism resolved with the intake of Ciprofloxacin or are both different issues? Please clarify.
Avatar n tn I've been taking Ciprofloxacin for about a week. On tuesday I went to the gym for the first time in a while, and for the past few days my shoulder muscles have been sore. I saw on the instructions with my medicine that there's a risk of tendonitis while taking Ciprofloxacin, is this something I should be worried about? I wouldn't have exercised that much if I had known. The soreness has been getting steadily better.
Avatar m tn I had a swollen right testicle which was treated by ciprofloxacin 500g twice daily. The swelling went and the pain in the testicle reduced but then my left one started to hurt, is that conman for the infection to swap sides. I also have pain in my lower back and lower abdomen and very painful headaches. The doctor didn't seem to bothered about it or even check it over. They have prescribed me another 10 day course of ciprofloxacin.