
Astelin sinus infection

Common Questions and Answers about Astelin sinus infection


Avatar f tn In May, I went to the doctor - he said I had a ton of fluid behind my ears and he thought it was being caused by a sinus infection. He prescribed antibiotics (Z-Pak) and Nasonex. At the time I was having some congestion, ear pain/ache at random times and when I would chew/open my mouth. After taking the antibiotics for a couple days I could feel a ton of fluid sloshing back in my ears when I would move my head side to side.
Avatar m tn I too have sinus problems and am actually currently fighting yet another infection. I too grow out pseudomonas and yeast on occasion. I do sinus rinses with a saline solution, that seems to help. I also take antibiotics that are adjusted once culture results come in.
Avatar n tn Hello, All these symptoms can be a part and parcel of sinusitis or sinus congestion which can manifest as a result of allergies to air borne allergens.Sinusitis can cause headache,malaise and eustachean tube dysfunction also because of congestion of the sinuses with mucus.You need not be having any running nose or sneezing. I would advise you to get your sinuses evaluated from an ENT surgeon.Transillumination tests,X-rays and CT sinuses may be needed to confirm the diagnosis. Hope it helps.
Avatar f tn A couple times when I went to the doctor I was told I had fluid behind my ears (no infection), another time that I had an ear infection, and also had a sinus infection. I've been to my primary care physicain several times over this the past few months. Anyway, I finally decided to go to an ENT as this is obviously not going to go away on it's own. So, as I've never been to an ENT before, I was hoping someone could tell me what to expect.
Avatar f tn Hi, I have several suggestions. First, add a sinus rinse to your routine. They sound gros, but they are so effective. Another thought is to cosider trying Patanase instead of the Astelin. Astelin wasn't a problem for me, but it sucesseors Astepro and Astepro 0.15% were horrible. I felt better when I didn't use the med then when I did. I got very congested after using it and it lasted about 5 hour with constant, Astepro drainage. Lastly, it may be time to consider allergy shots.
Avatar m tn ) Upper jaw tooth pain, headache Painful sensation in bottom of maxillary sinus when trying to drain sinus rinse (before passage fully closes off, like trying to shake water out of ears) Malaise, irritable Change in voice and appetite Sensitivity to noises, ringing in ears Sometimes a low grade fever Treatment: prednisone + Avelox and/or Vantin. Vantin alone cleared last infection. Two 4+ week antibiotic courses in 2007 and 2009. Symptoms clear quickly after starting antibiotic.
Avatar f tn ve also been taking Atenolol and spraying copious amount of Astelin nasal spray up my nose several times in the evening and at night. I have even been letting it run down the back of my throat and swallowing it because it's the only thing that makes me feel at least somewhat relaxed and sleepy. However, I have begun to wonder if the Astelin and/or Atenolol might be actually aggravating my anxiety symptoms and making me feel worse.
Avatar f tn My MD started me on Bactrum 800 mg BID for 3 weeks and Bactroban nasal solution. I do sinus washes often and have increased recently. Any other suggestions?
Avatar f tn 00+ every so often too (and 100.6 once) so maybe a sinus infection going on here or something. The intermittent low-grade fevers are nothing new. I've had them for ages but they seem to have started up again after an intense period of severe stress and high anxiety. I've had tons of blood tests (even lots of rare and unusual ones), seen the doctor, neurologist, opthamologist, etc. Also had an MRI of head and neck.
Avatar f tn I have taken Astelin before being cured of hepatitis C. Astelin doesn't produce serious side effects like you are claiming. Your symptoms maybe connected to hepatitis C but very much doubt it's connect to Astelin and Hepatitis C. Regardless, I can tell you that I experience nothing like what you are suggesting while taking Astelin.
Avatar n tn I have googled it to no end. He also put me on Astelin which has helped a ton and he said Docs cant be so quick to judge and just call everything allergies. The reason I dont have allergies is I am just congested in the face and nose I dont have anyother sypmtoms such as Itchy anything or sore throats.
