
Budesonide for maintenance of remission in crohn's disease

Common Questions and Answers about Budesonide for maintenance of remission in crohn's disease


Avatar f tn Hi - sorry to hear of your Crohn's diagnosis, but as a 38 yr "survivor", you can lead a happy and full life with this disease as there are so many new drugs available, other than steroids, which was the only med prescribed for Crohn's until about 10 yrs ago. I had a month or so on Entecort (budesonide here in England) but had a severe rectal haemorrhage and was hospitalised on IV steroids and needed blood transfusions.
Avatar f tn As far as I understand current IBD protocols, steroids are only used short term to bring about remission, but we need an immuno-suppressor drug (Remicade, Humira, Cimzia) for maintenance of remission. I do know what I am talking about and steer clear of well-meaning people who advocate stopping prescribed meds and using alternative medication. Aloe vera will not stop the immune system from over-reacting - if it did, all gastros would be prescribing it.
Avatar n tn I know I have something..have always struggled with constipation and gut father has UC and our daughter was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in Jan-08 - not in remission yet - we are going through the whole medicine thing - still hasn't found the one that works yet....she has chronic constipation with her condition...and I just feel like **** sometimes...I can't afford to be sick....
Avatar f tn s is incurable, but eminently treatable - - it is often a question of finding the right medications that keep the disease in remission, or at least, under control without debilitating symptoms. Personally, I would be be very wary of using Chinese herbs, since they are not subject to the normal protocols prescribed allopathic drugs are, and could be harmful. I am not quite sure what you mean by "holistic doctor" - what kind of treatments/medications are you thinking of?
Avatar f tn I have been having symptoms of a Crohn's flare, severe nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss of 18 lbs in last 6 weeks,steatorrhea, pain in mid chest and right upper quadrant. Had CT scan 2 weeks ago which showed significant inflammation in terminal ileum and old pancreatitis with calcification. Gastroscopy last week showed oesphagitis.Biopsies taken. MRI scan Nov 2007 showed two strictures in small intestine.
776872 tn?1247938680 Thank you so much for both of your replys, i've only been on the pred for 3 days i've been going toilet way less,but still feel like i need to go but nothings 'coming out' last night my body woke me up with muscle spazms not sure if that was to do with the pred,today i also got a stupid headache so i slept this off and now that's gone.
Avatar f tn In the early stages of UC, various steroids, immuno-suppressant or the newer biologic drugs are used to keep the disease in remission, and one would pray that her disease is non-remitting. However, if it causes serious diarrhea, bleeding or weight loss, surgery may be needed to resect the damaged parts of the colon. There is a new surgical procedure "J-pouch" that in the event of a colostomy, can bring tremendous relief from the UC problems.
Avatar m tn I hope some doctor responds to your question. The thickening in ileum and small intestine could point towards Crohn's. Are you still on steroids and/or anti-inflamatory meds? How about your CRP &ESR. Mine would keep fluctuating I.e. High with a flare and going down after meds for a few days. It would be a breakthrough case if you have correctly been treated for Crohn's and now correctly downgraded to IBS...someone with medical training pls respond.
Avatar f tn I am still curious over my recent diagnosis of Crohn's. I am going to a GI next week and I am hoping he will get me on the right track as far as medicine and treatments. As I have mentioned before, I have none of the 'major' symptoms. I never experience diarrhea, pain, bloating or loose stool. I pass a normal bowl movement twice a day around the same time of day. IS that normal? I am assuming that is not too often...
Avatar n tn I am self not one of those people,but i do know someone that had surgery and and was in remission of 15 yr no diet change no meds and not one single symptom of crohn's and last month had a bad flare up and was in the hospital.So i would go to a GI and confirm it but if it is crohn's it is life and no cure so i hope that was your one and only flare and experience with crohn's it not easy life when you experience it on a daily basis.
Avatar f tn Dr. diagnosed me with UC 2008. He put me on prednisone for three weeks. Thereafter, he did not prescribe maintenance medication to keep it under control. Now, I have seen another doctor for UC and he says I have crohn's disease because no maintenance medication was prescribed originally. I have been untreated for UC from first doctor one year. Has anyone been in this situation?
Avatar f tn s, just one of those blips, and taking Arimidex, which does not protect the bones like tamoxifen does, the bone density and pain in my hips, hands and feet has got exponentially worse in the last 4 yrs. Steroids are not the best meds these days for long term remission but great in the short term for bringing a flare under control. The sooner you can get off steroids, the better - they will bring a flare under control, but are not good for long term remission from Crohn's.
Avatar f tn entecort), 6-MP, Flagyl etc but found the only immuno-suppressant to keep my disease in remission has been methotrexate, which I have taken for some 7 yrs now. Initially I was on 25 mg tablets once weekly, but some 2-3 yrs ago my gastro switched me to 12.5 mg injections once weekly. Because Crohn's affects the whole of the intestinal mucosa, it can be difficult to properly absorb tablets, which is why I self inject the mtx now.
Avatar n tn Is there a safe way to remove piles when one has Crohn's Disease? I am in remission now.
Avatar f tn A friend of mine is on it for a different autoimmune disease and he is free of prednisone and loving life.
Avatar n tn There is a lot of inter-connectivity in auto-immune diseases. Crohn's, Colitis and RA are all auto-immune. Some arthritis type auto-immune diseases can have gastro-intestinal impacts - Lupus is one. As well, I do know that colitis can be associated with ankylosing spondylitis (spinal arthritis that begins with sacral region pain). I believe there are other arthritis conditions that can be related to Crohn's and Colitis.
Avatar n tn I have Crohn's disease and have been in remission after a resection for about 12yrs now. I am also about 100lbs overweight from the steroids so I feel your pain! I also suffer from anxiety and binge eating disorder and have been treated for them but still can't get the weight off for good. you need a medical docs managed weightloss program, not WW, or jenny Craig, etc. 6 months with a dietician, and whatever else your insurance company wants.
Avatar n tn Severe Chronic pain will destroy your mind, body, and soul if it continues for years. It can become a disease in itself, there is some dispute in the medical community about this, between Drs who study Intractable pain and those who don't. I suggest you find a way to keep it under control, forget work until your surgery, meditiation, etc can help. DR Forrest Tennant's Handbook on Intractable Pain can be very helpful (online).
Avatar f tn Has her doctor discussed the progress of her treatment? What is her CA125? Has she had any scans to see if she has no evidence of disease? If all goes well he may say she's in remission. Some doctors recommend maintenance chemo. It might be taxol. Hope this helps!
Avatar n tn I was given a treatment plan that included probiotics, Metamucil and vitamins. I have not seen any improvement. I was also tested for celiac disease, and other gastrointestinal disorders. I have 2 children and were blessed with hemorrhoids after their births. For the last 3 weeks I have been experiencing the most extreme flare with the hemorrhoids! I'm also currently experiencing the diarrhea end of the forever oscillation between constipation and diarrhea.
945175 tn?1245718297 i would marry him regardless of this disease. he is always so so sick and bleeds like crazy and so worn out and achey...and the stress his rents put on him doesnt help in the least bit..