
Asacol pentasa

Common Questions and Answers about Asacol pentasa


Avatar f tn He was switched from Asacol to Pentasa when his liver enzymes were slightly elevated. He was on a steroid for the first 2 years after he was diagnosed. He hasn't been on a steroid since 2006, when he was diagnosed with Diabetes. The Steroids are more for the flares, the Pentasa is used more as a maintenance drug. He is also on Purinethol, which is chemotherapy agent, to help decrease abnormal growths. Good luck.
Avatar n tn I had changed from Asacol to Pentasa the week before and the rectal pain had come back-significant burning pain. Went to another doctor and had more bloodwork-borderline IBD tests. Went off Pentasa for a few days in Dec and had severe RLQ pain and right hand pain. Got better after a week back on Pentasa. Had another colonoscopy-essentially negative in late Jan. I continue to have burning pain in my rectum and RLQ and right hand, general fatigue. Stress makes it worse.
Avatar m tn That's crazy man. I'm glad you we'ere able to find out about, attain, and benefit from this medication. I had UC when I was 8 then 3 flare-ups later I had to have a colectomy due to major blood loss. It's sad that we here in the US have such a terrible time being treated with no respect or dignity by those agencies who are designed to protect us and work for our benefit as advocates.
1869943 tn?1322654497 It was at this point I realized Asacol was no longer working so he changed me to Pentasa 10 years ago and has been fairly normal since except after my bad car accident when I discovered it can be treated from both ends. I took 9 Pentasa per day and a Pentasa enima at night from my bottom end. Now I'm down to six Pentasa tablet per day every day and at the first sign of Diiarhia I use a Pentasa Enima at night for about four nights and I'm right as rain.
277836 tn?1359666174 Long term if you do not respond to asacol/ pentasa there other other options eg. azathioprine. I would also recommend avoiding dairy (although you should take calcium suppliments and yoghurt is ok as it is live), seeds, nuts, the skin of fruit and veggies - as this can irritate the colon. Try to limit your salt intake when on steroids to limit moonface, but it will go down~ eventually...
456090 tn?1259694837 4/4/08 my gastro doctor started me on Asacol instead of Pentasa because for a couple of days I could not get out of bed because the pain was so bad. Thanks to yall for comments and suggestions.
686769 tn?1236272131 it helped me out tremendously... i did it before and received asacol, not sure if asacol will even work for you, but i found it to be more effective than pentasa. also there's a generic available for steroid enemas (not proctor and gamble), i believe... still expensive but helps out.
Avatar m tn I've had UC for 18 years so I understand from mans point of view and can't stand thinking from a Women's or child. I first have a quick question, is she taking the Prednezone for the bleeding? I know when I go into a flare and the bleeding is bad I go on a regulated decline dose to 0. Now some start a lot lower than me but I have to start a 70 mg then decrease by 10 mg every three days until it stops.
Avatar f tn After many tests and colonoscopies I was hospitalised and immediately given steroid treatment, I was then put on Asacol and 6-mp. I was ok and on the road to recover for some time after this however I have had 3 relapses since 2 of which have been this year alone and to date I have had 5 courses of steroids. My doctor increased my 6-mp which as caused my hair to fall out. I am now back on steroids and about to start a 12 week course of Methotrexate injections.....
277836 tn?1359666174 Hi, Ulcerative colitis is disease of exacerbations and remissions. Medications to induce remission are as 5-ASA products (e.g., Lialda®, Asacol®, Pentasa®, Dipentum®, etc.) and prednisolone/cyclosporins. The last two medications have more side effects especially on long term usage. Therefore, you need to discuss with your doctor about the possibility of switching your medication to 5-ASA compounds. However it depends upon the severity of your disease.
Avatar f tn My daughter, 13, can not take any medications by mouth. Asacol, pentasa, 6mp, etc, they all give her pancreatitis.. So I did alot of studying and she has stopped all her bleeding, rectal pain, urgency to go to the bathroom all the time, diarrhea. Its all stopped!! She has been sick for 4 years and now she is on nothing except fish oil , probiotics, calicium, vitamin, and the most important l- glutamine.
