
Bumps behind teeth

Common Questions and Answers about Bumps behind teeth


12934254 tn?1427839628 Right now my gums at the top behind my front teeth are swollen. They looks like swollen bumps. It happens to me every pregnancy because of the hormones and baby taking all of my nutrients from my teeth. Maybe thats what is going on with you?
Avatar f tn they are on each side of my mouth in front of my tonsils near where your mouth stretches from the top to bottom part right behind where my wisdom teeth should be. However I do not have any. What could these be?
Avatar f tn I look and there is a rash on the roof of her mouth, behind her 2 front teeth and her right molar... when anything cold aggrevates it. I wanted to know if this could be a reaction to the medicine?
Avatar n tn My teeth ache all the time and sometime the pain gets so bad it hurts behind my eye in my head and in my ears.Some of the teeth have small holes forming on them and one has a black spot. The others have since broke in half or close and have black bumps exposed and whenever i eat or drink anything it hurts terribly. This wasn't that bad until i got pregnant now it is so much worse. What can i do? I brush my teeth 4 times a day i floss and i gargle with warm salt water and listerine.
Avatar m tn Hi Grace, now i have about two medium sized sores on the gums behind where my wisdom teeth should be. They are whitish/yellowish in color and are somewhat painful. The area around them (and they are about a cm or two apart) is also pretty red. How can I tell whether these are canker sores or cold sores? Thanks, I really appreciate you answering all my questions.
Avatar n tn Where did you hear that listerine and or hydrogen peroxide will increase your chances for oral cancer? I too have a small bump behind my lower teeth, I've had it for about a year now, seems to be getting slighly bigger each month. In addition, I also use hydrogen peroxide daily, listerine at times. My dentist told me hydrogen peroxide is fine to use daily, actually good for your oral health, as long as you use half peroxide and half water.
125112 tn?1217273862 Hello Doc, Ealier, I had written to you regarding what seemed like irritation to the roof of my mouth, just behind my top front teeth. This seemingly coming after drinking some hot soup. As it was, this did come after (time frame, not sure but not too far after) I had my front teeth drilled on. At any rate, I left it alone. The tenderness is pretty much always there but really, seems to come in "waves." Meaning, sometimes it feels worse.
Avatar m tn I get bumps/swelling on my face/head too. The doctor did a sonagram and they said everything was "normal". I've had this twice. Once on my left temple and once behind my right ear. One "specialist" told me it was TMJ and to see a dentist for exercises to help.
Avatar f tn Let me preface this by saying that I realise how low the risk is and read the countless responses of it. I had oral sex, both gave and received from a new partner recently. 5 days later and I started getting mouth ulcers on my tongue, clusters of them and they're painful. Googling them, they're called 'lie bumps' sometimes and can go with stress, dietary changes etc.
Avatar n tn Sexually transmitted diseases, cancer and allergic reactions are some medical conditions that can present symptoms of white bumps on the lips. One common cause for white bumps on tongue is yeast infection. In this condition white bumps may appear more like white patches that are painful when touched. White little bumps can also be caused by an inflammatory condition called oral lichen planus.
Avatar n tn For several months now I have experienced the roof of my mouth (just behind my two front teeth) being swollen. I went to my dentist and she looked at it and did notice the swelling. I tried to explain my symptoms: Teeth and gums tingle, roof of mouth swollen, kind of like dry mouth (not thirsty though), tongue will not leave the swollen area alone.
Avatar f tn The bumps are still visible. My gums are still swollen and irritated at the front two teeth to the point where my bottom teeth are hitting my top gum (I have a serious overbite). To compound this, after I'd seen my family doctor, my gums became very sore on my right side directly behind my molar. It hurts to chew there and is more irritated on the bottom jaw than in the upper jaw. With my tongue I can feel a fairly hard lump in the location where my wisdom tooth would have been.
Avatar n tn I have had the tori since I was a child, I agree with so many others that xrays are painful, I saw an oral surgeon today due to the fact that my teeth are loosening due to gingivitis and will have to have the tori and the teeth pulled and get dentures. I asked him today about the tori and he advised me that it is hereditary, usually nothing to worry about unless it is painful to talk or eat.
Avatar n tn But just lately my wisom teeth started growing out even more and the lower ones are impacted(epecially the one on the right side) , and I started feeling pressure behind my ears and most mornings when I wake up the lump behind my ear feels extra hard and slightly bigger, but throughout the day it goes down and the pressure goes away.
Avatar n tn So for about two years now, I've had these bumps located directly behind my ear on my skull. I went to a doctor about 8 months after they initially showed up and he didn't really know what they were. He said to wait a while and see if they go away on their own. I'm pretty sure that they're swollen lymph nodes. I feel completely healthy and have had no past history of any health issues.
