
Astelin glaucoma

Common Questions and Answers about Astelin glaucoma


Avatar f tn I have taken Astelin before being cured of hepatitis C. Astelin doesn't produce serious side effects like you are claiming. Your symptoms maybe connected to hepatitis C but very much doubt it's connect to Astelin and Hepatitis C. Regardless, I can tell you that I experience nothing like what you are suggesting while taking Astelin.
Avatar f tn Hi, I have several suggestions. First, add a sinus rinse to your routine. They sound gros, but they are so effective. Another thought is to cosider trying Patanase instead of the Astelin. Astelin wasn't a problem for me, but it sucesseors Astepro and Astepro 0.15% were horrible. I felt better when I didn't use the med then when I did. I got very congested after using it and it lasted about 5 hour with constant, Astepro drainage. Lastly, it may be time to consider allergy shots.
Avatar f tn ve also been taking Atenolol and spraying copious amount of Astelin nasal spray up my nose several times in the evening and at night. I have even been letting it run down the back of my throat and swallowing it because it's the only thing that makes me feel at least somewhat relaxed and sleepy. However, I have begun to wonder if the Astelin and/or Atenolol might be actually aggravating my anxiety symptoms and making me feel worse.
Avatar n tn A quick trip to the doctor and I was told that I had some kind of nasty allergic reaction which clogged my sinuses, gave me a post nasal drip which in turn caused the sore throat and asthma to act up. She prescribed Astelin, a nasal spray antihistamine and described the allergic reaction as a sort of systemic thing and that the astelin should clear it all up. That was Wednesday. I've been using it as told since then and I've only really noticed a very very slight improvement.
Avatar n tn (i first came up with this because i also took astelin and that produced similar i see that astelin has BAC in common with combivent and albuterol, etc.). now my internist has order a blood sugar test and an eye i'm really getting worried. thanks for your help.
Avatar f tn Juvenile open angle glaucoma is a form of open angle glaucoma which occurs in young adults. It is treatable, but frequently requires surgery, as it may be quite resistant to eye drop therapy to lower the eye pressure. There often is a genetic component to this form of glaucoma.
Avatar m tn The general incidence of glaucoma in the general populations with special risk factors that live a normal life span is 2% among high myopes (and your are barely hi myope and at age 18 very unlikely you will get beyound -7.00) the risk may be double, which sounds bad, but that is only 4% so most high myopes don't get glaucoma. Glaucoma is harder to diagnose because of 2 reasons: 1. The cup/disc ratio is larger in myopes 2. the cornea is generally thinner .
Avatar m tn You should see a glaucoma specialist (ophthalmologist with fellowship training in glaucoma) for a full glaucoma evaluation to make sure you do not have the early signs of glaucoma. He/she could check you for narrow angle glaucoma (gonioscopy), pigment dispersion, pseudo-exfoliation, etc. as these are causes of glaucoma frequently missed by non-specialists and they could also perform an optic nerve OCT exam which will demonstrate whether there is any early damage from glaucoma.
Avatar f tn I think it very important that you get a second opinion from a glaucoma specialist that you have glaucoma. If you do the preferred treatment is likely NOT drops but SLT or ALT laser. As often as 70% of the time that controls glaucoma and drops are not needed only careful follow up. Exercises will not help glaucoma, using your eyes does not cause glaucoma. If there is a medical school in Costa Rica that might work.
Avatar n tn I have had post nasal drip as long as I can remember. I am a 52 yr old mail, 5'9", 195lbs. My PND gummed up the back of my throat enough in July of this year to wake me everytime I nod off. I am now on sleep medication, clonazepam, Lunesta, now but which is barely working, Atavan is better and I can sleep but sedatives cannot be taken forever and this PND doesn't seem to be going away.
Avatar f tn She said that I have fluid built up behind my ears but no sign of infection. Now, she prescribed steroids (Medrol Dosepack 4 mg) to take for the next 6 days and Astelin nasal spray. She wants to refer me to an ENT if this hasn't helped in 2 weeks. What is going to happen from there? Why am I having these issues? I'm getting really frustrated by this and I'm tired of dealing with it. This has been ongoing for over 4 months now!
