
Bumps on children

Common Questions and Answers about Bumps on children


Avatar n tn My three children have bumps on chest, stomach, back, shoulders and a few on there face most bumps are red but some are the color of there skin what could it be?
Avatar n tn hi, my child has small injury on his forehead; we applied dettol on the injury part-- which caused a black mark on forehead; Can anyone help us in how to over come this
Avatar f tn I have a 5 year old little girl who has bumps/blisters on her butt. She had bloodwork done and it came back positive for both hsv1 and hsv2. The pediatrician prescribed an antiviral but it didn't touch the "rash" and she said I shouldn't be too concerned. However, nothing was making the bumps go away, so I took her to the dermatologist. He did cultures, bacterial and viral. The bacterial one came back positive for staph, but the viral has not come in yet.
Avatar n tn But I have noticed about 4 or 5 months ago few tiny bumps on the bottom of my vaginal opening, where it meets the perenial area. They don't seem to get any larger or really itch or anything, and if i run my finger across them they amost feel flat. They are lighter than the surrounding skin, but I'm guessing moisture may be to blame for that, as they don't always seem to be.
Avatar m tn Hello. I have noticed small red & white bumps/blisters/warts on my 5 yr old daughters skin. She has about 20 of them in total around the tops of her thighs & backs of her knees. I went to the dr & they gave me Betnovate for a week which has had no affect whatsoever. I remember a friend of hers at school had moluscum 2 years ago (but has been clear for a long time now), could this be what it is? If so, what is the best treatment for children?
Avatar f tn Okay, so although I don't exactly remember where it could have been from, but I think I have posion ivy. It's very possible since I've been wearing shorts lately. It's the redish bumps that have turned more hard now so I think they've dried out on my lower inside butt area. However, I think it has now spread to my labia! Is that possible? What should I do?
Avatar f tn They have been discussed in great detail here and you can acess the discussions on both adults and children by using the search feature and archives. She needs to see a pediatric ophthalmologist. Fine one at www.geteyesmart.
Avatar f tn Some time during my last pregnancy I my husband noticed a bunch of dark colored spots on both sides of my labia I have counted 14 on one side and 9 on the other. Since then I have noticed that many of them are raised and hard. These range in size from a pin point to the size of an eraser. The larger ones are the ones that are raised and hard. I do not have any itching or discharge. I only get yeast infections if I take antibiotics. Luckily.
Avatar n tn A couple of days later, after I got out of the shower and took my second day of zithromax for a sore throat, I started to notice immediately 2 bumps on my hand, three bumps on my other hand, two on my foot and two in my mouth on my tongue. I don't know if this is a cross between a dermatological problem or an oral problem. I have never had a reaction like this while taking the z-pak, however, I am allergic to Keflex and Sulfa.
Avatar n tn I have two toddlers, 2 and 3 years old, the past couple of weeks they have had these blistery bumps on the buttocks area. The bumps are filled with yellow puss and when popped they bleed a little and then there is a tiny hole left on the skin that will scab over. Both toddlers butt cheks are filled with these bumps.
Avatar f tn The outbreaks occur at least 3 to 4 times a month and last for about 3 days. The rash is a red raised bump on the back of her legs, ususally about 4-6 bumps on each leg and up near her butt. They are about the size of a nickel or quarter. The doctors ruled out ring worm, and say it is a form of eczema. But the cream and ointment they gave me for this eczema has never worked for her. It also seems when these bumps appear, she gets tiny red bumps near her eyes and gets a runny nose too.
899169 tn?1242617019 I have had these small bumps on the back sides of my hands for about 5 years now. They itch, not constantly, mostly when it is hot. they are not red they are the same color as my skin and some kinda white looking. my skin is pinkish around the area, but not bad, I believe it is from the itching. There are about 100 of these small irritating bumps. when I first noticed it about 5 years ago, I thought something had jus bit me a bunch of times, but I had it the whole summer.
Avatar f tn Thanks for you information. These spots are no Itchy and they are not bumps just white spots on the skin. Have you ever heard of putting dandurff shampoo on these spots or tree tea oil?
