
Bumps on feet

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Avatar f tn Since the time I took off my socks until now, my feet are breaking out in excruciatingly itchy red bumps. It wakes me up from sleep and I can't stop itching them at work.(embarrassing) what can I do to, first, find out what it is, and secondly, how to reverse this rash back to normal and itch-free?? Thank you!
Avatar m tn By Tuesday evening I noticed that I had formed itchy blisters along the inside of both feet, more on the right than the left. There were also some small ones forming on the toes. All are very itchy. I looked around on the internet, finding things such as dyshidrotic eczema, but also read that blisters like these could be symptomatic of syphilis. I saw my primary physician on Wednesday and explained the situation and my concern given the timing.
Avatar f tn I have developed a new problem at I wondered if anyone else has.... I have been getting itchy bumps on my feet. They are similar to blisters but some seem to come to the surface of the skin while some remain below the surface. THEY ITCH LIKE CRAZY! Sometimes I can't sleep due to the itching. Sometimes my palms also itch but they do not blister they just turn bright red. Does anyone have this problem? Maybe it is not connected with MS. Just wondering if I am the only one with this problem.
Avatar f tn I have notice small patch of bumps on my wrist. Which are slightly red and brownish red they don't itch or anything, and its on one wrist. I also notice small red bumps on sides of both feet. I am thinking its a allergic reaction but not sure, because I have sensitive skin. The bumps or not on the palm of my hand or the sole of feet. I am freaking out any ides.
Avatar m tn During the summer months, I get small itchy blisters on the arches of both feet. The blisters come in groups of 2-5 and they are very itchy. When I burst them, a clear liquid is released and the itchy desists. The burst skin then dries and peels. I have been getting these for many years and would like to find a permannent cure.
Avatar m tn Hello. I have had these bumps on my arms and feet and fingers for a few years. They do not itch. They do not hurt. They do not weep. I am concerned because it is my understanding that clusters of bumps like this are caused by a virus, and these bumps started to show themselves after I became sexually active (I always wore a condom). I do not have insurance, so I will not go see a doctor, but I hope posting my concern along with pictures here will help out.
Avatar n tn I have small bumps on my hands and feet. They are extremely noticeable after soaking or under light, otherwise they are hard to see. They do not itch, they do not hurt, they are just there. How do I get rid of them? The picture is a close up of my hand.
1468158 tn?1363026295 They itch very lil but they hurt like crazy I have 5 on my right foot all on top and 2 or 3 on my left, one on bottom one on top. Theres also one on the back of my calf. I cant wear shoes I can only wear flip flops. They've been here for about a week. I have no idea.. it just hurts.. help.
Avatar n tn Ever since high school I have gotten these bumps on my hands and feet a few times a year. They start showing up under my palms and on my feet, and soon spread to being clear bumps with clear liquid inside between my fingers and on the sides of my feet and toes. I sweat a lot on my hands and feet, and that is where they show up. They do not itch, except when they get really bad, like lately- then my palms and sides of my feet itch like crazy.
Avatar m tn For about a year I've been getting bumps on my hands, feet, and groin. The bumps look similar to a blister but are NOT liquid filled and when broken open the skin is dry and scaly underneath. For the most part they do not itch, burn, or hurt but very occationally the bumps itch severly and once the bumps on my hand felt as if I had been hit with a hamer everywhere they appeared. They made my thumbnails feel like they were going to blow off. As a result my thumnails had the same bumps.
Avatar f tn A few months ago I started developing red bumps on the tops of my feet. Some are in rings and some are just individual. The bumps are smooth and no skin is flaking off. They do not itch or hurt. I have tried neosporin, cortizone, anti-fungal, etc but nothing has any effect. The bumps are now appearing on the backs of my hands and spreading up my ankles as well. The bumps seem to be under my skin and are a dark pink/red color. I am concerned at how quickly they are spreading.
