
Bumps under the arm

Common Questions and Answers about Bumps under the arm


Avatar f tn for about four years now I have had these Bumps under my arm I have used topical creams prescribed by my doctor, had them drained and still they are reoccurring. When I get them they leave me in pain and exhausted they also throw off my equilibrium. Is there anything that I can do? One doctor suggested I remove my sweat glands but still there would be no guarantee that these bumps will not come back.
Avatar f tn I also do not want to go to the beach because of my razor bumps on my stomach and bikini line. Nor do I want to wear a tank top to the gym because of bumps under my arm. I sometimes have to take antibiotics. Recently started taking bleach baths. Laser is not an option right now. I have Medicaid so I need something insurance will cover . I am white and a female. Natural Blonde hair on my upper arms and some of my eyebrows/ eyelashes but under arm and pubic area very coarse dark thick hair.
Avatar f tn just last night i was checking my breast and under my armpits for i do once a night every month , but when i was feeling my left armpit ..right above where my hair grows ..there's this huge lump there kinda feels like a little hill..and its got me worried , it only hurts when i push on it and when i do, i feel a lot of little pea size bumps ..but it doesn't hurt ..unless i push on it ..i'm scared because cancer runs high iin my family ..
Avatar n tn I noticed a few days ago after shaving that I had a bump under my arm. It was only slightly sore at first but was yellow/white full of puss. It easily sqeezed out. I usual get razor bumps; however this time the minor bump turned into a large lump under my left armpit. I've noticed a dimple in the middle of it. The lump is sore and tender and inflammed. Should I try to drain it again even though it's very very very painful and won't budge?
Avatar n tn After the bus ride I went inside and felt the pain again upon shifting my arm. So I reached under my arm to find a bump about the size of the head of a Q-tip. I had no idea what it was. Looking around on the internet I found that it could be one of many things. Apparently there are lymph nodes under your arm that swell as they fight infection. My main fear is that it could be cancer. I've never shaved my arm pits.
Avatar f tn I have a rash on both my arms (the part that touches the armpit) that has been evolving for several weeks. Early on, it was large bumps (1-1.5cm x .5cm) on the armpit itself, now it is small bumps on the skin that surrounds the armpit. On the right arm it's about 3.5cm (from the start of armpit up the arm) and about 1.5 cm (on the perimeter of the armpit only on the right side)They have always been reddish, and itchy. I also have a patch of the rash on my chin, under my lower lip.
Avatar f tn I woke up this morning with 4-5 superficial sore bumps under my right arm and 1 under my left arm. My husband has them too. What could have caused this?? Really weird. Im guessing some sort of contact dermatitis??? Just odd because that is the only location that either of us have them. Any ideas/suggestions?
Avatar n tn I'm.african American I'm 19 years old and I have this dark bump under my arm but under my armpit its itchy also sometimes or when I touched it I guess please help me...
Avatar n tn i have a small bump under the skin in my left arm hurts to the touch and im just wondering it this is an allergy or what is goin on.
Avatar f tn I felt my armpit and found hard bumps or lumps and they are pea-sized and painful to the touch. There is about 10 under the right armpit. The skin is slightly red and I also have them under my left armpit, but only about 5 of them. They are painful to the touch as well and slightly itchy. The pain feels prickly and tender and it hurts more when I move my arm.
Avatar f tn He says the bug is under his skin biting. I know what hes talking about because I had the same problem. Mine went away. There is no bumps. Just a biting feeling that lasts a long time. Think about a tiny, tiny bug with sharp teeth. What could this be? Is that what scabies are? Thank you for your help.
Avatar n tn My 8 year old has a cluster of white bumps on his arm and under arm on the left side only. They do not itch or bother him. They are white and hard. What could it be?
3234592 tn?1349819177 Thank you very much this has helped a lot. The itchy red bumps are completely gone, the bumps went away faster then the itching and the redness. But all is well now, it didn't spread to anyone else, so thank you for the advice.
