
Adapalene and acne

Common Questions and Answers about Adapalene and acne


1364054 tn?1346005167 Hello, Adaplene is a topical retinoid primarily used in the treatment of mild-moderate acne. Adapalene controls acne but does not cure it. Medications similar to adapalene have caused tumors in laboratory animals who were given the medications and exposed to real or artificial sunlight. It is not known whether adapalene increases the risk of tumors in humans. But it is advisable to protect yourself from sunlight and sunlamps while taking adapalene. I hope it helps. Take care and regards.
Avatar n tn Im 22 years old in my forehead and all around in face have lot of marks,acne. I went to a Dermatologist and he recommended to use fashbar soap,dezor shampoo,adapalene & clindamycin phosphate gel and take 1 capsule of minolin 100mg but now my face is burning and get lot of oily also still there is no results to that marks and acnes what can I do now pls answer me?
Avatar f tn Im 20 years old. I have acne scars and pimples . I went to a Dermatologist and he recommended me to use adapalene & clindamycin phosphate gel but now my face gets burning sensation and has got shine wherever I used that product. also the pimples which I had is turning into some kind of mark. I discontinued using after 10 days. Will it be proper by itself?
Avatar m tn If untreated, acne can cause physical and psychological scars. It should be treated quickly and robustly and not refered to as "just acne". Best Wishes, Eloise.
Avatar f tn If you are having recalcitrant acne in women then probably oral contraceptive containing norgestimate 0.25 mg and ethinyl estradiol 0.035 mg; spironolactone; prednisone. If you have acne where sweating is an aggravating factor then aluminum chloride solution should be your choice of your treatment. Acne surgery are done for comedone expression; incision and drainage of fluctuant cysts and abscesses; chemical peel; micro-derm-abrasion; intra-lesional triamcinolone 2–4 mg/ml.
Avatar m tn I am having Acne vulgaris on my face for the past seven years. Now I am 20 and I am Male. I used to take some ointments(clindamycin,benzoyl peroxide) but that had only temporary effects. Of late, I have started taking medications on the advice of a doctor who says that I have reached the Gr.IV satge of acne. It is given as follows: Isotretinoin 20 mg twice daily, body weight being 50 kg.
Avatar m tn The cream contained adapelene, however, it was eventually taken off my insurance and became far too expensive. I used this cream in the winter, and as such I never had to worry about the risk of sun exposure with it. Recently I was told that Differin became over the counter, and worked well for acne. I didn't really know what was in it at the time, but it worked phenomenally! I started using Differin in May, but I now realize Differin also contains Adapalene.
Avatar m tn The cream contained adapelene, however, it was eventually taken off my insurance and became far too expensive. I used this cream in the winter, and as such I never had to worry about the risk of sun exposure with it. Recently I was told that Differin became over the counter, and worked well for acne. I didn't really know what was in it at the time, but it worked phenomenally! I started using Differin in May, but I now realize Differin also contains Adapalene.
Avatar m tn ve seen two products work well for people- one is called Proactive and the other is Unblemish by Rodan and Fields- both of those products you should be able to Google and order from their web sites, if you wanted to give one a try.
Avatar n tn I got my face covered with pimples acne blackheads and sunburn too according to the doctor. May be I was getting unkowning affected since many years but got all the symptoms altogether last year after my second baby got one year old. Consulting doctor he gave me clindamycin phosphate + nicotinamide +allantoin; glintra gel once in morning along with adapalene micro spheres + clindamycin phosphate gel; derivative CMS at night.
Avatar m tn Your eating habits should not have a direct effect on acne, since acne is caused by bacteria and hormonal fluctuations affect it. Yes, some foods MAY trigger an attack in some people, but I'm yet to see this in my case. Sometimes our skin gets used to certain topical medicines. If that's the case, the doctor will change it for you or combine it with other meds.
Avatar f tn Exfoliation, intensive moisturizing creams, creams and lotions containing alpha hydroxy acids and urea may be used to temporarily improve the appearance and texture of affected skin. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.
Avatar m tn Hello, Differin topical containing adapalene, is used for the topical treatment of acne vulgaris. A thin film of the gel should be applied, avoiding eyes, lips, and mucous membranes. It should help you and you should use it as prescribed. Also avoid using any lotions and creams over the face for the meantime. Wash your face with a mild cleanser with moisturizing properties like Cetaphil. Pat your face dry.
Avatar n tn I can tolerate the prescription acne gel Differin (adapalene 0.1%) ask your doctor about this. If your skin reacts to this, an oral acne medication may be more appropriate. A 12 weeks course of Oxytetracycline will kill the acne-causing bacteria on your skin. Eloise.
Avatar m tn This is a topical retinoid which contains Adapalene 0.1%. It works deep into your pores and is effective at clearing both acne and blackheads. Eloise.
Avatar m tn I use an oil free non comedogenic foundation, every morning and night I've been taking Doxycycline for somewhere around 6 months now. I've also been using a topical Adapalene 0.1% Cream for about the same amount of time. I've noticed no improvement in my acne. Keeps appearing everywhere, and I've moved to having to add the Adapalene cream on my arms as well. I've only noticed an improvement on my arms. And now I have this boil on my chin. Great.
Avatar n tn He seemed to think it was a type of acne and has given me minocycline. If I do have KP or chicken skin is this an effective medication? The bumps are very hard to squeeze and if they are squeezable a very small amount of white stuff comes out. which resembles a fine string. Any ideas? Diagnosis?
Avatar n tn Treatment includes tretinoin or Triamcinolone cream or Adapalene, a retinoid medication. Exfoliation, intensive moisturizing creams, creams and lotions containing alpha hydroxy acids and urea may be used to temporarily improve the appearance and texture of affected skin. It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor.
Avatar n tn See your doctor for a topical retinoid called Differin (adapalene 0.1%). This is very good at dealing with blackheads and acne. Do not try to remove the blackheads by squeezing as this can spread bacteria under the skin causing more breakouts. It can also delay healing and lead to secondary infection. A good face wash for oily skin is Estee Lauder's Sparkling Clean. Washing alone will not heal acne or blackheads so do ask your doctor about Differin.
Avatar m tn On 5/9 visited dermatologist and he gave me some acne cream (adapalene and benzoyl peroxide) to put on. I was worried it was hpv but he said no. From 5/11 to 5/19 scrotum where pimple found was clammy, sticky, itchy, and icy/hot sensation (stress of hsv 1 kicked in). Im assumed it was the acne cream. I call dermatologist on 5/19 and very concerned. He calls in doxycycline 100 mg for 10 days and finish on 5/29. On 5/26 i go back to dermatologist panicking so he takes swab for herpes test.
Avatar m tn Hey! It has been a week, and I have not applied the epiduo at all, so I think this must be allergies or something. Could someone have allergies that cause swelling for 1-2 constant months (In this situation, the eye bags)? What else could be causing the eye bags?
Avatar m tn We have seen two Dermatologists (different practices) a family doctor and an allergist to no avail. Both Dermatologists have have said its eczema but there has been no change in the condition despite their treatment. NOTHING stops the itching and its almost impossible not to scratch.
Avatar f tn I ended up with deep second degree sunburns from mid thigh all the way down and onto my feet. My feet were so swollen I had to go barefoot and my ankles were 3 times there normal size. I had huge blisters and could not walk at all for a while. When all the blood rushed to my legs it hurt so bad. What is this and why did this happen? I've never had these problems with other more minor sunburns. My feet were so swollen and sometimes still swell later in the afternoon.