Avatar n tn I took prednisone to temper the flare and pentasa (or asacol) to manage the symptoms. I enjoyed six months or so of no symptoms, and thought everything was under control. But in the spring of 2009 I began having intense lower left side pain. The pain felt like it was coming from the bowel, and was entirely different than monthly cramps. But I did notice that it seemed to occur on a monthly basis, right before my period started.
Avatar m tn Has anyone tried Lialda? Does it perform any better than Asacol? How much more is your co-pay for Lialda than Asacol. I want to ask my doc to make a switch.
Avatar m tn i was prescribed asacol 2x 400mg, 3 times a day for two weeks. after this time i was also diagnosed with CKD at stage 3a with a GFR of 53 and a creatinine clearance of 87.14ml/min. i took asacol again for one month at a reduced rate of 1x 400mg, 3 times a day (3-4 tablets recommended for prevention of relapse). then i stopped taking it for 2 months. i took asacol again at 1x400mg, 2 times a day for 2 months.
Avatar f tn A related discussion, <a href="/posts/Gastroenterology/Asacol-800/show/1876778">Asacol 800</a> was started.
Avatar m tn I am 56 year old male, diabetic type 2, have been diagnosed a year ago with ulcerative colitis, they prescribed pentasa as medication, now after one year I for rectal bleeding again, I took pentasa 2000 mg on my own , rectal bleeding stopped, watched my diet for a few days , then I went back to my bad eating habits drinking carrot juice , and tuna with little spices, diarreha came back and today I took 2000 mg pentasa orally, after but was eating sweets , now after a few hours at night bleeding
Avatar n tn I have noticed that my asacol is not breaking down and is being passed in my stool! Is their a reason for this? What can/should I do?
Avatar f tn She is 13 and has been diagnosed with Crohns/ulcerative colitis. BUT...she cant take any of the medications, like pentasa, asacol, 6mp because she gets pancreatitis and becomes even more sick. So I have worked in a hospital pharmacy for 15 years and I put her on fish oil, probiotics, calcium and her symtoms were half relieved. She still has some bleeding and lots of diarrhea, but she has not been hospitalized for 3 months. So my question is were to now.
Avatar m tn I have a NEW G.I. doc who keeps referring me to a colonoscopy and an MRCP before she decides to do anything but I've had a flare-up of UC for a month and need some relief. Today I saw a whole Asacol HD tablet excreted and the G.I.doc said "that's ok--it's still absorbed." Ok--so now I must be reasonable and ask a question as how is it absorbed when NONE OF IT--repeat, NONE OF IT---is degraded at all? This woman doesn't get it. Anyway, what should I do now?
Avatar n tn Is there a program where my son can get help with his Rx for asacol? He does not have insurance.
Avatar f tn I have suffered from Crohns for 10+ years but only diagnosed last october. My doctor put me on pentasa that I am still on and I've tried numerous times to explain to him it doesn't work. I have daily pain and diarrhea 15+ times a day yet he still won't change my meds. The only test I have had done is a small bowel series which diagnosed it. No other tests to this day. He acts like he doesn't believe me when I say I have extreme pain every day.
89592 tn?1391274422 my gastro prescribed asacol...800 mg 2 tabs twice daily. I looked at the drug pamphlet and I see that it can affect liver enzymes. I dont need that since I already have mildly abnormal values. I called my gastro to tell him my concern and he said it would not hurt me. I am supposed to be on them indefinitely. I also take 5 mg prednisone for my r/a. Just wondering how this will affect the liver. I know I am not on the higher side of the doses given but still...
Avatar m tn He was under treatment and was given Pentasa granules , T PAN (40mg), Tab wysolone and Pentasa Anema. As there was no improvement. Doctor adviced to have Exemptia (Adalimumab) injection. 4 injections (40mg 8ml) was given. Next day he was having stomach pain, tight and rigid stomach, and fast breathing. He was immediately admitted in the nearby hospital and doctor found he was suffering from megacolon (toxic colon).
Avatar n tn I am on Cimzia and Pentasa 4grams a day, for the Crohns itself, Dicyclomine for most bowl and rectal spasms (works in calming down the need to go), and Tramodol 100mg (8 max a day) though I sometimes use more. Strange thing, the Tramodol acts like a diuretic and with the Dicyclomine, tends to control the pain and symptoms to the point where I am functional again. Although, if it wasn't for the Pentasa and Cimzia , I would be in the hospital or going crazy from the pain and discomfort.