
Aricept help with cost

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Avatar f tn Aricept only slows the progression just as you said in one sentence, however it does not help everyone. Not very reassuring when you are faced with high med costs and have no way to tell if it is really slowing his disease progression or if it would be at the current pace without the med.
Avatar f tn Made an appt. with neuro to ask about Aricept. Thought it would be worth a trying, especially since it's now in generic form. Don't want to be on it (mainly b/c of stigma), but would love to get some help with cognitive issues. Much better now than a yr. ago, but still not as good as should be. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!
338416 tn?1420045702 I presume that you have contacted the two drug companies and asked for help. Also there may programs within the three MS organizations to help with meds. The National MS Society, the MS Association, and the National Consortium of MS Centers. There may also be state aid programs. Hope this helps.
704043 tn?1298056844 WOW, I'm glad you guys brought this up. I had no idea that Aricept worked that way. Does it give you a lift too----you know like ritalin?
900662 tn?1469390305 Hey, JB! I have a friend with PPMS whose main symptom is cognitive impairment, and her neuro put her on Aricept. She's really happy with it, and it's helped her feel comfortable with social gatherings. Try it - you may like it.
Avatar n tn my mum was diagnosed with alzaheimer in October 2008, she was prescriped dogmatile fort 200, aricept, trittico and lustral, I wonder if this combination goes well as she is more depessed since she took the medication.
Avatar n tn I think you should discuss with your PCP regarding a drug called Aricept. This should be started only on prescription of your treating physician. It is used for treatment of Alzheimer’s, but is helpful for short term memory loss. Aricept is a drug of choice to treat Alzheimer's, but its use is not restricted. It has been observed that Aricept improves cognition and function, which includes effects on memory and performing everyday tasks, hence it would have been prescribed.
Avatar f tn t know anything about that - all I know is that before Aricept, I was in a gray mist, and after five months of Aricept, everything seemed to make more sense. Before Aricept, it was as if I had low water pressure - I just couldn't get enough juice in my brain to put thoughts together. On Aricept, suddenly my brain could make connections. The only trippy thing I noticed was an almost hi-def moire behind my eyeballs when I went to sleep.
Avatar m tn If a person has not been diagnosed with alzheimers but is taking aricept, is it okay? will it hurt to be taking it?
211940 tn?1267881266 The test results were inconclusive, but she was left with cog fog, and took Aricept for a few months until she felt more like herself. So I argued with the neurologist and got a prescription for Aricept. I think current research supports that Aricept does not *fix* cog fog. And I agree - it didn't 'fix' mine either. What it did was the equivalent of turning the water up when you're watering the garden and need more water pressure.
338416 tn?1420045702 I have no diagnosis, but my problems with concentration and clear thinking are what trouble me most. Good luck with the Aricept, I hope you update us on how it goes. Is is really ok to just keep an eye on Seizures? I have an epileptic brother, maybe your seizures are not nearly on the same scale but I hope you are in no danger from them and that there is some way to get them under control.
429700 tn?1308007823 He was in the process of moving me to his office, but a failure in the computer system happened. He was going to go over the MRI with me and discuss the other medicines afterwards. He tried an hour later and it didn't work. Since I have to go back in to see him next week for a steroid shot in the neck, he will go over the MRI then and discuss other medicines with me.
649926 tn?1297657780 If anyone has scoop on their experience with Aricept or any other cognition helping drug please take a minute to chime in.
338416 tn?1420045702 If we are driving down the road and see a pothole, we just drive around it. Same with our brain - it learns to drive around the damage area. Giffords recovery is inspiring.
Avatar m tn Can I add that there are memory training games/tools on line as well and these have been shown to help. I have a membership with - they offer free access for the basic activities. Don't just resign yourself to losing it, try some of these activites or talk to your doctor about being referred for therapy, I did that last spring and found it very useful. We talked through memory strategies and how to strengthen skills.
649926 tn?1297657780 Hi Everyone - Hope you are all well :) I just started Ritalin last week to give me more energy and help me with my decling cognition. I was on Amantadine for the energy and it didn't even make a difference. Instead of trying Provigal the docs thought that Ritalin would give me energy AND help with focus/cognition. Well I feel so sick, dizzy, stomach upset, shaky, it's awful, BUT if I stay on task and don't stop I really can be productive and accomplish lots of things.
Avatar n tn The Novartis patch, called Exelon, was previously approved for patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s and it remains the only federally approved patch for the disease.
1842804 tn?1319756311 Hi Kasia, May I suggest rehab for you? There is specialized cognitive training that can and usually does help with concentration. There was just a big presentation on trials that proved it works that was given at the ECTRIMS conference in Amsterdam. At least I think that's where I just read about it. LOL The therapist can work with intervention techniques and skills to help you develop new or different ways to increase your attention and concentraiton.
Avatar n tn my ex hubby is also dx with graves diease, he was only 23 when his thyroid crashed almost died , they gave him iodine and over dosed him and killed his thyroid so now he knows when hes weak and not coordinated his levels are off hes on 100mcg of levethyroxin and cytomel 15 mg check with your ENDO maybe your levels are off he has since graduated to aricept at 34 cause he was having trouble thinking and talking hes also born hearing impaired so we use sign language when hes not making any sen
Avatar f tn I am confused as to which is the most important issue and how I approach each. I see a neurologist this week and have been placed on Aricept. Yet still the confusion lingers. Please give me some directive on which is the most imperative issue.
Avatar f tn Hi I am sure someone will be along who can help with this question. there are others who have had transplants and are taking these drugs.
359574 tn?1328360424 Yes, fortunately my cog fog isn't permanent. I had a bad year when everything seemed very difficult, and I was always forgetting things. I had a hard time forming sentences, couldn't remember the things I watched, couldn't keep track of change... Finally I got sick of it and went to the neuro and asked for a neuro-psych exam. It found mild cognitive impairment, and I'd lost 30 IQ points - eek! The psychiatrist recommended Aricept, so I got a sample and tried it for a month.