Avatar m tn I am being treated for sinus infection cause of pain; pressure, vision problems like eyelid gland dysfunction with swelling; balance problems really bad .I feel like I am bobbing or in a boat rocking back and forth. Also describe that I am on a small trampoline and feel like falling. Have fallen 20+ times in the past year. Got a pain pump put in over a year ago; I was blaming symptoms on the pump until a few u ago. Seeing ENT tomorrow. I expect all are related Hope for help.
Avatar n tn ve this problem for many months now after a bout of Otitis Media in Oct 2008. In October I was told that I had an underlying sinus infection and was put on Flonase for 6 wks. This did not help. I was then sent for Sinus CT scan that showed all sinuses clear, except a mild mucosal thickening in maxillary. I was then put of 3 rounds of antibiotics by my ENT, first Cefuroxime, and then 2 rounds of Azythromycin (6-Pak). Didn't. The ENT also did endoscopy of sinuses and this was normal.
Avatar n tn ve already been on several weeks of antibiotics in the recent past, which would have cured any possible sinus infection.. Also both the CT I had last month and my latest MRI show very slight mucosal thickening, which the doctor says is present in up to 30% of the population. However, I'm still not convinced that my problem is DEFINITELY not sinus related, because my headaches seem very 'sinus-like' i.e.
Avatar n tn Nose and space between nasal sinus and back of throat feels inflammed smaller passageways than should be, and this flares up when I try to exercise. Usual allergy symptoms: sinus pressure, headaches. This has been off and on (some weeks good, others awful) for the past half a year. I am an overall healthy 20-something woman, non smoker who has suffers from grass/weed allergies, which would leave me with sinus infections and miserable a couple times a year, for a couple weeks.
Avatar n tn No medications every helped me, but last December, I have surgery to clean out my sinuses and fix my deviated septum. I still had a sinus infection, which probably the worst one I every had, but from February to now, I have been pretty much symptom free, except from the occasional congestion from allergies. If you are willing the undergo the surgery, I would highly suggest it. It's an easy procedure, and I was back at school on the third day. Good Luck!
Avatar n tn i have a very very persistent sinus allergy. nose blocks all the time over a year now and getting worse! i have been prescribed all this **** and none of it seems to work. all i have is my nose that gets blocked so often that i have to breathe with mouth and also have a permanent sore throat. currently in indiana. If someone can give me professional advice or recommend a specialist it would be appreciated!!! As i think my condition keeps getting worse.
Avatar n tn 5mg prn ( about once a week , which does help but makes me tired) and chochizine one daily, Flonase and Astelin for seasonal allergies/ sinus but still continue with chest heaviness, light headedness, neck aches and what seems to be feelings of anxiety . So, here are my questions, have you seen such a collection of symptoms after meningitis? Do you think that what I am experiencing is even related to having meningitis?
Avatar n tn A quick trip to the doctor and I was told that I had some kind of nasty allergic reaction which clogged my sinuses, gave me a post nasal drip which in turn caused the sore throat and asthma to act up. She prescribed Astelin, a nasal spray antihistamine and described the allergic reaction as a sort of systemic thing and that the astelin should clear it all up. That was Wednesday. I've been using it as told since then and I've only really noticed a very very slight improvement.
Avatar n tn With all that said, I found a new doctor and believe it or not and several years ago he too did perscribe me an antibiotic he knew I was allergic to treat a severe sinus related bacterial infection. This was an accident of course. I became horribly sick and broke out with an autoimmune skin disease called lichen-planus. He perscribed an antibacterial steriod creme for that ailment which made it much worse.
Avatar f tn When it comes to my allergies, I have developed chronic sinusitus already having 2 sinus surgeries. My last sinus surgery was just in march on all of my sinuses because they were all opaque on the CT scan. My ethmoid sinused had to be removed. I also have many sinus polyps. The asthma is hard to control sometimes even with the slew of medication I am on. I also became allergic to NSAIDs and aspirin about 3 years ago.
Avatar f tn 16 weeks and now I have a sinus infection. My nose is draining so bad and my throat is dry and scratchy. What are some good remedies you ladies know of to help this pass along quicker?
Avatar f tn Ok guys I have a sinus infection. I called the on call dr and they said to take Tylenol cold and flu. I am a little skeptical to take the Meds cause of some of the ingridents. However my temp keeps fluctuating from 98-100 and I know I need to keep my temp down.