
Chantix anxiety

Common Questions and Answers about Chantix anxiety


Avatar f tn She felt that the nicotine withdrawls, combined with the side effects of the Chantix is what caused the severe anxiety.
Avatar f tn But I still am in trouble after stopping Chantix 7 weeks ago. Pretty nuts, a change from smoking 40 years, Effexor, Chantix, and Prozac. Should I quit every drug and start over?
Avatar f tn There is no magic pill, even with Chantix you have to stop it at some point and yes, you will have withdrawal and anxiety, all the same things you would experience with a cold turkey quit....maybe a little less intense, I don't know for sure, but you will have to experience some so you better be determined to quit. You have to take control back from the addiction. Be in charge and make sure you fight with everything you are. It is never easy but it is possible.
432312 tn?1265644974 I have been bi polar all my life... DX since I was 16... I have been off my meds for the last 4 or 5 years and have been coping. well I also have MS and I got Pnemmeonia so the doc wanted me to stop he put me on chantrix.... long story short here it is 4 months later and I can't get ahold of my moods...
444932 tn?1273980797 I just started taking Chantix yesterday. I have heard lots of great things about this medication and how much it helps, but I've also heard lots of scary things - bad dreams, depression, suicidal/homicidal thoughts, hallucinations. Obviously, I chose to ignore all those things and take it anyway b/c I know me and I know that I need something pretty powerful to help me quit. I also quit taking pain pills four days ago.
984138 tn?1359813073 DON"T DO CHANTIX. My son, 19, took chantix for 3 months and the research was not done on young people. He did quit smoking but at a great risk to his health. It has been 10 months of hell since he went off the med. While on the med he has mild side effects but after many blood tests, a positive ANA and anxiety/panic attacks - he is slowly getting healthy again. We did not do our homework and the result was a very sick young man.
Avatar n tn Thanks but, the Chantix reference was just an example, I never took Chantix, but learned about it's side effects during my research
Avatar m tn I hear chantix is a miracle drug for those who want to quit smoking. I think they are the same company that makes some antidepressants. However, I also read that people became suicidal on it and heard that people actually commited suicide. I have severe anxiety and other related mental problems and am so scared to take that drug but I need to quit smoking. Anyone who is on antidepressants took chantix?
Avatar m tn First thing...stop the Chantix. Yes, in many people even those with no history of major depression Chantix is proven to have the potential to cause depression. There are better ways to stop smoking than to alter your brain chemistry.
444932 tn?1273980797 Sorry to hear that you had to quit the chantix. I guess I was one of the lucky ones! There are no quick fixes and even though chantix made it easier, there were still withdrawals and cravings. If you have had success using the patch then you really should try that again, read and post to the board when you are feeling vulnerable. Good luck!
Avatar m tn t know if I am suffering from depression or not, however I have been always unhappy with anxiety issues, my unhappiness was due to my family and work stresses.
Avatar f tn The family doctor has finally agreed that these symptoms are negative effects of the chantix and he needs to go on anxiety med and see a counselor. I have read on other blogs that other users are still fighting symptoms after years off that drug. Has anyone else been fighting the effects of this awful drug? We are emotionally devastated to see what was once a strong, healthy, active young man turn into a bundle of nerves and anxiety.
Avatar f tn I started having problems in Oct 2008 after taking Chantix for about a month. I quit taking the meds because I had a really bad reaction to it. I was angry, very emotional and thought of suicide. I have never been this way before and didn't like so I stopped the med. About a month later I had an episode where I was having slurred speech (alot) and I would drive to work and then sit there and think "how did I get here". I couldnt remember driving. This lasted or about a month.
Avatar m tn Everything sounds like symptoms of anxiety. Chantix can trigger psych issues and there is supposed to be warnings on it because of this. You are a great guy to care so much about her and be so understanding. My boyfriend always tells me to exercise, eat vegetables, and go to be early. I guess those are good suggestions but when you are anxious it is hard to want to eat and go to be early...
Avatar f tn hey kathy, i had forgoten to mention that i also tried the chantix. because i'm on a anti-depressant i had a bad reaction to the chantix. my real issue here is to go cold turkey or taper. my history of success is taper.but with smoking i think i'd have to have some sort of aid. my husband quit , used the patch 1 week and has'nt smoked in 3 years. my personality is different. i have anxiety issues. it's ingraded in my mind the thde cig takes away the anxiety.
1134609 tn?1269272200 Also there is that drug Chantix. At my office we have had patients on it and it really does work. It blocks the receptors in the brain or something so your body doesn't want the cigarettes. But, it is a prescription and you should ask your doctor about it. (It does cause crazy dreams and stuff so best to talk to your doctor.) I would say cold turkey for you is not a good idea. Good luck!
407029 tn?1253992623 does anyone know if chantix is hard on the liver? im taking it to stop smoking before TX? anyone knows of anyone who took it does it work?
1096641 tn?1271707225 I used Chantix and didn't have any complications. I have never heard of headaches related to Chantix and I just googled "chantix and headaches" which brought up several articles but there was nothing that links the two (mentions of Chantix and headache on the same page). Just wondering Terry where you heard/read it? My husband suffered from cluster headaches and they were nothing like the ones you describe. His were so intense and lasted sometimes for hours.
Avatar m tn just long have you been taking Chantix, and can you stop taking Chantix without the need to have either a cigarette or a Chantix 'fix'??
Avatar f tn So your on both suboxone and chantix? Do you feel wierd or anything? Ive heard things about chantix like it causes nightmares and suicidle thoughts. Im kind of scared. Do you really feel good? How long have you been on suboxone?
Avatar f tn My friend just quit taking Chantix due to the inability to handle the side effects. She has noticed that since quitting the Chantix alcohol has effected her differently. While on the Chantix she noticed the effects of alcohol tokk in quite quickly where now she seems to have a tolerance that was not there before. Is it possible that theh Chantix caused her intolerabilty to alcohol?
596605 tn?1369946627 Hi I am on Chantix to quit smoking and quit a few days ago. I am very tired so tierd that I cant even turn on the TV.. Is this a normal side effect from going off nicotine? This is the third day that has been like this. I was a heavy smoker before at 1 1/2 packs a day for 30 plus years.
Avatar n tn I would not think that Chantix would affect your thyroid, but everyone is different. Are you still taking Chantix? I am assuming not. ALso, I feel compelled to mention that I too had the symptoms you had, except for the trouble breathing, and my vitamin D level was extremely deficient. You may want to get that checked. Wishing you the best.
Avatar m tn I quit smoking using Chantix as well. I am only 1 month non-smoking. I only took Chantix for 9 days as on the 9th day I found out i was pregnant. So I was non smoking and pregnant, to only two weeks later miscarry. I am not too sure if its from the hormones, or from the symptoms of not smoking, but i was extremely irritable, it was almost to the point that everything i that came out of my mouth was snappy. I developed insomnia right from the get go from Chantix.