Avatar m tn My guess is that glaucoma cannot be easily detected. Yes, there maybe idications of glaucoma if a patient has an elevated IOP and c/d ratio. However, the cause of those things may not be glaucoma. Although, the first possible cause on the list may be glaucoma, it may not be the correct diagnosis, which is why the other tests are called for. But this is all just a guess since I'm not a doctor. Why not just ask your ophthalmologist?
Avatar n tn Glaucoma does not cause myopia but a developing cataract often causes increasing levels of myopia. Your glaucoma seems fairly mild so you should have no problem with cataract surgery. People with glaucoma have cataract surgery all the time. I did 2 patients much like you today. Now if glaucoma is severe and uncontolled on 2 or 3 meds, them sometimes a glaucoma filtering surgrey is combined with the cataract surgery - but that is not your case.
Avatar m tn My father was diagnosed with glaucoma roughly 5-6 years ago. The glaucoma was quite rapid, and is uncurable. The best doctors can do is slow down the process of him losing his sight. He has been in hospital on countless occasions, and has had many serious operations. I've heard Glaucoma is genetic. Being the anxious individual i am, i am somewhat cautious as to whether or not i will be affected by Glaucoma. As of what is known at the present time, no other family members have had Glaucoma.
Avatar f tn 1. glaucoma can be difficult to diagnose and often requires special tests. So yes you could have glaucoma and not show up with retina exam 2. THere are other causes of halos than glaucoma. I suggest you get your general care from a comprehensive general ophthalmologist instead of an optometrist. Find one near you at www.aao.
Avatar f tn Yes, mild, I have a glaucoma dr. I have been doing some reading on cataracts, glaucoma, etc. I get a newsletter from the glaucoma foundation that has articles about treatment trends.
Avatar f tn There are 4 types of glaucoma medications for glaucoma that work by different mechanisms. So maximum glaucoma therapy would be being on all 4 types. Note this is not 4 brands but 4 types: 1. prostaglandin analogue 2. carbonic anhydrase inhibitor 3. beta blocker 4. alpha adrenergic receptor agonist Your father would need to be on all 4 types for maximum therapy.
Avatar m tn No it is not true with glaucoma. Glaucoma is not one disease but a group of perhaps 15 different types of pressure problems. Most people never go blind the most common type of glaucoma does its damange over decades, however angle closure glaucoma can blind an eye in less than 24 hours.
Avatar f tn Yes, there are ophtalmologists who specialize in glaucoma. You might either ask your regular ophthalmologist for a reference or find a glaucoma specialist at
Avatar f tn I'm going to follow this post with a previous one about glaucoma but first I want to address you situation. It is far more likely you DON"T have glaucoma than you do have it. MOST IMPORTANT: be sure the 'eye doctor' you saw was an Eye MD ophthalmologist. They have the best training and skill to make the diagnosis. If you saw a non-MD non-physician optometrist then go to see an Eye MD. You can ask your family MD for a referral.
Avatar n tn As long as its the common type of open angle glaucoma anything she wants the warning about glaucoma is only for the rare angle closure glaucoma that has not had a laser iridectomy.
Avatar n tn This is a condition I appear to be suffering, altho the retina specialist is not convinced the central vision damage is glaucoma. My other eye doctor, the glaucoma specialist, says the central vision damage might be due to the glaucoma. My question-How common is it for glaucoma to attack the central vision first?
Avatar m tn Generally the IOP is checked before placing someone on steroid eye drops. You should see your glaucoma MD. This doesn't mean you have glaucoma that needs to be treated, the least it could be is you are a steroid responder without glaucoma. Generally the IOP returns to normal within several weeks (2-4) of stopping steroids. I have seen very rare instances in which it remained elevated for 4-5 months.
Avatar f tn No one in my family has had glaucoma and the doctor told me that patients that have no family history or glaucoma, only 10% go on to get glaucoma... But that was probably a lie because that's all doctors do is sugar coat stuff and lie to you..