
Ciprofloxacin and tendonitis

Common Questions and Answers about Ciprofloxacin and tendonitis


Avatar n tn I've been taking Ciprofloxacin for about a week. On tuesday I went to the gym for the first time in a while, and for the past few days my shoulder muscles have been sore. I saw on the instructions with my medicine that there's a risk of tendonitis while taking Ciprofloxacin, is this something I should be worried about? I wouldn't have exercised that much if I had known. The soreness has been getting steadily better.
Avatar m tn I took Cipro twice in 2009, I had rash, itchy and after that I had thighs,legs and buttocks pain with nerve pain. Is that possible from Cipro ? I'm still getting the nerve and legs pain. I had xray,hiv, herpes, stds and nerve test all came back normal. Any help!!!!
Avatar n tn As you are being treated for epididymitis you have to take some rest and antibiotics properly for a week and then you can always exercise and there are many other options of antibiotics and you can change to any other antibiotic as work outs are your passion. Discuss with your physician to change from Ciprofloxacillin. Do not lift weight and use proper foot wear, do not aggravate your back problem. Take care!
Avatar m tn I took ciprofloxacin (cipro) and developed what appeared to be a sun burn or chemical burn on the head and one side of my penis (upper right side). I had a bad cough with yellowish phlegm so the pharmacy gave me ciproloxacin pills and recommended I take 2 per day. Not 30 minutes after the first pill I felt a tingling sensation on the head of my penis. Once scratched (abnormally good sensation) the "itch" went away for some 5 or 10 minutes.
Avatar n tn Fluoroquinolone Antimicrobial Drugs [ciprofloxacin (marketed as Cipro and generic ciprofloxacin), ciprofloxacin extended-release (marketed as Cipro XR and Proquin XR), gemifloxacin (marketed as Factive), levofloxacin (marketed as Levaquin), moxifloxacin (marketed as Avelox), norfloxacin (marketed as Noroxin), and ofloxacin (marketed as Floxin)]" "FDA ALERT [7/8/2008]: FDA is notifying the makers of fluoroquinolone antimicrobial drugs for systemic use of the need to add a boxed warnin
Avatar n tn I have de quervain's tendonitis and have weak gripping and weak hands which is a problem when i hold my baby. is it possible to have back pains because of the tendency to use my body (while holding with my hands) to support the weight of my baby?
Avatar f tn I don't know if I have Trich or not but I was wondering if taking Ciprofloxacin 500mg 2x daily would cure it?
Avatar m tn I read online that the combination of Ciprofloxacin and Azithromycin can be dangerous. Is this still the case, if the last Ciprodose was one week before the 2g Azithromycin dose?
Avatar m tn Ciprofloxacin has been linked to rare but occasionally severe and even fatal cases of acute liver injury..... i m not a doctor but this is not assuring, our doctor always used agumentin, check with your doctor if that is suitable for your problem.
Avatar n tn Well with the discharge gone and not returning as of yet (knock on wood) it does mean it is getting better.
Avatar f tn He suggested I might have diabetes but the blood work showed Vit d deficiency. Can this cause neuropathy? I also have stiff joints and have had calcific tendonitis this year. Is this all connected? Thanks for your help. I feel I need a more holistic approach rather than seeing a neurologist, rheumatologist and endocrinologist separately! ( as well as a shoulder specialist or the calcific tendonitis!
Avatar n tn Sometimes you have surgery and bursitis or tendonitis sets in , most of the time a MRI and a EMG can tell you if you have nerve damage and muscle weakness.
Avatar f tn I was erroneously diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel and Tendonitis that didn't go away for YEARS that was leading to atrophy before I was finally diagnosed with MS and found out it was spasticity. I am in PT now to relieve the spasming and strengthen the muscles. I am slowly but FINALLY getting some relief.
Avatar f tn So now I'm on Levaquin for 3 weeks for a sinus infection. One of the side effects is tendonitis. I already have tendonits (both wrists) and everything has failed including physical therapy and steroid injections, i was referred to surgeon now as nothing has worked, have an appoint in November. Should I take the levaquin if i already have tendonitis? The sinus infection is bad saw ENT friday and put me on levaquin.
1090984 tn?1463769850 For the past 2 months I been having severe pain on the inside of my arm when it bends. I had my doc look at it a month ago and he said I hurt a tendon and recommended an arm band. The pain seemed to improve but now it's back and very painful, when when I bend my arm it hurts on the inside, when I sleep it hurts when I move it and when I wake up to stretch it. I have taken advil and vicodin without relief. I am tired of having my arm hurt!
1007423 tn?1251204456 Sure does. I've had cortizone shots and been to physical therapy. The physical therapist told me tendonitis and then posture. The thing is though is that it comes and goes - it's not constant. I had surgury for tendonitis in my wrist several years ago and the pain was very different, so I don't think that's what is happening in my shoulder, but what do I know??? Sorry I don't have an answer, but that is my experience.
Avatar f tn hola mi mama tiene 48 y tiene tendonitis en una mano , yo queria saver mas acerca de la tendonitis, dice que en las madrugadas se le ponen duro los 4 otros dedos y le duelen mucho . su doctor le dio unas medicamentos pero ya tiene un mes tomandolo y nada. ella corta cabello y no a podido seguir travajando por que le duele mucho la mano. si alguien save mas de este tema que es muy inportante pra mi , ya que quiero ayudarle a mi mama.
Avatar m tn About 5 weeks later I had a mri done and found out that I had ruptured a cyst and had tendonitis. Im still getting the cysts, I fell on it the other day again, and it ruptured a cyst, it hurt like mad. Now I have no pain. If it gets weak coud it turn in to carpal tunnel? If I were to have the fluid from the cyst taken out, whats the chance of it coming back? The cysts come and go. Right now I can see at the spot where the cyst was a kind of dark or discolored area. What is this discoloration?
Avatar n tn Hi: I have severe tendonitis is my left elbow, already had 3 cortisone shots, can't get any more per orthopedic surgeon. I am concerned that I will not be able to keep my arms over my head for the simulation. I was thinking of taking a motrin and an hr. later, a Vicodin, which I have for the tendonitis when it's really bad. Obviously I'd be getting a ride to and from the simulation. Since the simulation includes a CT scan, would that be ok?
Avatar f tn I have a sprained ankle and tendonitis in my wrist. All of a sudden, I am experiencing VERY FREQUENT SHARP BURNING PAIN on the side of my foot( the one with the ankle sprain) and on the side of my wrist (the one with tendonitis). Both happen to be on my right side. PLEASE HELP ME!!! Tell me what to do to STOP or at least RELIEVE this BURNING SENSATION!!! PLEASE!!! RSVP to me at: ***@**** you!
Avatar f tn I have since found out that I have tendonitis of the front and inside tendons. Now I am experiencing some pain in my calf muscle. Is this normal for this kind of injury and how much should I be using this ankle?
Avatar f tn My shoulders are back to normal strength now and feeling great, its has been 7 months and not a sign of tendonitis yet. My orthopaedic ran x-rays and its gone.
Avatar n tn When it gets inflamed due to overuse or injury it is called as tendonitis. There are different types of tendonitis like wrist tendonitis, knee tendonitis etc. According to the types of tendonitis, the treatment varies. But in general conservative measures including resting the area (avoid using during pain episodes) and ice application will help control inflammation and reduce swelling.
Avatar n tn Do cipro cause vaginal discharge and oder and disconfort in my stomach and back and sluggishness? This discussion is related to Discomfort after taking Cipro.
Avatar f tn What antibiotic is better to take for a tooth infection/ absess tooth Ciprofloxacin or Bactrim?