
Break up stories

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6548496 tn?1384490023 how do you deal with a break up with your boyfriend? Me and my boyfriend just broke up because he cheated on me once again i need some advice somebody help~~~!!!!!!!!!
Avatar f tn My first 2 (i was 40 weeks with both) they had to break my water at the hospital, is induced. My third my water broke right after getting to the hospital and them checking me. I always have a fear it's going to be somewhere public and gushing water going everywhere... Hasn't happened yet.
Avatar f tn I am still holding out faith that God has his perfect timing and His reasons for everything. Never give up. If u need to take a break of not timing, temping, tracking cm cp.... It is always ok to take a break but always tell God that if it is His time then so be it.
Avatar f tn After they check you depending on how dilated you are they will break your water next. I got an epidural when I was 5 cm then I progressed fast and was ready to deliver in a couple hours. Now everyone is not the same.
10021507 tn?1407285147 I was in school and I told a friend of mines around maybe 1 or 2 that I just had this feelimg that my water was aboit to break. I was having contraction but they weren't close enough. I got home around 4:30-5:00 and tried to lay down with my boy friend. We attempted to have sex but it hurt too bad. After we stopped. I got up and it felt like I tinkled myself a little but it was mostly dis charge. I changed and he left for a little I started to have very bad contractions.
Avatar f tn Got back in bed and soon after felt like i had peed myself, a bit agitated and tired, i waited a min to get up to use the rr again, but this time when i stood up it was like a waterfall between my legs. Woke my husband up telling him my water broke, he didn't believe me until he got up to look only to step in it. Then he realized i knew what i was talking about.
Avatar f tn Omg ok I went in for a normal prenatal visit last one 1 wk before my due date. And my bp was high. Had Had normal bp my whole pregnancy. So dr says go to the hospital they will probably keep you for a few hours then you'll have a follow up at the complications clinic. I get there and they decide to induce me.They tried 3 or 4 times to put the balloon in my cervix. I was climbing the bed the whole time it hurt me so bad. I had to get the epidural just so they could induce me.
Avatar n tn My 7 year old granddaughter makes up stories. She went on a walk with her grandpop and when we got back I asked how it went. I asked her if she saw the fox in the meadow. She was so excited said Oh yes I saw the fox. I asked her if it was a red fox. Again excited and said yes he was a red fox. Later I told my husband how she loved the walk with him and she was excited about the fox and he laughed and said No there wasn't any fox.
9571159 tn?1419571005 With my first just born on 2-10-15 i started getting cervadil at 10 on monday and they took it out at 8 n started me on pitocin but they gave me a break off of it and i just kept progressing from there till 4 when i was a 8 n felt like i needed to push n was awake till 7 when i actualy had to start pushing :) took about 30 mins she was born at 7:36am n we got to come home today :) <3 i was induced due to high bp but i was 39 weeks anyway...
2141910 tn?1356444338 t, would you mind sharing your labor stories with us ftm??? I love hearing abt them bec it gives me more details on what to expect!
8924846 tn?1410572901 I'm considering leaving my bf. He is not the father of my baby, but wants to be since he is sterile and the actual father doesn't want to be involved. We dated on and off for a few years and I got pregnant while we were broken up and got back together before I found out. I had no plans of getting back with him it just kind of happened. I've been trying to convince myself I'm happy, because I know how excited him and his family are and I don't want a messy break up.
Avatar f tn Hi there, So, you are having a baby with him, is that right? Are you both teenagers? Lots of big things coming your way very soon. Are you living with his parents too or are you are with yours and he's with his? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to understand. Do you have any support from your own family? On the surface, I think it is smart to expect certain things out of the father of our children.
Avatar m tn I have tried a few times not to talk to her and each time i end up failing and messaging her. BUt everytime I do i just end up crying and in more pain. So you are right I do need to just leave her be. Thank you.
Avatar f tn I have the hardest time when i try and fall asleep. How did all of you get through your break up/ heart breaks in a positive way?
Avatar f tn I was induced! I had a natural birth, no epidural! He came 5hrs 40mins afterwards! Inducing is no biggie, but this go round, I'd like my water to break!
Avatar f tn so i got off the toilet n went in the room to him to wake him up...when i woke him up...i looked down n my water brokem.
Avatar f tn I got to the hospital after 6 hours of it and I was at a 6 but stretched to an 8 during a contraction. They had to break my water 45 mins before I had him. He ended up being a big 9lb 3oz baby and I had over 20 stitches...mostly on the inside!! I couldn't walk right for weeks! My second which was 6 weeks ago was 5 hours. My water broke at home, we got to the hospital about 2 hours after. I had to be put on antibiotics for GBS.
Avatar f tn If they tested with a swab thats usually accurate but ive heard stories on here of ones that came out negative and their water did actually break. Best bet is tomput on a pad because if your water broke you would be leaking continuously. It migt of just been a lot of discharge.
6337597 tn?1396556014 Wow that is a crazy birth story! I have never heard of anybody having their water break before contractions, I had no idea that could even happen.
Avatar f tn If I don't go into labor by the 25th, I will be induced at 7pm that night. I would like to here some induction stories. How did it go? & how long did it take you to have your beautiful baby in your arms?
10380106 tn?1410962725 Any mommies have positive stories on going into labor after getting membranes swept/striped? I got stripped yesterday & had terrible cramps/contractions for the rest of the day. I ate a bowl of pineapples last night, had sex & let the sperm sit for as long as I could(sorry tmi), lost my plug this a.m. & just ate another bowl of pineapples. Wondering if anyone have done similar things & went into labor shortly after.....