
Activella wiki

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778736 tn?1235756590 I was put on a hormone replacement because I was suffering about 3 months ago (Activella) which saved me. Since January I work out 3/4 times a week, practically a vegan with an occasional chicken or fish. Now it's 2 months into this and I again teater on 138-142. What is going on????? I'm doing everything right but not loosing that extra 10 lbs that I don't want.
1936550 tn?1348360208 My wife is using this birth control pills that are called ACTIVELLA shes been using them for a wile now and they really work. But i would recommend you to ask your doctor, only a doctor would tell you whats best for you.
Avatar m tn Ok I will do that when I see my gyn in May. The only time I break out is when I get stressed out. I will want her to order the best test that would be able to see the difference between hsv1 and hsv2 which one would that be? I have never had any sores or blisters on my bottom ever just on my thumbs. My bf now my fiance is going to get tested after I get retested. We both show no symptoms at all. I'm going through menaupause bad that is all and now taking activella. If I'm positive 1.
Avatar m tn // "The placenta functions as an immunological barrier between the mother and the fetus, creating an immunologically privileged site. For this purpose, it uses several mechanisms: It secretes Neurokinin B containing phosphocholine molecules. This is the same mechanism used by parasitic nematodes to avoid detection by the immune system of their host.[2]" http://en.wikipedia.
Avatar m tn // The penis head is properly called the "glans penis". You are blessed and fortunate to have an intact foreskin.
Avatar f tn I love wiki! I noted that lab results of my recent ER visit showed high levels of neutrophils, but supposedly within the normal range. Following that, I discovered that it isn't the bacteria or filaria, whichever I have, sealing themselves in. It's my immune system trying to seal them out via a process discovered in 2004, known as Neutrophil extracellular traps. Webs! I couldn't understand what was making the webs, now I know. Something new everyday.
Avatar m tn // or crunch ( Thank you in advance!
Avatar m tn // Basically when they use 'gliotic' or 'gliosis' they're talking about neuron damage. So it sounds like you have some neuron damage in the right frontal lobe, at the back, and you have some mild volume loss. Volume loss means that your brain has shrunk slightly - or atrophied.
634941 tn?1222839802 // gives all the details of gluten sensitivity. gives all possible available gluten free diets. However a word of caution; Please see a physician for his problems. He could also be suffering from Celiac disease, ulcerative colitis or any other form of irritable bowel disease. The symptoms of all these match with that your boyfriend. Please refer http://en.wikipedia.
429647 tn?1249753429 m on Activella which is a lowdose combination HRT pill (bio Estrogen but nonbio Progesterone)and feeling good on that. If you plan on starting HRT, consider starting on the lowest possible dose and see if that relieves your symptoms. When you change dose it can take a few months to even out and it is easier to work your way up than down in dose. There are pros and cons for HRT. Did you have your cancer tested for estrogen receptors? That can be a big factor in making a decision.