
Alendronate how to take

Common Questions and Answers about Alendronate how to take


Avatar f tn I take Fosamax with D once a week. Common practice among physicians is apparently 800-1000 ius of Vitamin D a day for good health. The single Fosamax pill has 5600 ius of D. Will this one pill suffice for my D intake all week and is it all right to have it all at once instead of single pills every day?
Avatar f tn I took my first dose of Alendronate and then experience significant muscle pain for the next 4 days. Does anyone know if I should expect this to happen each time I take it or is it something to happen for the first few times until my body adjusts to the medicine?
Avatar n tn Do you mean Fosamax (alendronate)? If you do, its for treating bone problems like Osteoperosis by adding bone mass and slows bone loss. I use it for Osteopenia.
Avatar m tn The periodontist has recommended a procedure to reinforce the gums prior to the braces. This has added an additional 6K to the price and about 3 months to the total time to straighten the teeth. The last thing the periodontist said to us was if we had to choose between the periodontal and orthodontist was to get the teeth straightened and if there was problem we could then address that problem.
Avatar m tn It is believed to be monostotic fibrous dysplasia of the skull. I have found articles to suggest that high-dose bisphosphonate therapy (40 mg/day for 6 months) offers a significant improvement in patients with fibrous dysplasia of the skull. Do you believe that since my fibrous dysplasia has remained static / unchanged in almost 4 years that bisphosphonates would possibly be helpful to a large degree?
Avatar n tn My concern now is - how healthy is it - really- in general to not allow the body to remove dead bone tissue? Would this not impede building healthy tissue? Thank you in advance for an opportunity to learn more.
Avatar f tn 9 F or more, then this could indeed be a problem. The only way to know if it is viral or you need an antibiotic is for the doctor to run some blood tests to see if your body is fighting off any illnesses. But also if you are on osteoporosis medications currently, the medication you are taking could be causing your symptoms.
Avatar f tn I am also taking Aromasin for bc. Stopped alendronate (I am osteopenic due to 30 yrs of prednisolone and Arimidex) in case this caused the oesophagitis. Would appreciate your advice.
Avatar f tn If you are worried that using this has damaged your bones, you should speak to your doctor about this. If may be that you need to have calcium and Vitamin D (this helps the body to absorb calcium) replacement. Do not stop taking the prednisones until you speak with your doctor. The damage to your 3 vertebrae may just be coincidental. Make an appointment with your doctor and discuss your concerns with him. Hope you get on OK. Best wishes.
Avatar m tn The authors examined the effects of high-dose oral alendronate (40 mg daily) for 6 months on 3 adult patients with intractable headache due to fibrous dysplasia of the skull. Each patient had disease processes not amenable to surgery. The patients underwent clinical follow-up at 1, 3, and 6 months. Their pain levels were documented at each visit by using a visual analog scale. All 3 patients demonstrated a significant decrease in pain levels and became independent of scheduled analgesics.
Avatar f tn Hi please help how to take eveprim? My dr prescribed it to me but i forget to ask how to take it.. she just told me to take it every night?
Avatar f tn What is the best way to take levoxyl 175mcg tablets? Is it okay to take it in the am with all your other meds?
Avatar n tn Are you on cytomel ONLY? What are your thyroid levels - FT4, FT3 and TSH? Do you have Hashimoto's? 50 mcg cytomel seems like a lot - and I would most likely split it into at least 2 doses, but that would depend on your labs. I wonder why she didn't give you any T4 med. cytomel is a T3 only med which is about 4 times more potent than T4 and is taken into the system quickly and is gone quickly, whereas the T4 med builds gradually.
Avatar f tn t work now Im on xanax and elavil50mgs they both work the elavil is to help me sleep I dont sleep.tell your doctor to take you off zoloft there giving bad reaction to it.
Avatar m tn Is having itchy acne-like bumps a sign of acute hiv? Number of bumps is like 5.How many bumps you need to have to call it a rash?
Avatar n tn However, sometimes the headaches are really bad, and now my doctor is suggesting I have my Ovaries removed (OBGYN says take it all if not planning on kids moving forward) - this will allow me to take Femara which I understand to be better than Taxomifen - is this true. I asked what the benefit would be and I guess it would reduce my risk of reoccurence by approximately 3-4 percent. Although, those seem like low percentages - they are huge when it comes to cancer.
Avatar f tn I am going to see my family doctor next month and must ask her to give me a referral note to see a Dentist and a GI. Few months ago I went to an Endocronologist and she told me I don't have GERD (eventhough I burp and am bloated) because I don't have any heartburn. I have had Endoscopy and the result was just a Mild Gastritis therefore no medication was given. For the Barium Swallow test the result is negative, thank God.
Avatar n tn Also, would it perhaps be possible to add some alendronate, or something else to help her bone density and still be able to benefit from the thyroid medication? Thank you so much!
Avatar n tn my boyfriend was on suboxxone for 3 months to stay off heroin. When i went back to fl. to pack up my house he stopped taking it and was back on heroin in 4 days. he has been doing about 5 bags a day for 5 weeks. He did his ithdrawls?last bag about 16 hours ago. how soon can we start the suboxxone?