
Aricept is there a generic

Common Questions and Answers about Aricept is there a generic


Avatar f tn I have been taking aricept for about 9 months. It is hard to tell if there is an improvement. It has been a while since I forgot my way home but I still forget a lot of little stuff. I keep taking it because I am convinced it cant hurt anything and it just might help a little.
246236 tn?1275478902 t want to just assume every little improvement is the Aricept talking! BUT, yesterday morning I completed a crossword puzzle for the first time in I don't know how long. I was so surprise when I did that I did another one right after (I have an app on my smartphone) to see if it was a fluke. And I completed that one too! Since then I've completed quite a few! By the way, I have tons of trouble with sleep too so it's probably not the greatest idea for me to take it at night.
Avatar f tn Hello, my doctor gave me some samples of this, I was looking it up and saw the above post, continued to search and I found where someone on here said that PV's generic is Modafinil and there are other names Alertec and Modalert. I don't know if this will help you but it is worth checking into. My insurance would not pay at first, my doctor had to fill out a form justifying it.
Avatar f tn m wondering if he will become worse much faster. Is there any other medication out there that may work better and cost less?
Avatar m tn If a person has not been diagnosed with alzheimers but is taking aricept, is it okay? will it hurt to be taking it?
Avatar n tn s so you might ask about that. And see if the Aricept could be changed under the supervision of the doctor unless there is something else neccessary it is treating as that might potentially be the cause. Zoloft is fairly tolerable overall. Tradazone has the potential to cause my disability and elderly people are particularly at risk for that so if her doctor could change that anti-depressent it might be a good idea unless its specifically helpful where others haven't been.
338416 tn?1420045702 My mom began taking aricept a couple of years into her Alzheimer’s experience. It made a huge difference in her for many months - she was engaging and would joke with you on the phone like her old self, which she hadn't done for 5 years or so prior. Sadly, my father was in denial during this phase and did not take control of her responsibilities. Thus, she took an entire weeks’ worth in one dose and overdosed. She thereafter never exhibited any flashes of her true self.
338416 tn?1420045702 s office recommended I see her for a possible medication interaction causing my seizures... well, as you can guess, there is no medication interaction. My PCP, who's a nice intelligent grandma-type, thought this was an issue for the neurologist. She also gave me a sample of an inhaler for asthma, although so far it hasn't helped my shortness of breath. So I called the neurologist up, and surprisingly there was an opening that afternoon!
649926 tn?1297657780 I think out of all the drugs out there, Aricept is the best one for strictly cognitive problems. I've been taking it for four (five?) months now, and I've definitely noticed improvements in my short term memory and attention span. I feel safer driving to work, and I can remember phone numbers and keep track of change at the grocery store. The only real side effect I've noticed is long, vivid, but boring dreams.
Avatar m tn I am still struggling with the loss of my wife of many years, and old age adds to the mental struggle with I think is depression. There is not family history of trouble, I think mine is not genetic. I tried Trazadone prescription for a year, I think it disturbs my sleep pattern. Just home from my primary care doctor and he gave me a prescription for Generic Zoloft. I will give that a try.
Avatar f tn I've been evaluated by a psychologist, and yes, it will take a while. The ten hours is an estimate - some go faster, some go slower. Expect to be tested to your limits! You'll find that you start out doing okay in the mornings, then by the afternoon, you'll get tired and won't do as well. Bring a lunch, and a snack, and be sure to eat breakfast. It's a full evaluation, and comes in several modules.
Avatar f tn My breasts are not tender at all and i have had no spotting so not sure if there is a possibility or my mind is playing games and i have just had IBS or something like that as I am very healthy during the week and not so much on the weekends so it could be change of foods?
338416 tn?1420045702 I think that's exactly what happened to me - I was in a fog for a long time. I asked for a script for Aricept, got it, and was on that for three months. It felt very much like the Aricept gave my brain enough 'power' to jump over the holes. After a while, it was more like the brain knew how to navigate around the holes.
338416 tn?1420045702 I had the same situation - when I was well-rested, I could think relatively well, but when I was feeling poorly, everything went. I fought this for about a year, then finally opted to push the issue. My neurologist (bless his pointy little head) seems to think that my impairment is so slight that I don't need anything at all. But I pushed for a neuro-psych exam, and got it, which showed moderate cog impairment in a few select areas.
Avatar m tn Hi, Here in England ViePax is the generic form of Effexor. Someone else on this forum said it is not available in the USA.
Avatar m tn The only thing I noticed was odd moire patterns in front of my eyes when I was trying to sleep, and a couple of times I had a dream that seemed a little too real. One time I dreamt that the dog had gone THWAP! against the door, and the door broke and fell inside. I woke up and sat up suddenly, saying "Whoa!" Woke my hubby up.
Avatar f tn Hello. It is important for you to decide if the symptoms are due to early onset Alzheimer's disease or the cyst. The symptoms due to the Alzheimer’s disease are more related to cognition, memory, etc. A cyst may produce similar symptoms, but it is usually an acute or sub acute finding. In all probabilities, your cyst is an incidental finding when the MRI was done. Alzheimer's disease is the one you should focus on. Aricept is a good drug.
Avatar n tn I heared there was a pill out for nausea is this true? And if so what is it I really need it I am sick all day at work.
429700 tn?1308007823 The doctor says that Copaxone is failing me and a new drug should be considered. He mentioned Rebif and even Tysabri. He said that he's setting up a new infusion center close to where I live which open in January. I mentioned being TB positive--which he did not comment on. He was in the process of moving me to his office, but a failure in the computer system happened. He was going to go over the MRI with me and discuss the other medicines afterwards.
Avatar f tn I liked Effexor Xr but went to a generic health insurance and it was not available on my plan. Is there a reason you stopped the med? Maybe all your symptoms are not withdrawal. Could be your anxiety getting worse. I weaned off the Effexor very slowly and had no problems but I have heard it can be difficult. If your doctor put you on the med then she should feel obligated to help you wean off.
Avatar n tn Exelon is the only patch. There are medications that can be taken by mouth. I work at a health care facility and we continue to get the patches. Have you checked with other pharmacies?
Avatar n tn If it ends in "olol", it is a BB. There is metoprolol, propranolol, atenolol, labetalol... There are many. That is, of course, just the generic name.