
Break up your life until you get sober

Common Questions and Answers about Break up your life until you get sober


Avatar f tn You dont have to be a prisoner to these pills anymore. You have it in you to get and stay clean. We are here to support you so reach out to us.........
Avatar m tn See if he/she will help you with a tapering plan. Do you have someone in your life that knows your situation or that you can come clean with and ask them for help? If so, they can be a part of your taper plan (if thats what you chose) 5-10 30MG oxycodone per day is a lot and I can completely understand why you cave in 36 hours into a cold turkey detox. Im not co-signing and saying that you should continue to use so you can avoid feeling like shhh...
1381451 tn?1288095766 You have a lot of things to consider. First off, youre young. You have your whole life in front of you. Secondly, and this might be hard to swallow, if she doesnt want to be with you, then it is time to move on.
199177 tn?1490498534 What do you do ? How do you relearn sober living ?First off give your self a break and sometime .Your brain chemistry did not change over night. It wont repair itself over night either .Don't make any major life changing decisions in the first few months . If the depression seems overwhelming try some supplements see if they help .If they don't talk to your doctor about other options to start feeling better you deserve it . DONT BE TOO HARD ON YOURSELF .
Avatar f tn Hello Kimberly, For me I took it as far as anyone could dare go, on 3-23-10 I was diagnosed with the final stage of cirrhosis. I was 38 at the time. I drank for 20+ years and the last couple of years I was drinking as much as 23 beers a day. At the time of my diagnosis it was the scared look on my wife’s face, the tears on the way home and knowing I let her down. This was something I could not undo.
Avatar m tn i agree on working towards a marriage. and in saying that, do you want your partner to push you away if you were married? if you were married you are together thru THICK AND THIN no matter what. and its not right to push the other partner away because of having surgery and your feeling differnet emotions etc. i understand if she feels a lot of different ways and feeling guilty or sad or whatever BUT she needs to TELL you exactly what she's feeling so that you can work thru it TOGETHER.
Avatar n tn Seems like you want to really stop but are afraid of the withdrawals and how you will function without them? Just think of a time when you did get everything don and your life was normal without these demon's what I use when the times get tough; I remember days where i laughed, went places, did things, Sober and back then you dont realize it, but that is TRUE happines; these meds, we're just stuck in clouds waiting for the sun to shine, but it never will....
1067212 tn?1353960402 You are waaaayyyy to young to even think about marriage! No person is marriage material at that age. You are still growing and discovering yourself. Life is too short to be with someone you don't care about. My advise would be to be a 19 year old and enjoy your life and don't hold your breath for Mr Right just yet. You are young and you are going to have many many heart aches. You sound like me. I am 25 years old...and i wish i was married by now. The reason i'm not...
Avatar m tn it definetly helps to let yourself cry, i would also suggest talking to a counselor or a close friend so you can share your feelings of grief out rather than bottling it up. give yourself the kindness of time to feel this way, to mourn and feel the grief. things will change, and will be brighter.
6548496 tn?1384490023 how do you deal with a break up with your boyfriend? Me and my boyfriend just broke up because he cheated on me once again i need some advice somebody help~~~!!!!!!!!!
Avatar f tn I believe that your outlook shows your commitment to sobriety. In life, you will fall down but it’s how fast you pick yourself up that shows how remarkable you are. Be proud of your willpower, strength and determination to keep fighting. God Bless!
527657 tn?1214051850 hi. if you are potentially alcoholic, any size bottle of any type of booze could be dangerous. in moderation, alcohol is not inherently destructive. however most folks who find themselves having to consciously moderate their drinking already have a problem. be honest with yourself and consider if it's worth the risk. if you went 3 months without it you can go 3 more or longer. if you can drink without negative consequences to your health and/or your quality of life, have one for me too!
1123567 tn?1318233260 I take em for a few days, withdrawal for a few days then screw up again. I mean, I know what I gotta do, I know what is right, it is just so hard to break the cycle of a 3 year addiction. Today I actually went on some bikerides and got a lot done. The withdrawals aren't really as intense anymore as they used to be. I don't go through hardly any physical pain. Day 1 I just sleep it away.
