
Avelox and benadryl

Common Questions and Answers about Avelox and benadryl


Avatar n tn For many years I have pains that pop up for no reason in joints and muscles and last for usually three to six months and then vanish. I get rashes and tiny red spots on my shins and then clear up. The rashes last about the same three to six months. I had these pains in both my shoulders at once, which almost never happens, so I thought it was my rotator cuffs going due to the work that I do.
Avatar f tn Avelox... I went yesterday and saw a lung specialist, he calmed me down and told me that i only have a little pneumonia in my lower left side it's nothing to be worried about. It's the bronchitis that's causing a lot of pain in my chest and back that I did not have prior to the antibiotics.
Avatar n tn I am 39, female in pretty good shape (I run and work out regularly) I came down with Pneumonia after I had visited both the Bahamas and France in February and March. I came back from the bahamas with a cough, I got really bad in Paris and then seemed to get better when I came back home.
Avatar n tn t abated, provider considered trich, and mycoplasm as possible culprits). I was also put on avelox 400 mg for 10 days as well. Currently I have 6 days remaining on the doxycycline and 9 days remaining on the avelox. I have not engaged in any sexual activity whatsoever since my diagnosis however I still have a very mild clear mucus discharge primarily in the morning; the penile itching and dysuria has abated.
Avatar m tn I have had a round of Avelox a few weeks ago and recently Omnicef 600mg/day for 10 days and still have discharge. Question, wouldn't these antibiotics be affective against NGU, Chlamydia or Gonnorrhea? Thanks for the help.
1373852 tn?1307843048 t end up with avelox but took leavaquin that is a kin of avelox and six days later ended up having respiratory failure and in the hospital for 3 months one of which I was in icu on a ventilator.Since then I have had widespread muscular pain and multiple tendonitis as well as other issues so I don't agree that these antibiotics don't have side effects maybe you should read up more about the new black box warnings.
Avatar m tn After trying Doxy, Azithromycin, and Flagyl, the only antibiotic that finally worked was Avelox. The question now is what I should treat my partner with. I know from my experience that my NGU was passed sexually, and she needs to get treated before we can have sex again. The problem, is that she said she is allergic to Avelox. Another problem, is that since it is NGU, we cannot test to confirm if the bacteria is cured, and she is also asymptomatic.
Avatar m tn If the tendonitis is due to Avelox then yes, it can be treated as usual. The pain and inflammation will subside once the medication leaves the body completely. This may take a week. This is treated with NSAIDs, rest and orthotics or specially designed foot wear to ease the pressure off the tendon. Take care!
Avatar f tn Took Cipro and the sinus pain was not improved so that was follwed by a course of Avelox where I ended up in the ER by day 7 on it [couldn't walk on my own needed IV fluids]. Off it for a week now and still really tired, various nerve pain, joint pain, muscle fatigue...seems to cycle, weak and dizzy, some blurred vision but it's all better than it had been just seems it should be gone since the meds are out of my system.
Avatar f tn also been on the avelox a week now and still have a week to go, but infection is just getting worse. have been making sure not to take any dairy or other minerals with it, 8 hrs before or 4 hrs after taking it. doc told me to take my omeprazole every day for my acid reflux (which i haven't had any problems with in quite a while) because she thought my acid reflux might be causing all of this to be worse and making my asthma flare up.
Avatar f tn There are so many medications that mention "tachy" as a possible side effect. I'm not sure if the arrhythmia becomes permanent however. Often it clears up once the medication is discontinued/ended. I've taken Cipro a couple of times now and I'm prone to arrhythmias LOL and never noticed any difference while on the med. My albuterol for asthma cranks up my heart rate but only for 10 minutes or so.
Avatar n tn I suffer from panic attack and got imsonia my doctor give 50 mg of benadryl to sleep but she use to give 5mg so if safe for me to take 50 mg of benadryl to sleep.
Avatar f tn Can I take a benadryl for an allergic reaction? Somehow a cucumber got into my salad and my face, lips, and mouth is starting to swell and itch.
Avatar f tn and now i have like 10 flea bites on my foot. i went to walmart and bought benadryl topical ointment. before i start applying just wanna know if its safe to use. i wanna get rid of the rashes and itchiness asap. i have this party coming up. im 33wks 2 days.. please help.
Avatar f tn FTM and 18yrs. 21 weeks. Do any other mommys take a benadryl before bed? My doctor told me id be fine to take one before bed everynight. I have restless leg syndrome and have a really hard time getting comftorable at night and falling/staying asleep. I was just wondering if i'm the only one that does this? It helps me a lot.
Avatar f tn My dr said I could take Benadryl for my allergies. I haven't yet but I'm considering it tonight because I'm so miserable and I know it would help a lot and I could get a good night sleep. Has anyone else taken it while pregnant. I'm absolutely sure my dr wouldn't have said it was ok if it were the slighted bit questionable but im still hesitant.
Avatar f tn Yes benadryl is fine to take during pregnancy.
Avatar f tn I told my doctor about how I itch at night and he said I should try Benadryl to help but one pill didn't do anything on the box it says I can take two but idk if I should being pregnant pease help and soon itching driving me crazy!!
Avatar f tn My dr said I could take Benadryl for my allergies. I haven't yet but I'm considering it tonight because I'm so miserable and I know it would help a lot and I could get a good night sleep. Has anyone else taken it while pregnant. I'm absolutely sure my dr wouldn't have said it was ok if it were the slighted bit questionable but im still hesitant.
Avatar f tn Yes ive taken it bc I have allergies and I am not able to take my allegra or singular during pregnancy and my dr says benadryl only safe med to take...
Avatar f tn web md says yes. I was wondering the same thing. I'm 15 w 1 d and have extremely itchy skin all over my body and the tons of lotion I put on does nothing.
Avatar f tn Yes but be aware baby will probably knock out too so if you don't feel your baby as much that's why.. I took it and I didn't feel my baby move for 3 days and the dr told me the Benadryl doesn't only effect you but your little one too .