Avatar f tn Yesterday I noticed bumps on the tops (not palms or soles) of my hands and feet. Today there are more of them. Because they're really small, they would barely be noticeable if not for the red color. They basically just give my skin a bumpy texture. On my hands, most of them are on my right hand, on the sides of each hand where my thumbs are, and between my top knuckles and nails. There are less bumps on my feet and most of them are on the sides of each foot where my big toe is.
Avatar f tn The bumps are on my hands, feet, buttocks, waistline, arms, legs, and genitals. The worst bumps occur on genitals, waistline, and buttocks. I originally thought it was scabies, but nobody in my house at school has been affected at all..and I have seen no track marks on my body. I have noticed the itching becomes persistent when I am hot and my skin is moist. Please help!!
Avatar m tn if you have same thing as red small bumps are they itching if so did you go see a doctor or what?
Avatar f tn Though you can feel them if you rub over my feet. Lots of small bumps all over my feet including my toes and sides. The are extremely itchy and they kinda of hurt. So much that is uncomfortable to wear shoes. It has been quite hot lately so thought it might have been a heat rash though it appears to be getting worse not better disputed trying to keep my feet cool.
Avatar f tn Now a week ago after being in a salt water pool for a few hours I started itching on my palms and soles of my feet. The next day the bumps started on my fingers and also on my palms but they itched severely. After two days I couldn't stand the itching so I bought over the counter anti itch hydrocortazone cream. At first it seemed to relieve it but hours later it burned. Each day the bumps spread and grow and are hard and tight. My knuckles are also tight.
Avatar m tn Hi guys.I woke up in the middle of the night two nights ago with my foot itching randomly. so I kept scratching it and it was red but no bumps. Then the next day the bumps were pink all over my left foot. Now they're dark red. can the hiv rash just be on your left foot and no where else on your body? its like dark red bumps only on my left foot or is it probably a bug? I don't feel sick otherwise.
Avatar n tn I have small bumps (a mm in width, uniform and circular) on the tops of my feet, and a couple on the backs of my hands (probably 10 or so on each foot, only 2 on each hand). The bumps are skin colored, and barely raised off the surface. They are easily missed if not feeling for them, or not looking for them. They have been there for years, and they seem to be asymptomatic in the sense that they cause no other problems and I am in perfect health.
Avatar f tn I have red bumps on my feet and some on my legs and knees after being in the sun. Is this a sun allergy? It only happens when I am out in the sun. They burn and are itchy. Will a certain sunblock help prevent this? Or what can I do?
Avatar m tn I started getting bumps yesterday and they have shown up on my hands, feet, upper body, back, neck, and face (especially forehead) Nowhere else. They're very small skin-colored bumps. They only itch a small amount if u touch them. They're not tender. Feels weird when i clench my fist and if i touch my face. They're raised but not very much. Not fluid filled. I have no allergies. I've been eating eggs 3 days in a row if that helps. Thanks!
Avatar n tn My ex started to get itchy bumps on the lower half of her body around the beginning of december. she itched them and they spread to her back, arms, etc... i would rub anti itch on places she couldnt reach. we still had sex this whole time also. when she itched them too hard( ones on legs) they would break and blood spots would show up and more bumps would appear. we broke up about a month after these itchy bumps showed up on her.
Avatar m tn Red, semi-raised bumps can be seen on the tops of my palms and around the finger joints, but only on the bottom of my hand. On the tops of my hand are smaller, less reddened blistery bumps. Later in the day, while running, I noticed the same sensation on both of my feet that felt just like athlete's foot has when I have gotten it in the past. This morning I woke up with both hands broken out and my feet slightly swollen.
Avatar n tn have a few raised bumps on my foot. the do not hurt and I would never know they were there if i couldnt see it. I had them for years and I am just curious to know what it is. I have a picture for you to review.
Avatar f tn ve been reading the forum threads - very helpful - but no one has noted my exact problem, which is itchy bumps on the palms of my hands. Not red, or white, they seem to come from within. My Dr. said they are probably not bites, as insects do not break the skin of the palms (too thick), and thinks it might be an allergy (to WHAT???). He gave me some corticosteroid cream (this one has Fluocinonide), but it hasn't helped much yet (have used it for a little over a day).