
Appendicitis jaundice

Common Questions and Answers about Appendicitis jaundice


Avatar n tn What you describe could be a number of things, including pancreatitis, appendicitis, diverticulitis, ... or something else altogether. This set of symptoms doesn't seem to be the type one can afford to ignore. Pls see a doc/urgent care right away. Hope you'll write again to let us know how you're doing.
Avatar m tn It hurts to walk and I must sit down with great care, I have performed some of the tests for appendicitis such as lying supine with my right leg bent and pushing over to the left...this results in much pain. Having been an EMT for many years I understand this could be appendicitis, however, I am confused about the pain free lapses. I live in the middle of no where with poor hospitals about 2 and a half hours away.
Avatar n tn As far as I know, the most apparent symptom of appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix) is a dull pain in the stomach on the right side, that moves to severe lower right abdominal pain. The above website explains different symptoms that could accompany appendicitis.
Avatar n tn When I had appendecitis I woke up in pain with a lot of abdominal pressure and was admitted for surgery that day. It felt like I was really constipated or something (sorry TMI), and was nauseous. It sounds like the pain you are having is more likely related to the pcos. I have had ovarian cysts in the past and it felt a lot like what you are describing. I'm not an expert, just my personal experience.
Avatar m tn An appendix is usually on the right side of your stomach and you will usually run a high fever with appendicitis. However, if you are still concerned, you can call your doctor and ask to speak to a nurse.
Avatar f tn now i am developing the same pain again after about 20 hours, so i want to ask can it be appendicitis even if ultrasound doesnt show it? one of my friend got operated last month, she was having the same pain but ultrasound didnt show anything even then she got operated n now is fine!
Avatar f tn Now the next day my lower right stomach is pretty tender, nowhere else, just lower right side. Should I be worried about appendicitis? Could it be tender from extreme gas and bloating? Thoughts?
Avatar f tn According to WebMD diagnosing appendicitis can be tricky: "Symptoms of appendicitis are frequently vague or extremely similar to other ailments, including gallbladder problems, bladder or urinary tract infection, Crohn's disease, gastritis, intestinal infection, and ovary problems. The following tests are usually used to make the diagnosis.
Avatar f tn Is your baby getting regular check ups with her doctor for the jaundice? New born jaundice should not last longer than 2 weeks, and if it does it could signal a liver condition that requires treatment, and you are at the two week mark.
Avatar f tn My first two children had jaundice when they were born and had to stay in the hospital an extra day to get the uv light treatments. I'm assuming my third baby will have it too... has anyone else had multiple children with jaundice?
Avatar f tn OK so day 5 was determine to have jaundice.. So I had to take her too the hospital for a blood test OK day 6 got her results she was at a level 15 so had to take her back to the hospital to get checked again so now I'm waiting for the Dr to call me back to see of she needs to be admitted! Any one else go through something similar? I'm losing my mind going crazy with all the what if!!!
Avatar f tn My baby was born march 7 and he has been showing no signs of jaundice but besides in his labs i had jaundice when i was a baby and they dont do it like they use to has anyone else baby had jaundice
10427810 tn?1410754377 Has anyone else had a baby that had problems with Jaundice? My son was born 5 days ago at 35+4 weeks & we got to bring him home yesterday after two long days under the light & we went back to recheck his levels & they were rising so we go back in the morning to get another test done & if they are rising then he is going to be admitted back into the hospital. I'm really scared & was wondering if anyone else went through this & their baby is fine. Thanks in advance!!
Avatar f tn Hi ladies I gave birth 5 weeks early to a healthy baby boy. He didn't have jaundice at the hospital. He is now 12 days old and has slight jaundice. Is there any other way to rid of this besides direct sunlight? I'm worried about it not going away on its own.
7527649 tn?1410584476 Any moms had babys with jaundice , how long did they last with and how did it go away. My son is 4 days and i have to keep taking him back to the hospital to get his blood drawn every day. Im just wondering if any other moms went through this ?
Avatar f tn Its when baby produces too much billireubin (an enzyme made in the liver) which causes yellowing of the skin. If baby is jaundice, or has hyperbillireubinemia, they will be placed under special UV lights that will promote the billi levels to come down on their own. Its not uncommon, I work on a pediatric floor and we see this quite a bit.
Avatar f tn Well my son is a week old and the doctors said he has mild jaundice and they did some blood work on him , im not familiar with this my first son didn't have it cause i used formula and i was doing research and they said breastfeeding causes it ... now im worried should I stop for a while and use formula ?
Avatar n tn Could be jaundice, when you go to Urinate have you noticed if its a very dark color, also your nails will go yellow and you will get upper stomach pain. Go to see you Doctor he wull know.
Avatar m tn re jaundiced. Generally 1.4 is not elevated enough to show jaundice. Typically jaundice is seen in patients with a 2 MG/dl or higher total serum bilirubin. Your ALT is certainly elevated enough to warrant further investigation. There is something injuring your liver and further testing is necessary to diagnose your condition. Frequently doctors will order viral hepatitis tests to rule out Hep A, B, C etc. Aside from viral hepatitis there are many other liver disorders to consider.
1095286 tn?1257240687 I would check in with your doctor and discuss your concerns with him/her. Being jaundice means there is something going on with your liver. Have you been to the doctor and do they know what is going on??
1194973 tn?1385503904 A lot of different things can cause can spontaneously occur, and it can occur from different blood-type issues..for instance, my son had it because he has A+ blood but I have O+ and somehow our blood mixed, and the antibodies in my blood attacked his red blood cells :(. It caused him to have what's caused ABO Incompatibility Jaundice...and his levels were dangerously high very soon after birth, which is how they noticed it immediately and were able to identify it.
Avatar n tn I have a question. Before/during tax, does anyone experience the jaundice associated with HCV? If so, how long does this last? I do not recall anyone talking about this symptom.
Avatar m tn My father presented with fever and chills n jaundice His ALT =261 ALP =375 GGT=558 serum bilirubin= 3.0 US abdomen-- CBD is dilated Liver irregular history of open cholecystectomy 15yrs back? Wht is the differential diagnosis?