655242 tn?1229472744 For years I have thought I had TMJ but just recently I started having right sided pain like headaches that go behind eye and into temple, cheek pain, teeth pain, neck and throat pain. I was stretching my neck when I felt a tight band like thing under my jaw. It is REALLY tight too...feels like a rubber band stretched until it is about to break. Is this my stylohyoid ligament? I was trying to figure out what the heck it was and this is the only thing I could come up with.
Avatar m tn Hello, while recently looking for tonsil stones I noticed a couple of lumps on the skin behind my tonsils (I'm not sure what that area is called?). I've had the feeling of something in my throat, so that is why I was checking for the stones. I didn't find any stones, but I'm curious about the lumps. They don't hurt, per se, but I'm not sure if they're supposed to be there. I've had heartburn for the past few years, could that be the cause of them?
Avatar n tn hi, i am 23 years old and i have a tooth growing behind my top teeth. I'm going to the dentist Monday, but I'm freaking out because I'm scared I might loose my big front tooth. Has this ever happend to anyone and what happend. I don't have any insurance, so who knows how much this is going to cost. This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/421180'>Bony lump underneath gum, behind lower front teeth, in front of tongue</a>.
Avatar n tn More than a month ago, after my bath I noticed two bumps behind my left ear, I was putting a towel on my hair and when it pressed my head I felt some pain. I thought maybe was a bite, but it weren't red or even had something strange, were two small (medium to large, considering the size of stuff on a face) hard bumps, like pieces of bones and with the same skin tone, nothing different.
Avatar n tn I have recently noticed that the two areas inside the lower part of my mouth behind the bottom front teeth are swollen. The areas flank either side of the strip of skin attachd to the underside of my tongue, which I think may be a salivary gland?. They are connected to the lower jaw bone on each side. Each side feels hard like bone, yet are shaped roughly like small grapes. It is becoming harder to eat due to food irritating the swollen areas. Could anyone shed light on what this may be????
Avatar m tn Do you have any problems with your teeth/molars? Have your wisdom teeth come in fully--or are they impacted in anyway? Wisdom teeth are a common cause of ear pain in that area..especially when they are trying to come in, or are impacted. You're at the perfect age for them to start bothering you if they are coming in. Best wishes!
Avatar n tn Hi, I am a 20 year old male. I have had a hard lump behind my right ear for years least 4 or 5. It feels like part of my skull but it is not on the left side of my head so i know that it's not. I asked my doctor about it when i was younger and he said it was a swollen lymph node and should go away at some point. It never did, however, it also never caused me any discomfort so i never got it looked at again.
Avatar m tn Most studies and research show that your wisdom teeth should not and cannot move those front teeth. There are people who don't have wisdom teeth who's front teeth crowd and shift. It sounds like you may possibly having gum disease. When was your last dental checkup and cleaning? If its too expensive, try to contact your local dental society, find a local dental school or hygiene school, or free clinic with dental services. You may be able to find discounted or free services.
Avatar f tn The side where it is the mouth skin right in front of your lower teeth. Inner lip. They are very small bumps can only see when I really pull back skin. This normal? Glands or something?
Avatar n tn I now have a few bumps behind my ear, hairline and 2 on the neck but it just feels like bumps, It itches, Is it possible to feel like you are so sick and nothing to drink or eat. How long do I have to put up with this?
Avatar m tn I have the same problem! Saw 2 ENTs and noted it to 2 other different doctors. No one seems very concerned. 1 CT scan showed nothing concerning, though they did not my parotid gland was bigger on one side than the other. Now the last month it hurts in this area and it's hard to sleep. It's hard to tell if it's the lump causing it, or because I grind my teeth at night, or my back problems I have...
Avatar n tn Does she have her two lower front teeth? maybe they are rubbing behind the new teeth where the tissue is tender and making it more tender? A lot of kids grind their teeth until they have teeth in the back for a good bite. The incisive papilla that the dentist was referring to is usually behind the two front teeth right in between them. Not usually behind one or the other. Does she get upset just because you are in there and she is having to be still or is she crying more if you touch it?
1334539 tn?1275846746 t make it before the abcesses kicked in. He had a couple teeth pulled and some bone was left behind. Shortly after he started getting bumps on his hands and arms. He went to dentist a few times and dr. once. He took antibiatics, but was in a lot of pain. Eventually he said it was getting better, but I saw them the other day and they aren't. The dr. wanted to do some blood work, but his biggest phobia is needles so he said no. He lied to us and said the doc didn't know what it was.