
Appendicitis or gastroenteritis

Common Questions and Answers about Appendicitis or gastroenteritis


Avatar f tn Symptoms include a constant achy feeling in the area, sharp pains in the area when i lay down or move positions or laugh or cough. I went to the doc after 5 days. He said its just viral gastroenteritis. I looked up the condition and it says you have vomiting and/or diarrhea, but i have neither. I am worried it is appendicitis, but the appendix is on the right side, not left. I am really in pain but i am taking my meds as described. Does this sound like viral gastroenteritis to you?
Avatar m tn Vomiting may then occur, in contrast to the repeated bouts of vomiting that typically accompany viral gastroenteritis or small bowel obstruction. Fever then usually occurs, followed by the development of an elevated white blood cell count. Of course not all patients present this way. For example, not all patients lose their appetite. The duration of symptoms without decompensation and perforation would be highly atypical.
Avatar f tn I'm 31years old.. I was told 2 weeks ago it was gastroenteritis with no testing or anything. But I felt like that was an easy answer for the doctor at the time. I've made myself anxious over it. At first the tummy discomfort made me take a few pregnancy tests (even though I had no other symptom and my periods were/are normal) all were negative. At the moment I'm struggling with food. Instantly feeling full/sick from the slightest bit of food. Weighed 14.
Avatar n tn pylori, Could be chronic gastroenteritis, could be appendicitis...doubtfull though, could be diabetes, could be lymphonodular hyperplasia...but doubtfull, id go with other infections that the doc might now have ruled out look on web md on the symptom checker see what it says...but look up H. pylori...good possibilty...
Avatar f tn They sent me home with hydrocodone and diagnosed me with gastroenteritis which I am concerned about because I have never had pain that bad nor did I have diarrhea or vomiting. The only reason I vomited in the er was because I was in so much pain. I am really worried that I was misdiagnosed because I have never had pain like that before and I have had kidney stones, C-section, and even had uterus contractions after the c sections and nothing has ever hurt that bad.
Avatar n tn If it is your right LQ then i would suggest heading to your nearest Emergency dept., as appendicitis can be dangerous. Before applying heat packs and/or massage it would be wise to rule out any internal problems such as perforation and/or bleeding, as applying either will exacerbate said conditions. As you have described several symptoms that could be related to this. have you noticed a decrease in bowel movements? Blood in your stool? nausea? Lethargy? Systemic weakness?
Avatar f tn This could be due to gastrointestinal issues like acute gastroenteritis or infection. Have this checked by you doctor for further evaluation. Your medical history and direct clinical examination are important to determine the underlying cause. Take care and do keep us posted.
Avatar f tn It lasted for about 2 weeks and took 2 packs of Picolax to sort it. Then I got Gastroenteritis following this just to top it all off. Now, my bowel movements seem OK but my abdominal pains have changed now. It feels a bit like when you get a "stitch", that kind of pain but all over my tummy. When I put pressure on my tummy it hurts even more and feels like my insides are being crushed. I just wondered if anyone else experienced this or had any suggestions?
Avatar f tn I’m worried that I have appendicitis. My pain is in my lower abdomen, right above the groin area. I still am able to walk and eat and stuff, but I’m still worried. As per Everydayhealth, medicinenet, Abdominal pain is common in a lot of illnesses, such as irritable bowel syndrome, gastroenteritis, urinary tract infections (UTI), and pelvic inflammatory disease, an infection of a woman's reproductive organs. My symptoms are similar, I am totally confused. I need Help?
Avatar n tn I have recently been experiencing right side pain and mentioned it to my GP. He sent me for a CT which confirmed mild appendicitis. Don't have typical appendicitis symptoms other than pain and some nausea. My doc says to get it taken out. I went for a consult with a general surgeon and he said he isn't 100% that's my appendix since I don't have all the acute symptoms. He said there is no such thing as chronic appendicitis and my doc says "oh yes there is". UGH...
Avatar f tn They sent me home with hydrocodone and diagnosed me with gastroenteritis which I am concerned about because I have never had pain that bad nor did I have diarrhea or vomiting. The only reason I vomited in the er was because I was in so much pain. I am really worried that I was misdiagnosed because I have never had pain like that before and I have had kidney stones, C-section, and even had uterus contractions after the c sections and nothing has ever hurt that bad.
Avatar n tn My daughter is 14 months old and she has has watery diarrhea and vomitting. When she was born she was perfectly healthy, but once I had to return to work I began to give her formula and that's when she began to have these complications. She began to have watery diarrhea and vomit. I took her to the doctor and they said she had gastroenteritis, but it's been a while now and she is still the same? Does anyone know what could possibly be wrong? Thank you.
Avatar f tn t develop fever or vomiting with my appendicitis, reason why it was hard to diagnose, especially because it was behind my ceccum (for 1 month doctors suspected ovary pain...until my appendix burst). Can this time be stump appendicitis and doctors mistake it for cysts again?? I'm scared...
Avatar n tn Hi there, Ondansetron is used for treating vomiting. Constipation, dizziness and headache are the most commonly reported side effects associated with its use. These symptoms will ware off once you have stopped using the medication. This is merely an advice and not a substitute for clinical examination. I hope it helps. Best wishes and regards!
Avatar f tn r n they did blood work n a ultrasound which came back normal. I was think gallbladder stones idk.. So doctor diagnose me with gastroenteritis prescribe me pain killers. N next morning with the dull pain that comes n goes. Ouch! Is it normal???? Im scared im praying to god to please let it not be nothing else..
Avatar n tn I went up there and took her to the doctor and she was basically told is was a stomach virus (gastroenteritis) drink plenty of fluids and it should go away in a couple of days but when I look up Gastroenteritis it says that it's common in people with weaken immune system caused by HIV. She took her 3 month birth control shot the morning before but I'm sure that didn't cause Gastroenteritis. My question is should I be concerned about HIV at this point.
Avatar n tn The doctor at hospital emerg says the kidney looks somewhat inflamed in CT as if it may have recently been infected or is newly infected, suggests I tell my doctor that CT reveals the diverticulae in my left abdomen (which she finds curious and worth noting though the pain is in my right side). The ache is such that it is uncomfortable to lay on my stomach, wear a belt or lean over. I went to my doctor who suggested I had diverticulitis.
Avatar f tn So my question is, is this appendicitis, or is this endometriosis? My anxiety is out of control. Could appendicitis take this long to develop? I am on Loestrin 24 (birth control) and my fever has gone away.The pain and nausea comes and goes. I've been going through this for about a year now. Please help me.
Avatar n tn go home take panadol dont bring her back unless she has fever, cant walk, is passing bloodin either urine or stool or still has pain after another3to4 weeks. idont realy understand how the hospitalcan see in black and white with the proof that she is getting worse not better and dontwant to help her. is there any conditions or problems i should know about to have her tested for that the number of lymphnode enlarged are rising as well as the contnued worsenning of abdominpain?
Avatar f tn I went to the emergency room thinking that I had appendicitis but I was diagnosed with ovarian cyst and gastroenteritis. I recently went to see a gastroenteritis doctor and had to do an endoscopy and colonoscopy test. I finished both of the procedure today and got the results back with normal duodenum, Normal stomach, a hiatus hernia was found, esophagitis seen and a normal colon. My doctor did a biopsy but I am not sure what or where he did the biopsy for.