
Chantix news articles

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1096641 tn?1271707225 I used Chantix and didn't have any complications. I have never heard of headaches related to Chantix and I just googled "chantix and headaches" which brought up several articles but there was nothing that links the two (mentions of Chantix and headache on the same page). Just wondering Terry where you heard/read it? My husband suffered from cluster headaches and they were nothing like the ones you describe. His were so intense and lasted sometimes for hours.
Avatar m tn just long have you been taking Chantix, and can you stop taking Chantix without the need to have either a cigarette or a Chantix 'fix'??
Avatar f tn I will tell myself if i clean the kitchen then i can have a smoke, or if i got to get up and make dinner then i can reward myself with a smoke. my DR, is putting me on chantix does it work or am i waisting my money?
Avatar f tn I am ready to quit, and noticed you said you took Chantix. would you recommend this pill? How long after being on Chantix did you actually stop smoking? I was prescribed bupropian, and wonder if maybe Chantix would be better.
444932 tn?1273980797 I am now on day number 8 of taking Chantix - still smoking but have cut back. Yesterday, I started the 1 mg twice per day dose and within an hour of my a.m. dose, started itching like crazy. Benedryl gives some relief. It continued throughout the night and this morning. I do not have hives, difficulty breathing or anything like that - just itching that is driving me crazy. Anyone else had this problem with chantix?
Avatar f tn I used Chantix for my quit but had no ill side effects. Hindsight, I probably wouldn't use it again because of all the negativity so what I would suggest is if you have already gone 2 days without a smoke, you might want to consider stopping the Chantix. You are still going to have a physical withdrawal regardless of how long you use the pill though I don't know to what degree, all I can say is that I had a rough go of it.
1096641 tn?1271707225 and I really don't think of smoking all that much. I am taking Chantix and for me its awesome...takes away my desire for a puff. Not 100% but so much that i no longer obsess over smoking. I've changed some smoking habits...when i take the dog outside in the morning, i have my coffee instead of a cig, on the way to work I drink out of my bottle of water, instead of lighting work, I eat an apple, take a walk, or brush my teeth when my 'smoke time' comes...
540521 tn?1221699706 You will find that everyone on this board has quit with different products and some even cold turkey. My choice was Chantix and though there is so much negative talk about it, it worked for me, and I am truly grateful! I smoked for 38 years and found that Chantix curbed my urges and eventually, I was able to stop completely. That was 8 1/2 months ago. If you really want to prepare yourself for your quit and down the road to protect your quit, keep the whyquit.
Avatar m tn First thing...stop the Chantix. Yes, in many people even those with no history of major depression Chantix is proven to have the potential to cause depression. There are better ways to stop smoking than to alter your brain chemistry.
444932 tn?1273980797 I just started taking Chantix yesterday. I have heard lots of great things about this medication and how much it helps, but I've also heard lots of scary things - bad dreams, depression, suicidal/homicidal thoughts, hallucinations. Obviously, I chose to ignore all those things and take it anyway b/c I know me and I know that I need something pretty powerful to help me quit. I also quit taking pain pills four days ago.
Avatar f tn I took chantix for 1 1/2 months and experienced a little gas but that was all. I quit taking chantix 3 days after my last cigarette and that was 9 months 1 week and 4 days ago. I think I should consider myself one of the lucky ones as all I hear on this board is how bad chantix was for them! Outside of this board, I knew a dozen or so people who took it, and none of them had anything more serious then gas and bad dreams! I hope you start feeling better real soon and I hope that you have quit.
Avatar f tn I smoked for 38 years and I decided to give Chantix a try. So many people were singing its praises. Well, its been 1 year and 1 month since I put that last smoke to my mouth. Given your other problems you might want to try the patch. If you can, cold turkey is probably the best way. The physical withdrawals only last 3 days. Read the articles at whyquitdotcom under Joel's library.
393419 tn?1228447393 I was fatigued (another possible effect of thyroid) and the chantix gave me more energy. I eased into the chantix and when I was near the end of the treatment, I weaned off slowly. My husband also took Chantix, but right after he started, he read some of the articles about some possible side effects and he panicked and in spite of my warnings, stopped it cold turkey. At the same time, he quit taking his anti-depressant and I can't describe the problems he had.
950277 tn?1247274551 My mother in law went on the chantix program. She was a smoker of over 50 years. She has been on Chantix for 3months. She actually lights her smoke but does not smoke it. She does this twice daily. She really has quit. It is amazing!
Avatar f tn Today I have 1 year of not smoking cigarettes. Woot whew! I used all the stuff to quit including zyban, patches, chantix and nicotine gum, in that order. I’m chewing 3-6 pieces of 4 mg nicotine gum per day. I told myself that after 1 year of being smoke free, I would deal with my gum addiction. The plan of course is to wean myself off of the gum. I thought I would start by cutting the 4 mg in half and see if that works, the problem is I love the gum….
Avatar f tn I, too, smoked for over 40 years. Between that and severe acid reflux, I had built up excess tissue on my vocal cords, to the point that I could hardly talk. I'd gotten to the point that it was so painful to even make sound that I tried not to talk as much as possible. I was sent to an ENT, who said he could remove that tissue (it wasn't cancer, but he was sure it would be soon), but he wouldn't touch me until I had quit smoking for 2 months.
Avatar m tn I too quit with Chantix and my side effects were minimal......bad dreams and a little stomach upset, but it was a small price to pay for getting back my life, which, after smoking for 40 years I never thought would or could happen : ) In addition to Chantix, I also found, which supports a "cold turkey" quit....everyone has access to the articles regardless of the method you choose to aid in your quit.
Avatar f tn Long story but I started smoking at 15 and I will be 36 on the 16th. My husband quit cold turkey at Christmas. I am taking Chantix. I started it once before and it was starting to work but I didn't stick with it. This time I am dedicated to never smoking again. I have had a hard time in the past becuase I feel sooo sick the first couple of days and I hate that feeling. This time I have decided to just deal with it.
657423 tn?1227280657 I can go from 8 am til 1pm without a cig. then after the 1st i just keep smoking them all day long. I have only been a hardcore smoker for about 10-11 months. But I have been smoking off and on for the past 4 yrs when i use to do drugs. So my question is will it be any easier for me to quit since i haven't smoked for long? Also should i get chantix from my doc.?
Avatar f tn You have no choice so you must do it. I'm sure if you ask anyone here, they will all tell you that they tried multiple times, with different things. You have to change your whole attitude about quitting and what you should be asking yourself now is this: Do you want to live. If you answered yes, then you know what you must do. Please visit whyquitdotcom and read through the articles in Joel's library.
403399 tn?1201833095 tapering NEVER works so either cold turkey or the patch. I use chantix and it worked really well for me, but it is expensive and many have had complaints about it. The first step to take is to log onto whyquitdotcom and prepare yourself by reading the articles. You really have to get yourself emotionally ready for it....the physical withdrawals only last a few days, but the mental addiction is the hard part.
Avatar m tn m heading for a weak moment where I will light up. Could it be because I finished the Chantix therapy recently. Is this physical or psychological? This is bothering the heck out of me. I feel so much better since quitting. I DO NOT WANT TO SMOKE! but the demon is trying to wear me down. Any advice is appreciated.
Avatar n tn It is really no different than using nicotine gums and meds like Chantix. And I did google it and read, but was wondering if anyone had tried it successfully or knew any information re: health. Thanks for the support.