
Astelin relieves allergy symptoms

Common Questions and Answers about Astelin relieves allergy symptoms


Avatar f tn I have taken Astelin before being cured of hepatitis C. Astelin doesn't produce serious side effects like you are claiming. Your symptoms maybe connected to hepatitis C but very much doubt it's connect to Astelin and Hepatitis C. Regardless, I can tell you that I experience nothing like what you are suggesting while taking Astelin.
Avatar n tn Can one experience "late-phase" allergy symptoms like malaise, fatigue, headaches, Eustachian tube dysfunction etc. without EVER experiencing "early-phase" symptoms like runny nose, itchy eyes etc. ? I do occasionally have a scratchy throat, but this is very seldom. I have been experiencing these "late-phase" symptoms for several months now, and was recently diagnosed (via skin ***** test) with allergic rhinitis to dust mites and pollen.
Avatar f tn Hi, I have several suggestions. First, add a sinus rinse to your routine. They sound gros, but they are so effective. Another thought is to cosider trying Patanase instead of the Astelin. Astelin wasn't a problem for me, but it sucesseors Astepro and Astepro 0.15% were horrible. I felt better when I didn't use the med then when I did. I got very congested after using it and it lasted about 5 hour with constant, Astepro drainage. Lastly, it may be time to consider allergy shots.
Avatar n tn I am allergic to so many things - dust mites (severe), pollen (grass, tree, ragweed - pretty bad) and various animals (not to mention food now). I've been on Rhinocort Aqua for several years with great results. On bad days I take Claritin. I've been on other steroid nasal sprays, but Rhinocort has been the most gentle. I want to get off Rhinocort because I think the steroid is causing me to constantly eat as well as be irritable all the time.
Avatar n tn A quick trip to the doctor and I was told that I had some kind of nasty allergic reaction which clogged my sinuses, gave me a post nasal drip which in turn caused the sore throat and asthma to act up. She prescribed Astelin, a nasal spray antihistamine and described the allergic reaction as a sort of systemic thing and that the astelin should clear it all up. That was Wednesday. I've been using it as told since then and I've only really noticed a very very slight improvement.
Avatar n tn Hey all, I have some problems that have been bothering me for some years now - almost 10. I have a stuffed sinus, dry nasal passages, massive phlegm in throat (drip down) and I can't get rid of it. I've tried expectorants (Claritin-D, Mucinex, +more), nasal rinses, nasal sprays (Rhinocort, Astelin, +more), all to no avail. It doesn't matter where I am (dry, humid, hot, cold) and it's distressing.
Avatar m tn Cough, chest tightness and breathlessness the three symptoms mentioned by you are the triad of symptoms for Asthma. It is a disease affecting the lungs causing narrowing of the airways, usually due to an allergic reaction to triggering factors. Therapy is with bronchodilators which cause the airways to dilate. Have yourself evaluated for the same. This can be detected by a spirometry test. Steroid inhalers are used regularly for prevention of attacks.
Avatar n tn Still not felling better I went to see one of the Top allergy docs here in Chicago he said I have Neirogenic Rhinitis Syndrome. I kinda know what it is but I cant find anything else on it. Were can I look? I have googled it to no end. He also put me on Astelin which has helped a ton and he said Docs cant be so quick to judge and just call everything allergies.
Avatar f tn In Aug, my PCP referred me to ENT and suggested to add Astelin for treating me persistent rhinitis. I did an allergy blood test for 13 kinds of environmental allergen but it’s negative. I did ask my PCP if I am having asthma. She said it’s only an allergy. However, she said I need to keep taking/refilling Flonase & Singulair for long-term, and keep my Albuterol handy. My PCP said I can use the inhaler if I cough a lot at night, feeling short of breathe or wheezing.
Avatar n tn sinus pressure, headaches. This has been off and on (some weeks good, others awful) for the past half a year. I am an overall healthy 20-something woman, non smoker who has suffers from grass/weed allergies, which would leave me with sinus infections and miserable a couple times a year, for a couple weeks. For the past half year, though, I've experienced these symptoms in the first paragraph.