Avatar m tn It's possible. You have to make it a priority and the most important thing in your life. You can't give in no matter what and have to have your mind made up that way from the beginning! I've been through some major medical stuff in the last year, but I made sure my support was there. That's all it took!!!
Avatar f tn I have the hardest time when i try and fall asleep. How did all of you get through your break up/ heart breaks in a positive way?
3098654 tn?1342298130 literally i had nothing. i clawed my way back to life and then my kids grew up and left home..the empty nest ..the deafening silence...thats when i started to self meidcate and from there became addicted. i wanted happiness , i wanted freedom from a dark depression. Pills made me feel good and happy..things i hadnt felt in a long long tell me friends...what was it that made you start using...addiction is new to me and im trying my best to understand it....
Avatar f tn And one day, you will wake up and find that your heart aches less. And each day will get better. But you have to work at it otherwise you will just keep hurting. I know it doesn't help- but just about everyone has gone through this in their life--and sooner or later it gets better- and you feel you learned something from it. Meanwhile- just don't let your brain and heart work together to bring you down. Get busy--and eventually you will forget about the pain- and find someone else.
Avatar n tn One thing may be is that you have to figure out, is what are you hiding from. What is it in your life, in your world that you have to numb out. When you are sober do you simply hate life and the day to day monotomy of everyday living or do you have some hidden demon or sceleton that you are running from. Either case once you have figured that out try to fix THAT particular issue first and then move on from there. Most functioning addicts can't seem to figure out why we have to quit.
Avatar f tn You need to remember how bad being addicted is and forget how good using feels sweetie. Do you remember waking up every morning wondering first where you would get your dope? You didn't have a baby then but let me tell you from first hand experience, using money that your baby needs to buy dope that you need is the worst feeling in the world and only one thing can take that feeling away - more dope! You need love in your life. The emptiness is not from a lack of drugs.
Avatar m tn All I can say is there are those who have never had the suboxone experience who chime in with the opinion that those who use suboxone are " not clean". All I can say is you don't get high on subs, you don't crave subs and you don't doctor shop on subs, you just feel normal and it's meant to use as a bridge to sobriety. It serves it's purpose if used properly and i say you absolutely are clean on subs as long as you follow the program...
495284 tn?1333894042 We all have so much to be grateful for so when the midnight hour rings in reflect back on all you have in your life. Had many of us not cleaned up we wouldnt be here. I want all of you to be safe, clean and happy. If you are having a rough time tonight get on the forum, we are open 24 hrs a day 365 days a year. As one guy said here "the drink bone is connected to the drug bone"~ GUARD UP!!!
455167 tn?1259257871 For many people, (myself included), this time of year can be especially difficult. And for those who are trying to stay sober there are often situations or circumstances that make it even harder to avoid alcohol. So I thought it would be helpful to start a post with tips on how to stay away from that first drink and make the most of this season.
973741 tn?1342342773 And the more you have intertwined your life with someone, the more complex a break up can be. I thought we could list TOP WAYS TO GET OVER A BREAK UP. ** take time to mourn. It's very important to go ahead and feel the loss. There is no way around it. Allow yourself to be sad for a bit. NOTE: should you have signs of depression such as having 2 weeks of more of not being able to function, feeling hopeless, sleep disturbance among other things, please talk to your doctor.
715482 tn?1286833249 but i know im ready to live my life and correct what i was doing wrong while i was sober....TO EVERYONE....when you get clean you need more help, it doesnt end gets better, but you need to goto meeting or to talk, otherwise you might suffer my fate and relapse... Thank you to everyone who helped me in the past...i have not forgotten...
Avatar n tn if you need them because you have a ruptuered disc and your not getting high its ok to do so but your are stilll going to get addicted. if you are physciallly depenedent cause your in real pain then being addcited is what you need but its not neccessarily a bad thing untilll your getttin high and getting our of control and most of the time you kno when your outa control..
Avatar f tn s no point and it will only slow your life moving forward. Hour by hour right now. Get through each hour until you reach 120. I remember telling Dixie when she was at hour 36 that she had less that 100 to go. She was in double digits. Now she's at day 6. And I'm at day 15. Live for right now darlin'. Hold tight to you. Know in your mind you are doing this for you. Right now that's all that matters.