Avatar m tn It is only on the right arm and the left arm is slightly red , but no pain . It does not itch , just hurts a lot when I move my arm around . They are like long red bumps that hurt on the touch . I saw a pharmacist and she said it could be a fungal infection. She said I might have to use "Lamisil Cream" , which is a lot of $$. The problem is I don't have coverage and I cannot afford this cream at the moment.
Avatar m tn A long-term (chronic) condition causing red, tender bumps in the skin of the armpits and/or groin. The bumps often turn into abscesses and can cause scarring over time.
Avatar f tn I have skin bumps in a round shape, the bumps are dark brown(my skin color is brown) and they are not quite raised but not quite flat either. They are on the inside of my upper arm. I have 2 sets of round bumps and 1 set of bumps not qiute round but in a custer. They look like little pimples but do not hurt or itch. I have tried acne wash, tea tree organic oil treatment, and a medicine insect bite treatment.
Avatar n tn I have this under both my armpits, inner thighs and under both of my breasts. I've had it for about 6 years now. I've been diagnosed and it is something called hidradenitis supprutiva. Not much research has been done on it though. The ones I get under my armpit are the most painful. I've done my own research and have found that bactrin and zinc tend to help the flare ups happen less. I hope this helps!
1550620 tn?1294062543 Treatment of this condition needs to be individualized to the specific situation, after assessment of the extent of the problem.Goals of treatment would be to try to prevent further swelling, measures to relieve pain and discomfort, and prevent further problems such as skin breakdown and infection.You may want to check in your area if there is a specialist who works with persons with lymphedema, who may be able to offer other suggestions for your individual situation. Best wishes...
Avatar f tn and Sometimes I will also get red bumps behind the ear that also itch and on the forehead (but they never turn into a ring) It occurs the same time the back develops. NOW, I have a red circle under the has been here for 3 months. I've gone to numerous doctors and finally a dermatologist who did not recognize the skin condition, but said something with a "C"...he called in his assistant to take a look at it as well....
Avatar f tn I know for a fact these are NOT ingrown hairs or razor bumps. Sometimes the pain has gotten so bad when I have these bumps under my armpits that I cannot even lift my arm up to raise my hand in class. Anyone know what this could possibly be? Thanks for any help.
Avatar m tn Hello, It can be a small cyst or lipoma under the mole. They may occur anywhere on body but scalp, ears, back, face, and upper arm, are common sites for sebaceous cysts. Blocked sebaceous glands, swollen hair follicles and excessive testosterone production will cause such cysts. Since it is under a mole, hence get it evaluated from a dermatologist.
Avatar n tn but they seem like they are spreading, you can feel like a pea sized lump under the skin and on the top of the skin it looks like a really large disgusting zit, some of them have puss coming out of them, I assume because I keep picking at them trying to pop them. what is it? how do I make it stop spreading? I covered them with a pad and neosporin because they hurt when my bra rubs against it, should I leave it uncovered?
Avatar f tn my doctor said the placement was unlikely anywhere but the mucous mebranes and by the time i went to see the doctor the bumps were completely gone from that morning. The doctor said it was just irritated skin... I think he's right... i'm going to stop worrying now.
Avatar m tn I have big red bumps under my Armpit. It started out as a rash, and then a few big bumps formed on my arm. Then weeks later they have doubled. They get red when I sweat or when water hits them. Now it's to the point to where It hurts to lift up my arms and it feels like boiling water hitting them when I take a shower. I'm only 15 years old. Please help me?
Avatar n tn After applying antifungal cream (Lotrimin AF), the area started clearing up and shedding began under the other arm. Should I take her to the docter or just keep on with the treatment. I took her once already but the treatment did not work. Please help my baby!!!
Avatar n tn For the last year my pores have enlarged and I have many white bumps under the skin on my right side of my face around the chin, jaw and top of the cheek bone down to the jaw with a few a couple in the middle of my right cheek. They arent hard bumps and most if squeezed while produce a white string substance and it never goes away. I wash my face morninng & night and have tried every type of face wash hoping to find my cure. Can you please tell me what this is and how do I get rid of them.