
Angiogram procedure dye

Common Questions and Answers about Angiogram procedure dye


Avatar n tn Hello Padma, Sorry to learn about your dad. I had a CT angiogram for heart this week. Compared to a regular angiogram or catheterization , the CT angiogram can be considered a noninvasive procedure. However, in your dad's case the CT angiogram may also be considered risky because of kidney problems. His kidneys may not be able to deal with the dye used for CT angiogram. I am not a doctor so here I am just giving advice based on my on experience.
Avatar m tn I understand your question is subsequent to the procedure, but if it occurs subsequent there could be a risk of having a coughing spell during the procedure. I have never heard the contrast dye or IV has caused a cough, but some individuals under specific circumstances could have the coughing episode as you describe. Thanks for your question, maybe someone else has an answer or the experience.
Avatar n tn It is a simple procedure in which the doctors will pass catheters either from the arm or leg into the heart. Once there, they will place dye in the heart arteries and watch this dye on xray monitors. Arteries which are blocked will appear more narrow than the other arteries.
Avatar n tn hey my dad is suppose to go in for an angiogram but he fears what might happen to him if he does. i was wondering if there was possible any alternative procedure or something else he could possibly do.
776302 tn?1241091853 I had an angiogram yesterday and vomited when the dye was injected going all hot and funny for about 5mins. I also found the whole procedure quite painful. The next day I felt fine until after lunch when again I felt sick and dizzy. Did I have a reaction to the dye or am I hyper sensitive?
Avatar f tn I have just been scheduled for an angiogram and I'm scared to no end I have a 3 year old son I love to death same as my soon to be wife. I'm so scared something will go wrong during the surgery how coming are complications? Also my ej is 73 is this bad?
Avatar f tn quickly looked at that web site and didn't see high speed 64 slice CAT scan with dye. This is a relatively new procedure....non-invasive compared to a invasive cath. Had one done a month ago.
Avatar f tn Also, ensure you empty your bladder about 5 mins before the procedure. With all that dye in your blood, your kidneys start to work overtime. One thing I can promise you is that you only feel one slight discomfort. This is when they put the anaesthetic into your inner thigh. This stings a little bit but is not overwhelming. You then seem to wait to see if you feel them make the incision, but you suddenly realise they are already inside and up to the heart.
Avatar f tn this is a non-invasive procedure compared to an angiogram and except for a dye reaction certainly has less risk. Provided almost as much information as angiogram. The CT scan can also give you a calcium score which may be helpful.
Avatar f tn An arteriogram/angiogram is procedure with contrast dye to establish whether or not there vessel stenoisis (narrowing) that may effect the blood supply to specific heart location. The arteriogram can be an interventional procedure (cath moved through femur vessel) or non-intervention with CT scan that takes images. What procedure have you had to determine ischemia (low blood supply) to the heart's apex of a heart wall? Do you have symptoms for the ischemia?
Avatar f tn The PCA is a cath interventional procedure that will stent and open the LAD. The stent procedure could have been done at the time of the angiogram...did your physical condition/reaction at the time of the test prevent doing a stent implant at the time? No other problems indicated on the report. You may want to get an understanding regarding your passing out! You may have been overdosed or allergic to the dye, etc.
Avatar n tn Not to be critical as I beleive Lutheran meant to say cath angiogram. Both cath or CT angiogram use contract dye to view perfusion, and that procedure is the definition of angiogram. A CT scan 64/128 views the anatomy of the 4 main heart vessels and will show any soft plaque between the linings of the vessel as well as any plaque buildup in the lumen. The cath angiogram views the lumen for the plaque that narrows and obstructs blood flow causing angina (chest pain).
Avatar f tn For a person to have an angiogram he should be medically in a condition to tolerate the procedure and the dye used. Before doing an angiogram the doctors will do an EKG, an echocardiogram and/or chest X-rays. This is a tough situation. Your husband needs to be evaluated simultaneously by the cardiologist and kidney specialist. Maybe he can be admitted for a day or two for complete evaluation. Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
Avatar n tn hello, i had a heart catherization procedure 4 weeks ago. All went well and looks like everything is healing fine. I had a bruise near the groin area that went away and the tiny little lump i had right under where they poked is going away. However, the artery next to the poked area is still a little swolen. It has not gotten bigger, but seems like it is taking to long. Shouldn't the artery swell go down by now? I am not in pain and going to work and even taking walks.
Avatar m tn Joanincarolina, an angiogram is a procedure that views perfussion with a contrasting medium...the procedure can be a cath or ct scan. ________________________________________ From what I have read a CT scan 64 slice is not recommended for anyone young. Because the cancer risk is futuristic there is no definitive answer to the degree of risk and who is vulnerable. I didn't take any medicine to drop my heart rate prior to the test.
Avatar n tn Angiogram is when the doctors go up through your groin into your heart, use some dye, and checked for blocked arteries. Sometimes they check the pressure in the valves. A mild sedative is given before to relax you. It will definitely show if there is anything wrong with your heart and it is worth it. If they see blocked arteries they may choose to stent them to keep them open at that time.
678571 tn?1228012270 I usually go to a cardiologist in another city. But my cardiologist could not perform my scheduled angiogram. My symptoms before this angiogram were chest pain with exertion of any kind. After this angiogram, I have had blood pressure problems, breathing problems, dry cough, shortness of breath and all the other symptoms that my cardiologist wanted me to do an angiogram for. He had said that if I needed an other stent put in. I would need a bypass even though I have small vessels.
Avatar n tn An Angiogram is an X-ray test that uses a special dye and a small camera to take pictures of the blood flow in an artery or vein. They will put a small catheter into the artery or vein to inject the dye in there and then take pictures of the area to get a clearer imagine of exactly what is going on. You most likely will have an IV for fluids and any medication that they doctor may want to give you.
Avatar n tn After the procedure, drink cup after cup of water. The quicker you get drinking, the sooner you flush the dye outta your blood.
Avatar f tn My cardiologist wants me to have an angiogram, but I also have difficulties with the galdolinium contrast dye. Since I had the suspected heart attacks, I have been dizzy, disorientated, whoozy, light headed and lots of angina type of pain. My feet and ankles are swollen, I am breathless, exhausted, fatigued, no stamina. If I try to carry something such as my purse, or even one bottle of water, one liter, it makes me even worse, with all the aforementioned symptoms, and breathless.
326176 tn?1239515689 My cardiologist says that Angiogram is not advisable due to a possible risk of intervention between the dye injected and the medications administered presently for my heart condition.
Avatar f tn An angiogram will help determine if you blockage(s). I first had the procedure done in 2005 and the doctor found an artery with 90% blockage. He put in a stent.
Avatar n tn I had an angiogram 7 weeks ago with no sign of blockages, yet I am in constant pain, which worsens when I try to lift. I cant even walk fast and am exhausted, dizzy and nauseated. I had only chest tightness and and mild pain before the test, but was exercising and working, now I am leaving the house only to go to Dr.s appointments.