
Antibiotics for human bite

Common Questions and Answers about Antibiotics for human bite


Avatar f tn In self defense/retaliation, I punched the male in the face (which most likely made him bleed inside his mouth) and he then processed, not exaggerating here, to bite my face once. He definitely broke the skin, he held on for about ten seconds and I definitely bled. About two hours after the incident, I went to the ER. I got a tetanus shot, antibiotics prescribed and because I requested it: I was put on PEP.
Avatar m tn The human mouth is among the "dirtiest" orifices on the human body and there is a risk of bacterial infection due to human bites. If your ear swells and/or becomes inflamed I advise you to seek medical care immediately as you will need antibiotic therapy. On the other hand, your risk for HIV from such an exposure is minimal and not something to worry about. There are a VERY few descriptions of HIV from such an exposure but not so many as to be reason for concern.
Avatar n tn If this amoxicillin or ciproflaxin is human medication, do not give this to your cat as this is made for human consumption not for cats. Take your cat to a vet to be properly diagnosed and treated. Under no circumstances should you ever use human prescription meds on a cat.
Avatar f tn Hello, Since you have drained out the pus, make sure to keep the area clean with topical antiseptics and apply topical antibiotics like Neosporin. Boils are caused by bacterial skin infection and bacterial skin infections can be spread by shared cosmetics or washcloths, close human contact, or by contact with pus from a boil or carbuncle. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and regards.
1009876 tn?1326490077 Thanks for your response, I took my daughter to her doctor and he did exactly what you mentioned. He didn't say what it was, but he took a sample just in case and with 1 week of antibiotics, the bump is now just a pale purple spot.
7052683 tn?1392938795 s male cat that has the fight wounds. As Opus pointed out in her comments, if these antibiotics are for human consumption under no circumstances can you give a cat a person's medicine such as an antibiotic either oral or as a cream. This is why a vet needs to see this male cat with the fight wounds to assess what this kitty needs. You say Lynn17 cannot afford a vet, but a kitty with fight wounds really needs to be seen by a vet. Are these fight wounds bite marks or claws marks or both ?
598892 tn?1219797635 If I were you, I would do a bunch of research-go on the search engines and type up antibiotics for cats. You should absolutely never give a cat any human med without doing research, only listen to a vet. If the VET says a human med is safe for kitty, then go for it. Otherwise do not listen to anyone that tells you otherwise-because they are clueless. Also, keep in mind, that whatever momma kitty gets, the kittens will get through her milk. Good luck.
Avatar f tn I got bit by a dog on my leg and the bite wasn't to bad but it did break skin so I got put on antibiotics for 10 days and I'm nervous that it's not ok to take. But Iv been taking the recommended dose for like 3 days now. I'm 19 weeks pregnant now.
Avatar m tn Gabriele, There is no chance to get infected from some one's bite. Why? Because there was no scope for transmission, there was no involvement of infected fluid exposed to your blood stream.I'm sure you must be thinking that the saliva could have caused a threat but you'd be happy to know that saliva contains proteins that inhibits the virus. Hence, you are safe. Now, you could go back and bite him revengefully still there'd be no risk, again.
Avatar m tn I went to a massage parlour last week. The massage lady bites my belly for few seconds while performing hand job for me . I checked my belly no mark or blood was discovered but it was dark and i wasn't too sure about it . But i know she did bite me .may be a love bite .it wasn't hurt but just some annoying feeling .May i know if there is any risk of hiv? Should i go for blood test?Thank you for concern .
Avatar m tn To your answer you provided me last week regarding a human bite mark that left toothmarks and redness - but no bleeding. Would I be able to see the bleeding or could it be to small to see ? Again - The marks went away a while later and I saw no scabs or anything like that. Thank You !
Avatar m tn I got a human bite on my right index finger. I waited 5 days and only went to the doctor when I knew I had to. The doctor cut off the nail and drained the puss. He then put me on antibiotics. The finger still hurts but not as much. It looks like the finger is getting much better. However, this morning my right arm was sore but I didn't think anything of it. Now, the right side, and only the right side, of my face hurts. Are these related and is it bad if they are?
Avatar m tn Hi there I just read on the body that there is a diffrence between a love bite and a human bite I wanted to know how this is so as a love bite there is a lot of biting, suking and licking and a human bite well it would just be a bite wouldnt it? I ask this as in my many years i have had many love bites and not once thought bad of anything, now i have the urge to test... Can anyone please clarify?
Avatar f tn It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps.
Avatar f tn Sounds like a spider bite that is infected; red lines indicative of infection. He needs a DOCTOR and ANTIBIOTICS ASAP.
Avatar n tn All the pills for curing insect bites (especially antibiotics) should be taken only if a doctor prescribed it to you. Self-treatment with Piriton and other remedies like it can cause unpleasant consequences. As for the repellents, it's always better to use natural ones instead of chemical.