
Astelin sore throat

Common Questions and Answers about Astelin sore throat


Avatar n tn A quick trip to the doctor and I was told that I had some kind of nasty allergic reaction which clogged my sinuses, gave me a post nasal drip which in turn caused the sore throat and asthma to act up. She prescribed Astelin, a nasal spray antihistamine and described the allergic reaction as a sort of systemic thing and that the astelin should clear it all up. That was Wednesday. I've been using it as told since then and I've only really noticed a very very slight improvement.
Avatar n tn Hi, I've had a very distressing problem that's been going on for about a year now. I have a constant feeling of phlegm in my throat, though I'm not able to cough anything up, and while I am always clearing my throat, it barely helps for more than a minute or so.
Avatar f tn This event has reactivated my old (once dormant) anxiety, fears, phobias and obsessions to the point where I have just become a basket case. I have trembling, tight throat with frequent swallowing, raging anxiety, a constant state of stress, a floaty feeling in my head name it!.
Avatar f tn I have taken Astelin before being cured of hepatitis C. Astelin doesn't produce serious side effects like you are claiming. Your symptoms maybe connected to hepatitis C but very much doubt it's connect to Astelin and Hepatitis C. Regardless, I can tell you that I experience nothing like what you are suggesting while taking Astelin.
Avatar n tn all i have is my nose that gets blocked so often that i have to breathe with mouth and also have a permanent sore throat. currently in indiana. If someone can give me professional advice or recommend a specialist it would be appreciated!!! As i think my condition keeps getting worse. also i smoke but the doctor tell me it has no relation to my allergies!(i'm quitting) and when i stop smoking it gets a looot worse as i have much more mucus coming. (seen doctors in both india and US) .
Avatar n tn , 195lbs. My PND gummed up the back of my throat enough in July of this year to wake me everytime I nod off. I am now on sleep medication, clonazepam, Lunesta, now but which is barely working, Atavan is better and I can sleep but sedatives cannot be taken forever and this PND doesn't seem to be going away.
Avatar n tn Constant Need to Clear the Throat, a feeling of loose mucous around the trachea that only goes away briefly after clearing, along with occasional rattling when breathing. Another member described it well in this post: Quote "But the worst of all was and is the feeling that I have loose mucous in my trachea.This feeling is there when I breathe in and out.It feels like a rattle but there is no sound." http://www.medhelp.
Avatar f tn Hi, I have several suggestions. First, add a sinus rinse to your routine. They sound gros, but they are so effective. Another thought is to cosider trying Patanase instead of the Astelin. Astelin wasn't a problem for me, but it sucesseors Astepro and Astepro 0.15% were horrible. I felt better when I didn't use the med then when I did. I got very congested after using it and it lasted about 5 hour with constant, Astepro drainage. Lastly, it may be time to consider allergy shots.
Avatar f tn Hello, my husband is 45 and in over all good physical and mental health. He developed a cough that won't go away. He feels a tickle in the back of his throat and he has to cough. He coughs constantly. The only time he has relief is when he sleeps at night. He was told he has mild GERD and has tried about 4 acid reflux medicines that don't stop the cough, and he doesn't have any heartburn.. However, his vocal chords are a little inflamed.
Avatar n tn , 195lbs. My PND gummed up the back of my throat enough in July of this year to wake me everytime I nod off. I am now on sleep medication, clonazepam, Lunesta, now but which is barely working, Atavan is better and I can sleep but sedatives cannot be taken forever and this PND doesn't seem to be going away.
Avatar m tn My symptoms include swollen lymph node on my right side, very horrible sore throat, puffy eye lids, and also my ears clog up like when I'm up in an airplane, and I can't really hear anything. Ive already been to the doctor's and I tested negative for strep, but would you think I have mono? Someone please help me, I can't really talk or eat that much because my sore throat hurts so badly.
Avatar f tn I had a horrible sore throat in the beginning of my pregnancy and I dranked a very warm Cinnamon tea and it worked :) try it
8593574 tn?1398970803 Does anybody have any suggestions for a sore throat? I know I can't take any medicine so just wondering?
Avatar f tn i Need Something To Help With My Sore Throat??? I've Tried The Lemon Hot Water With Honey That Doesn't Help Me Nor Does The Gargling Salt Water... Help Me Please I'm 34 Weeks Pregnant!!!
Avatar f tn I got sore throat, when I was around 28 weeks, and my dr told I could take Tylenol regular strength 325mg every 4 to 6 hours and those candys for sore throat only that, oh and LOTS of fluid. That's what I did and like 2 or 3 days I was way better.
Avatar f tn Benadryl.. the childrens liquid benadryl i took an adult dose like a table spoon and a half and it worked wonders!
Avatar f tn All of that but also an antihistamine would be good many times our sore throat is from mucus running from oyr sinuses down our throat. Dr.
Avatar f tn See if you can get a prescription called omperazole it's for heart burn and acid reflux. I just got on it because of sore throats and it's amazing. Haven't had sore throat since. Worth a shot. It's safe to take.
Avatar f tn I took one benedryl last night and then today I woke up with a sore throat. I am pretty sure it is from drainage because one of my ears hurts too! Anyone know anything I can take over the counter for it? Any help would be great! Don't want to get on antibotics again because just got off some a couple of weeks ago and then got a yeast infection!! I have been sick off and on with this pregnancy and really don't know why!
Avatar f tn I am starting to get a small cold. So far its just burning eyes, I've been sneezing, my nose is runny & my throat is so sore. The sore throat pain is the worse. Since I cant call my Dr right now, what can i take for the soreness? I read that honey, lemon & water works but that sounds nasty right now & i dont want an upset stomach on of it. I read cough drops are ok but then that they are not. Any suggestions?
Avatar f tn my throat is extremely sore and I was wondering if anyone knew if I was aloud to take cepocol ( throat numbing cough drops ) I'm going to go to the ER later but it's only 5am and it's not open until 8 I just need something to hold me over
Avatar f tn When I had a sore throat I took halls. They helped a lot. And the doctor told me it was ok to take it.