
Avelox and nsaids

Common Questions and Answers about Avelox and nsaids


Avatar m tn If the tendonitis is due to Avelox then yes, it can be treated as usual. The pain and inflammation will subside once the medication leaves the body completely. This may take a week. This is treated with NSAIDs, rest and orthotics or specially designed foot wear to ease the pressure off the tendon. Take care!
Avatar n tn For many years I have pains that pop up for no reason in joints and muscles and last for usually three to six months and then vanish. I get rashes and tiny red spots on my shins and then clear up. The rashes last about the same three to six months. I had these pains in both my shoulders at once, which almost never happens, so I thought it was my rotator cuffs going due to the work that I do.
Avatar f tn Avelox... I went yesterday and saw a lung specialist, he calmed me down and told me that i only have a little pneumonia in my lower left side it's nothing to be worried about. It's the bronchitis that's causing a lot of pain in my chest and back that I did not have prior to the antibiotics.
Avatar n tn t abated, provider considered trich, and mycoplasm as possible culprits). I was also put on avelox 400 mg for 10 days as well. Currently I have 6 days remaining on the doxycycline and 9 days remaining on the avelox. I have not engaged in any sexual activity whatsoever since my diagnosis however I still have a very mild clear mucus discharge primarily in the morning; the penile itching and dysuria has abated.
Avatar m tn I have had a round of Avelox a few weeks ago and recently Omnicef 600mg/day for 10 days and still have discharge. Question, wouldn't these antibiotics be affective against NGU, Chlamydia or Gonnorrhea? Thanks for the help.
1373852 tn?1307843048 t end up with avelox but took leavaquin that is a kin of avelox and six days later ended up having respiratory failure and in the hospital for 3 months one of which I was in icu on a ventilator.Since then I have had widespread muscular pain and multiple tendonitis as well as other issues so I don't agree that these antibiotics don't have side effects maybe you should read up more about the new black box warnings.
Avatar m tn After trying Doxy, Azithromycin, and Flagyl, the only antibiotic that finally worked was Avelox. The question now is what I should treat my partner with. I know from my experience that my NGU was passed sexually, and she needs to get treated before we can have sex again. The problem, is that she said she is allergic to Avelox. Another problem, is that since it is NGU, we cannot test to confirm if the bacteria is cured, and she is also asymptomatic.
Avatar f tn t work --- and I feel 10000000000 years old - and my muscles burn and ache and it hurts to lay there and it hurts to shift positions and everything throbs and hot fire shoots up and down my tendons --- and OMG - I can't even begin to describe it ---- so --- if it works for me --- it might be worth trying once NSAIDS don't seem to do the trick. Also - be careful - do some research on NSAIDS... OK?
975514 tn?1324997938 I stopped the NSAID for a short time and my body (especially my shoulder and my lower back) swelled up so bad. When I began taking the NSAID again my condition improved. I don't get pain relief per se from NSAIDs, but without them, I would have intense swelling. I have been tested for RA and am negative, at least one year ago I was. I don't really have a lot of trouble sleeping unless my shoulder or back is swollen. I frequently have to ice my shoulder to fall asleep.
Avatar f tn Excellent advice, Tuck. It took me a long time to realize this, and years of my husband trying to drill this little bit of advice into my head, but too many people elevate their doctor to "god" status and think that their word is the final one. That's completely wrong, and it's also the reason that so many people are living in pain today despite regular visits to their doctors.
Avatar n tn You have just explained to me what the cause of my hives may be,I had Dental work done in May I was given Advil (600mg strentgh) after root canal and a tooth removal I broke out in Hives and it has not gone away, I took the Advil and had quite a lot of it, also given Penicillin , so possibly finally I have found what could have caused it, I am not taking these now so why does it not go away, I have had no painkillers or Penicillin since that time.
Avatar f tn Took Cipro and the sinus pain was not improved so that was follwed by a course of Avelox where I ended up in the ER by day 7 on it [couldn't walk on my own needed IV fluids]. Off it for a week now and still really tired, various nerve pain, joint pain, muscle fatigue...seems to cycle, weak and dizzy, some blurred vision but it's all better than it had been just seems it should be gone since the meds are out of my system.