Avatar f tn I have had a problem with watery bumps appearing on my fingers for years they would appear as watery bumps that itched and burned like crazy then would blister and the skin on my fingers would blister and split is was so very painful but I got treatment for it and it doesn't bother me as much the bumps still appear from time to time but my doctor gave me a very strong steroid cream and some pills for the itching and I just try my best not to scratch or rub them when they start to itch and it
Avatar n tn This summer I had little red bumps under the skin on my hands and feet, My feet were so bad that I could not walk for 3 days, I went to emerg where they diagnosed me with having an allergic reaction and sent me home. Now its sept. and I have water blisters on my hands and feet and my nails are falling off so I went to the doctors today and was diagnosed with hand and foot fungus! I now have to take a drug and I have to get tested for liver problems while on it and am extremly worried!
341137 tn?1287305043 Hi, my daughter who is eight started with four tiny bumps behind her knee, they looked like tiny pimples but without any liquid inside, the doctor prescribed her with some antibiotic cream, but they didnt disappear, I took her back today because they have now spread and she has about 12, and it looks like she is breaking out on her back with about fifteen. I looked up Moluscum on the the internet and they look a little bit like that.
946143 tn?1245856825 t know if it went to my hands or what, but last week I saw tiny bumps on my middle, index, ring, and pinky finger on my right hand. I put alcohol on them and covered them with bandaids. They went away in a couple of days. But today I saw the same thing on my left hand. They weren't there yesterday. They are very hard to bust, but when I busted one, clear liquid came out. They don't itch or hurt at all.
Avatar f tn Itchy, red bumps on the fingers may develop after contact with any allergen. Scabies can cause itchy red bumps on the hands and finger webs. Fungal infection will cause bumps, scaling and itching. If there are blisters it is possible that it is due to dyshidrotic eczema. A correct diagnosis will help in deciding the exact treatment for your condition. Consult a dermatologist. Do keep me posted. Take care and regards!
Avatar f tn Most of the warts have been on her stomach and upper leg, and a couple on her arm. The pediatrician has looked at them and burned a couple of them off, but they didn't go away. He said they would go away on their own. They used to be very bad but are mostly gone now. This morning I noticed that she has lumpy red bumps all over both knees and both elbows. They are reddish and do NOT itch or hurt. There are probably 50 to 100 bumps in all, of varying sizes.
Avatar n tn It is best that your child be isolated from other children at home. Most rash in children are viral in origin. Adequate rest, plenty of water intake and good ventilation will be able to help.
Avatar f tn t think there is any reason children would be on klonopin unless maybe they were having seizures...GOOD LUCK on this one!!!
Avatar n tn We then had house guests (2 parents and a 3 year old) and the 3 year old and mother got the bumps (about a half dozen for each). While they stayed with us the bumps spread wildly on my 1 year old including to her scalp and back of the neck, and surprisingly and extensively on the mother (abdomen, under breasts, arms, and bikini area and chins). The house guests departed after staying at our house for 3 days, and their bumps began going away within 24 hours.
Avatar m tn till the next one year i dint notice or had any complication such as pain,itching or wart but now then i noticed 3 bumps like pimple on the head of my penis glan. they are very small tiny bumps and when my penis is erected i can even feel them as pimple with my fingure.i even applied imiqued cream on the head of my penis for 6 weeks. i showed it to 3 dermatologists they said it is nothing and it is even not related to hpv as its on the opening of the penis and warts dont come over there.
Avatar f tn Now a week ago after being in a salt water pool for a few hours I started itching on my palms and soles of my feet. The next day the bumps started on my fingers and also on my palms but they itched severely. After two days I couldn't stand the itching so I bought over the counter anti itch hydrocortazone cream. At first it seemed to relieve it but hours later it burned. Each day the bumps spread and grow and are hard and tight. My knuckles are also tight.
Avatar n tn ) and have something that seems different from dyshidrotic eczema or scabies - have had sudden onset (2 days) of small (pinhead) to 6 mm bumps/red areas that have formed on tips (pads) of some fingers, some near dist. interphal. jt creases (palmar), and medial surface of 1st metatarsal head both feet. They are intensely painful like fever blisters on lip and seem to be forming fluid filled craters in the centers. Some are raised, some are flat.