
Apri vs kariva

Common Questions and Answers about Apri vs kariva


475555 tn?1469304339 t format properly here, my apologies.) Hi! friends, Medhelpers, and fellow sufferers from hepatitis and the medical profession. In a previous thread, concerned with the reliability of fibrosis tests like biopsy, Fibroscan, Fibrotest, FibroTC, etc., I mentioned a simple fibrosis index I recently discovered called the AST-to-Platelet Ratio Index, or APRI, that can be calculated from blood tests, and which has been shown to have a high level of reliability.
Avatar f tn I was orginally on Depo-Provera for 1 1/2 years (never had a period), switched to Seasonale (major nausea), then switched to Tri-Sprintec (my chest got huge on this pill), and then to Kariva (was great!). I was on Kariva for 10 months. I never took the placebo week, so I never had a 'period'. However, if and when I missed a pill or took it a little late, I always had spotting for a day or two.
Avatar f tn Hi- I am a 17 year old girl and I have been on birth control pills for a little over a year and a half now. I was originally prescribed Ortho-Tricyclen Lo but was switched to Kariva in May of this year because it was said to be the "less expensive generic brand" of Tricyclen Lo. I always felt a little more irritable and noticed my skin got a little more sensitive when I originally started taking the pill, but nothing too bad.
Avatar f tn Last Wednesday I got my period, and I began taking Kariva Birth Control. On friday, My boyfriend and I decided to have sex, which was dumb, but we used a condom with spermicide on it and in it. After a little bit, the condom popped and he pulled out immediately without ejaculating at all. Then we were finished. I know that people say that girls can get pregnant on their periods, however, i was only on the 3rd day of my cycle and i highly doubt that i could have ovulated so early...
Avatar f tn 0.5 and 1.5. That is, an APRI score of less than 0.5 means no or very slight fibrosis, and an APRI score of more than 1.5 means cirrhosis. The intermediate scores approximate the intermediate fibrosis stages. I have now calculated my APRI score for the seven blood tests done between 2006 and now, and the graph of the scores shows a steady progression from early to later stage fibrosis, which is apparently what has happened. That is, I'm a fast progressor (65 years old, geno 1b, etc.).
Avatar n tn I had some really odd symptoms with Yasmin and begged my dr to take me off of it, since then I was on Apri, which is just generic desogen. Initally did much better on this one so I'm not sure how yaz/yasmin works but I can say my withdrawal bleed "period" got way longer on it- I used to only bleed for 4 days on Aleese, then gradually this increased and due to weight gain and water retention switched to Yasmin...
Avatar m tn I am on Kariva birth control. I missed 2 or 3 pills the week that i had sex. We used protection everytime except penetration once for like 30 but he did not ejaculate. I took plan b (the one pill version) between th 48 and 72 hour mark. It has been 2 weeks since and my period has been a couple days late and very very light (dark brown). I know that the plan b causes disruptions in menstrating and so does missing pills but id like to lnow if im just overly paranoid.
166496 tn?1236182312 Response rates in the sofosbuvir-ribavirin group were lower among patients with genotype 3 infection than among those with genotype 2 infection (56% vs. 97%). Adverse events (including fatigue, headache, nausea, and neutropenia) were less common with sofosbuvir than with peginterferon. CONCLUSIONS: In a single-group study of sofosbuvir combined with peginterferon-ribavirin, patients with predominantly genotype 1 or 4 HCV infection had a rate of sustained virologic response of 90% at 12 weeks.
Avatar n tn This is my first month ever being on birth control and i'm on the 28-day pack pills called Apri. i started taking the last week the "reminder pills" 3 days ago and the way i understood it is that i'm supposed to get my period on the first day i took the reminder pills...could i be pregnant or is there something else wrong?
Avatar n tn I have one sex partner. Please help! I am also on birth control Apri and have been having extreme acne under my jawline on my neck (I read this is hormonal). Please give me your input on what you think is wrong.
1063764 tn?1272821064 I am also on the birth control pill Kariva. I was told that they would not interfere with each other, however something is not right and I was just wondering if anyone out there could help me out. I can't get back to the endocrinologist for another 4 months for my next test, so I did not want to stop the medication. Does anyone know how long it stays in your body...I was considering not taking it for a few weeks just to see if this cleared up.
Avatar f tn i know all birth controls are different, but they have a lot of similar side effects. i was on yasmin, seasonique, kariva, and now sprintec. the first two that i mentioned: i had my period for about a month. sometimes it just takes a while for your body to adjust. for me it eventually regulated.
Avatar f tn OK. So I was on Apri for a year when I was with my bf. My last period on Apri was July 18, 2008. After that period, I took about 4 of the pills before I decided to go off the pill for a few months, since my bf and I broke up months ago and I don't like taking medicine/hormones I don't need. Naturally, my period started again a few days after I stopped taking the pill, so maybe the beginning of August. Last week, I made a really stupid, stupid mistake and slept with my ex w/o protection.
11728532 tn?1451774466 Hi there, I'm an 18 y/o female and I have taken birth control ( Kariva -- to be specific) since I was 15 to treat PCOS. About a month ago, I had intercourse and afterwards I bled heavily and had cramps for a week. I should not have gotten my period for another two weeks according to my pills. When I took the pills that started my period, It was very light and ended two days early. We used a condom but I'm scared.
Avatar m tn m a 21 year old who just stopped the pill after 5 years of being on it consistently. In October I was switched from Azzurette to Kariva, just a generic brand switch. I hated it and decided to go natural and stop the pill all-together around November 13. I got my "withdrawal period" right after.
7510956 tn?1411671417 Hi and welcome. Feeling healthy and approaching cirrhosis are not exclusive. Many people who have complete cirrhosis which is more advanced than your liver disease feel fine. It is only when cirrhosis becomes advanced that serious complications appear. Having fluid retention (ascites and edema), enlarged collateral veins (varices), etc. Others may have more recent data on Fibrosure. This is what I found...
Avatar m tn // APRI 4.