Avatar n tn It is a small, well defined, spot that looks like a light bulb if I were to enter a dim room. It comes and goes in cycles every minute or so, and can last anywhere from seconds to hours. Today I had an episode where I woke up and the "flash" was extremely persistant, it was there pretty much the whole day. Just for an experiment, I took 2 motrin and it seemed to alleviate the symptom. Any ideas why? Should I be more or less worried? Thanks for your input!
Avatar f tn also been on the avelox a week now and still have a week to go, but infection is just getting worse. have been making sure not to take any dairy or other minerals with it, 8 hrs before or 4 hrs after taking it. doc told me to take my omeprazole every day for my acid reflux (which i haven't had any problems with in quite a while) because she thought my acid reflux might be causing all of this to be worse and making my asthma flare up.
Avatar m tn Hi, NSAIDs are known to increase the risk for atrial fibrillation. Your episodes of A fib could be related to NSAID usage. According to studies done, use of non-aspirin NSAIDs was associated with an increased risk of atrial fibrillation or flutter. Compared with non-users, the association was strongest for new users, with a 40-70% increase in relative risk (lowest for non-selective NSAIDs and highest for COX 2 inhibitors).
Avatar n tn I too had GERD and never had problems with NSAIDS exacerbating the GERD. HOWEVER, .my stomach itself cannot handle NSAIDS for more than two days. I get bad heartburn. Have had a lap Nissen for the GERD and am doing great, but cannot tolerate NSAIDS for long. You may have to try and just see.
Avatar f tn Thanks, after talking to multiple other doctors and pharmacists, they all said the same thing. All NSAIDS can cause bleeding and flare ups, specially for Crohns patients. I'm fairly certain my GI has no idea on what he is doing.
Avatar f tn There are so many medications that mention "tachy" as a possible side effect. I'm not sure if the arrhythmia becomes permanent however. Often it clears up once the medication is discontinued/ended. I've taken Cipro a couple of times now and I'm prone to arrhythmias LOL and never noticed any difference while on the med. My albuterol for asthma cranks up my heart rate but only for 10 minutes or so.
Avatar f tn Does anyone know if its ok to take antibiotics with riba? I'm not sure if I should take a dose of each together or should I wait and take the antibiotic (Avelox 400mg) separately. I'd rather take them together because each should be taken with food and I don't have much appetite so when I do manage to eat I'd like to get all the drugs down at once. Any input would be helpful.
1328595 tn?1283018449 Yup, I'm taking it with food and water. I'm taking the Naprosyn for a pretty specific reason but I could possibly ask my doc for another option.
Avatar m tn Went to see a couple of doctors and they think it is sinus infection - so went on two anti-biotic treatments (Augmentin 10 days - which did not work, then Avelox 14 days). Just finished the Avelox course, but still having some post nasal drip and sore throat. But generally feeling better. Question: How would you assess the risk of this encounter for STD's and HIV in particular? Does female ejaculate fluid contain the HIV virus? What about other STD's?
Avatar m tn Please not NSAIDs. Those are very bad, can cause heart attacks and strokes. Use something else.
874521 tn?1424116797 NSAIDS have a bad reputation for heart disease and stroke and he is totally against there use. cortisone also has its risks...injury, precursor to diabetes and perhaps alot more. And if the benefits only last for a few weeks whats the point also I think they will only do 3-4 shots a year. So for me I must use the NSAIDS for some control.
Avatar f tn Hi & Welcome, So glad you're here. Congratulations on your five clean days! Great job. Do you think you might clarify your question for us. Are you asking about a caffeine addiction, it's effects after acute withdrawal or what? Are you saying you're taking Excedrin every day for caffeine? If so better to drink coffee or tea. You should only take NSAIDS for 'real' conditions. Wishing all the love, clarity and strength you need to stay clean.
Avatar n tn I talked to her yesterday and she said to start the Avelox antibiotic which I did yesterday. I now have 2 doses in me. I also started Zyrtec yesterday per the allergist recommendation.
Avatar n tn Has anyone noticed any difference in blood sugar numbers while regularly taking Ibuprofen, or other NSAIDS? I've had some health anxiety, and stopped taking ibuprofen in fear of kidney issues. But I notice my post dinner readings have been worse. I was only taking about 600mg before bed daily. Would that still effect blood sugar by dinner time the next day? Glad I'm off the pills. Just scared will affect BS control.