
Cefdinir diaper rash

Common Questions and Answers about Cefdinir diaper rash


Avatar f tn I took a 10 panel std test prior to the test I was taking Cefdinir although I stopped taking it 5 days before testing would the cefdinir affect the results which were negative.
1265027 tn?1284839951 i took him to the dr tuesday and he had a double ear infrceion. she put him on CEFDINIR and said there was a 5% chance hed have reation and wednesday (after 3 doses) he broke out in an awful rash. just like he did when he was 11 months old from the penicillin,. he is 2 and a half now. I took him to the dr and we stopped the medicine and i began the 4-6 hrs of benadryl i just want to know how long will he continue to break out? he goes between 6-8 hours and then will break out.
Avatar f tn Could just be a regular diaper rash, butif it's not going away it could be a yeast diaper rash. If regular diaper cream doesn't clear it up within a few days, talk to his doctor. You may need a special topical cream (possibly Nystatin cream) if it's a yeast diaper rash. You could try a little cornstarch to keep his bum dry and change his diaper often. Also, keep it clean and give it some time to air dry too.
Avatar n tn I just had a new born on 10/13/15...when I change her diaper she has this RED rash on her buns wit a little bit of blood...
Avatar f tn Someome please help me. My daughter has a bad diaper rash i keep putting on rash cream and i think it gets worst :( i dont know what else to put on her or do? She cries alot and is very irritated by it. If anyone knows please help and let me.know thankyou.
4654179 tn?1595183520 My poor baby has suffered on and off with diaper rash. I've changed diaper brands and have been using Destin religiously. Any ideas that could help?
3930380 tn?1357887113 Make sure to keep her clean and dry. Bath her before bed time and use burst bees diaper rash ointment. With my daughter she rarely got diaper rash but when she did it sees nothing would make it go away we literally bought a bottle of every ointment and burst bees was the only thing that would make a difference. Walmart and target have it.
3062924 tn?1350414109 I'm a ftm and my daughter has a diaper rash. I put destin on her when I change her n try to change her every 2 hrs or so. Except at night. Instead of getting better it looks worse. I was gonna go to the dr but theres a blizzard. Any other ideas to help until we can get to the dr???
Avatar f tn What is the best cream i can use for diaper rash ?? My 15 month daughter got 1 and idk what to put on her ..
Avatar f tn So I stopped shavin dwn there for a la'while because it's kinda tender & tonight I decided to shave. Anyways, I took a mirror to look dwn there ( it's jst somethin I have a habit of doin ) & I saw wht looks like a diaper rash. I have a Dr appt tmrw so I plan on askin her wht can I use but have any of you ladies experienced this & if you did, is there anythin tht you can suggest tht I can use or do for it ?
Avatar f tn diapers asap I bought huggies n ever since tht my sons had a diaper rash.? Has anyone experienced this too?
Avatar f tn Sorry your little one is having diaper rash. My first daughter got diaper rash when I tried being fancy and bought her Huggies Supreme. I realized she was allergic to it and I switched her to LUVS. I've always used this powder call Caldesene, its in a pink bottle and you can find it in any CVS or Walgreens. It is so good it formulated to keep moisture away from their skin. You can use it on prickly heat too.
1194973 tn?1385503904 Does anyone know if a diaper rash can itch? Or is it possible a yeast infection can? It seems slightly silly to call her doctor about it, so I was hoping to get an answer from you ladies.
9182722 tn?1403784024 The Vaseline is a lubricant to help keep his bottom dry to prevent more rash, the fungal/yeast creams help because many times baby will have test contributing to the rash(yes even boys) and the diaper cream helps with the rash too obviously and the cortisone helps with inflammation (don't use too much it's a steroid), I would also add you should call and confirm(quick call should be fine) with his doctor that this will be okay for your baby (I sing know your baby or any medical conditio
Avatar m tn My son is 2 months almost 3 and he has the worst diaper rash ive ever seen. It all started when he got some kind of virus which we had to go to emergency room for (cause of all the diarrhea) and they told us that it "just needed to run it course". well since hes had this virus (and its been for several weeks) hes had nothing but diarrhea and this diaper rash is steadily getting worse. It's at the point if you wipe it with anything it starts bleeding.
94902 tn?1330479667 A. DIAPERS - Pampers - everything else has leaked like crazy and had blowouts. Using Swaddlers for now, but have bought Cruisers for the next stage. Wish I could cloth diaper but my hubby says NO! B. WIPES - Pampers and Huggies so far. Cash hasn't had any problems with these, so I just use whatever I have a coupon for. C.
Avatar n tn My daughter got a diaper rash last month when she was 10 months old - it looked really bad. I took her to doc and she said it's a yeast infection and prescribed a cream. I used it on her for almost 1 month. It went away, but now she's 11 months old and it's seems like the rash is creeping up every time she goes poopy - even if I change her 2 mintues later (right after she's done). What could it be?
4525717 tn?1355897888 Could be a rash, maybe keep some cream or vaseline on him as a precaution against diaper rash , has he got an anywhere else on his body ?
432737 tn?1358549432 t use it in case it is a yeast infection and not diaper rash but I knew it was diaper rash because if the diarrhea. DH and I stopped using all wipes and decided that at every diaper change we would run him under the sink sprayer. Boy did he like that better. And, we'd let it dry for a couple minutes and powder with corn paste, nothing else. Well, Jack had diarrhea through the night at midnight, 1 and 2 a.m. We groggily rinsed him every time and powdered with starch.
Avatar f tn I only use pampers. Huggies my son leaked out of and all the other brands caused him to break out in a rash. So I've stuck with pampers for my daughter and I'll be using them with my next baby as well.
Avatar f tn You may want to try a few different brands of diaper cream to see what works best for your baby. The A&D with the blue label worked best for mine, as well as the Burt's Bees diaper cream. Desitin made my babies cry as soon as I applied it, so I tossed that one right away. My first seem to get diaper rash more often than my second baby. I used diaper cream whenever their tushie looked a little red. If there was no red or pinkness, I'd skip it. Seemed to work fine for them.
Avatar f tn One time, while we were dating, I sort of got a diaper rash feeling down there. I was on my period, and I had five minutes to get to work, and I forgot to change my pad. I ended up wearing the same one for way too long. But diaper rash symptoms also sound like herpes so I don't know. The diaper rash thing happened two months ago. I just got my herpes blood test back. It was an IGG test. I got an antibody count of 1.03, and they want me to get retested because it was inconclusive.
4654179 tn?1595183520 For those already moms, whats the best diaper rash cream out there? There is so many brands are out there. I bought the Destin (spelling) and was wondering if that's was a good kind.