
Angiogram procedure of the heart

Common Questions and Answers about Angiogram procedure of the heart


Avatar n tn If needed, they can also measure the pressures in the valves during the angiogram. If you feel you have symptoms of blocked arteries, you should see your doctor.
Avatar n tn I waited on my fiancé during his angiogram, 1 hour of waiting and 3 hours of supervising from the nurses then home we went
Avatar f tn You will also be given a few pills before the procedure, to thin your blood and lower the risk of clotting. In the UK we are given around 600mg of Plavix, That's 8x75mg pills, but some countries give 300mg. If you have any questions about the procedure, please ask, we have lots of experience to share. I promise you, nothing hurts and it is over before you know it.
Avatar n tn Did they use sufficient local anaesthetic? During different parts of the procedure, they inject different volumes of contrast. This, depending on which artery is receiving the dye, causes heat sensations in the body, pain down the sides of the body, chest pains etc. They only last for about 5 seconds, but can be alarming if you don't know it's going to happen.
1318351 tn?1313381421 I'm not at all familiar with the 'bands around the heart' discussions unless he means heart spasms. Regarding the angiogram, they are very safe, there is little chance of any pain and a whole lot of information will be revealed. I've had probably ten of them. This will be one of those events that afterward you will wonder why you invested so much angst into prior to the event. After the procedure, you will have to lie still for several hours, so be sure and bring a good book.
Avatar n tn I had a CT angiogram for heart this week. Compared to a regular angiogram or catheterization , the CT angiogram can be considered a noninvasive procedure. However, in your dad's case the CT angiogram may also be considered risky because of kidney problems. His kidneys may not be able to deal with the dye used for CT angiogram. I am not a doctor so here I am just giving advice based on my on experience.
776302 tn?1241091853 I had a 2 hour procedure the other day and a LOT of contrast. As soon as the procedure was over, I was given 2 cups of water to gulp down, even though I felt nauseous. I was then supervised to drink 3 litres of water in 2 hours which certainly flushed me out. I was then given a healthy lunch and the nausea disappeared. Most people suffer dizziness and sickness because they don't drink lots of fluids to aid removal from the body.
Avatar f tn The CT scan 64 slice is not the state-of-art for CAD detection. The CT scan 256 slice 3D images is very good as the images provide a view as if actually seeing the source. The 3D CCG differs from CT as it measures blood velocity to determine fault that may or may not be due to blockage but another cause. A cath angiogram has the advantage if there is blockage, the blockage can be stented at the time, and it is not painful at all!.
Avatar n tn ve had 8 or 9 angiograms/plastys and never had a problem. They told me the risks, but the occurrence of those risks was less than 1%. This is a tiny risk. You just feel the needle for the local anaesthetic, a little pinch. Then you lay there waiting to see if you can feel the dreaded tiny incision being made. However, you look up at the large monitor and realise they are already in and looking at your arteries. It really is amazing.
974371 tn?1424653129 Ok, I haven't even seen a cardiologist yet. Actually, I've had chronic mouth and throat problems no doctor is able to diagnose. In the mean time, I've been complaining of a *hard* heart beat for a while. My doc, as usual, attributes it to nerves. I mentioned it yet again so he finally sent me for a halter monitor and an ECHO treadmill stress test. I knew I didn't do to well on the stress test.
Avatar f tn for some reason that same hand is tender over the top of my hand, where they put in the Angiogram camera tubing. I have had a groin Angiogram about 7 years ago. Even though I had this wrist discomfort, I would seriously ONLY ever recommend the wrist Angiogram, should you be reading my experience here.
Avatar n tn t be any risk with a CT scan, and if the procedure is with a cath the risk may be a problem at the entery site (groan) as a diabetic may have some difficuty with the healing process other risks are minimal i.e. rupture, uncontrolled bleeding, etc. Doctors are quickly available if there is a problem. The word shunting means to bypass blood flow. I assume it is a coronary artery bypass, and the risk depends on general health and whether or not the conditions cited are under control, etc.
Avatar m tn I had a PET stress test which showed an area of my heart was not recieving increased blood or oxygen during stress. I underwent an angiogram on the 13th of November and the main coronary arteries were clear (two had 30 percent blockage) and the doctor told me that I had one small thread sized vein blocked and he suspected that some of the veins in the muscle in the affected part of the heart were blocked so he increased my Toprol to 50 mg.
Avatar m tn The reason I had to have a nuclear scan is that the LAD was blocked at the top and there were different gradients of disease all the way down the vessel. My Cardiologist wanted to see if any heart muscle had died or low on blood supply. From what I understand, ct-scans produce far more exposure than angiogram. I've had over 10 angiograms now and still feel fine.
Avatar m tn Has anyone had an angiogram with the catheter inserted in arm or neck instead of the groin? I don't think I could take the groin without serious nerve spasms.
Avatar f tn It showed the complete anatomy of the heart vessels that included any soft plaque within the lining of the vessel. The ct software scored the soft plaque and evaluated the risk of a rupture. It also discloses any hard plaque within the lumen (vessel channel). The cath views the lumen for plaque, and has the ability to determine gradient pressures of chambers and vessels...The cath can also be equiped with ultra sound to view the anatomy of the vessel.
Avatar n tn An angiogram can be performed with a cath (intervention with a probe through the leg vessel to the heart), or ct scan (best is a 128 slice) that views the blood flow (dye has been injected) through the coronary arteries. There isn't a high risk with a cath, and it is not painful, but have an understanding with the doctor whether or not your father wants a stent implant if there is some blockage, and whether the stent(s) are drug coated or not (obtain an opinon what the doctor prefers).
Avatar m tn I doubt if any medication associated with an angiogram would be in the best interest of the patient or doctor. I understand your question is subsequent to the procedure, but if it occurs subsequent there could be a risk of having a coughing spell during the procedure. I have never heard the contrast dye or IV has caused a cough, but some individuals under specific circumstances could have the coughing episode as you describe.
Avatar n tn Thank you for the information. The test went well and the angiogram showed no heart or artery problems. We are now back to ground zero trying to figure out what is causing the chest pain and extreme fatigue.
Avatar f tn Remember and EKG only shows that a change has already occurred in the heart. It tells you nothing about a build up in the crucial arteries of plaque. Therefore the blockages in the arteries had gone undetected, created clots , and damaged the heart muscle forever by deprivation of oxygen. That is permanent. I was anxious too, but when you have a heart attack, if your survive, you face angiograms and bypass surgery with a weakened heart.
447939 tn?1235061943 A cath angiogram is an interventional procedure that examines only the lumen for blockage, but an CT angiogram (64 slice) examines the lumen and the whole anatomy of the vessel.
Avatar f tn The angiogram will show the cardiologist where the blockage is and give him a good idea of the best way to treat it. Maybe it will be an easy job of inserting a stent, or maybe he will decide a better option is a bypass. The overall picture of all your coronary arteries will be seen and a long term decision will be made on those images.
Avatar n tn As earlier stated, the angiogram is the gold standard--but with risks. The CT is very good, noninvasive, and has only the very slight risk associated with radiation.
685584 tn?1227113800 If there is a connection with anomalous RCA and pericarditis, the connection would most likely be due to myocardial infarction (damaged heart cells). The damaged heart cells can be due to ischemia (lack of blood flow) caused by the RCA anomaly.