Avatar n tn Hi All, I have been suffering headaches, scratchy throat, malaise, vertigo and eustachian tube dysfunction for the past 4 months, ever since getting over a bout of Otitis Media. After several rounds of antibiotics and 8 weeks on Veramyst, my symptoms haven't improved. I finally went to an allergist yesterday, and had a postive skin-test for dust mite.
Avatar f tn Nasonex is a nasal steroid which reduces inflammation of the sinus passages and therefore reduces allergy symptoms. There are many other name brands for that class of medicine. Astepro is a nasal spray antihistamine. It stops the sinus cells from reacting to allergens. There are only two meds in this category. Astepro and Patanase. There is an older version of Astepro called Astelin which may stil be available to you, but the company is working to phase it out.
Avatar m tn Yes, I have all those symptoms. My allergies give me those weird symptoms and more. Allegra, Singulair, Astelin, Veramyst, and staying inside with Air on helps me. Good luck.
Avatar f tn He just had some ear wax build up, but no allergy or post nasal drip.
Avatar n tn Constant Need to Clear the Throat, a feeling of loose mucous around the trachea that only goes away briefly after clearing, along with occasional rattling when breathing. Another member described it well in this post: Quote "But the worst of all was and is the feeling that I have loose mucous in my trachea.This feeling is there when I breathe in and out.It feels like a rattle but there is no sound." http://www.medhelp.
Avatar m tn I'm in my 40's and had seasonal allergies all my life, the symptoms consist of fatigue, joint pains, increased susceptibility to colds and the extreme unstoppable running nose. Very similar to a serious flu. No allergy medicines has ever helped. Only recently have I found a nose spray that relieves the nose problem. The only symptom that really bothers me is the runny nose, because it's not socially acceptable and uncomfortable.
Avatar f tn I quit 20 years ago and the chronic sinusitis never let up. I have had the classic allergy tests and gone in for shots 3x per week and that did nothing. I have gone to a dozen allergists and they have tried sprays and medicine that work for a month and assumed that I had asthma which none of the treatments work. I took a cat scan and was scheduled for turbinate surgery, but that fell through. I have been told since then that it would likely not have helped.
Avatar n tn I've noticed with allergies, some OTC medications work and others don't. It depends on your body. Claritin doesn't do a thing for me, but it relieves my husband's allergy symptoms. So consider trying an OTC medcation and if that doesn't work... try another one. (welcome to the frustrating world of allergies!) If your sinuses are clogged, I would recommend a relatively inexpensive product that you can purchase at Walgreens.... NeilMed sinus rinse. Good luck !
Avatar f tn Hi, your symptoms are suggestive of allergic contact dermatitis, secondary to exposure to allergen and mediated by IgE antibodies. Your body is known to hypersensitive to certain things. Esp. the lips when it comes in contact with the allergen. Foods and additives like Milk, egg, peanuts, nuts, soy, and wheat are the most common agents to cause such dermatitis.
Avatar n tn have had post nasal drip as long as I can remember. I am a 52 yr old mail, 5'9", 195lbs. My PND gummed up the back of my throat enough in July of this year to wake me everytime I nod off. I am now on sleep medication, clonazepam, Lunesta, now but which is barely working, Atavan is better and I can sleep but sedatives cannot be taken forever and this PND doesn't seem to be going away.
Avatar n tn I'm just reading this, it's several years later obviously but your situation sounds very familiar. I suffered for 10 yrs. With similar symptoms. I saw so many doctors and tried so many medicines until finally an Allergist specialist diagnosed me with environmental allergies after doing a fully allergy test. I was pretty much allergic to everything. I was Soo. After started on 4 allergy shots every 5 days.
Avatar m tn I too have had similiar problems. It's a cycle, usually allergy induced. With me, food and airborne allergans congest my sinuses until normal drainage is no longer possible. Then the breeding ground is set for any opportunistic bacteria to take over, such as pseudomonas. The infection causes more severe congestion, which makes things worse. I've found that the best way is prevention: get tested for allergies, and start taking allergy shots.
548980 tn?1214822412 I suffer from constant sinus congestion, unsteadiness, dizziness, and anxiety. I recently had an allergy panel done, and it came back that I am allergic to cats and dustmites, but how come everytime I go outside within minutes to an hr I get stuffy? Are they missing something? I have constant unsteadiness (feel like I need to lean on something or im going to fall over) and I get occasional "vertigo" spells.