
Activella and depression

Common Questions and Answers about Activella and depression


Avatar n tn I am losing my mind here. I am 57 and have been in menopause for about 4 years and am on hormones (Activella. which is perfect for me. ) So i think. Some background.... From 12 when I first got my period to 33 I had perfect periods. No cramps. No excessive bleeding. Then one period my life changed. For the next 20 years I had life-altering cramps and hemorrage type bleeding. Anaprox alleviated the cramps and I lived on it.
778736 tn?1235756590 My colesterol was fairly high too (was 276 and now with a statin an good diet is down to 190). I lost a lot of weight within 2 years by eating right and excercising and came down to 127 and maintained it up til a few months ago. Last year I started skipping my period and was still working out but slowly gaining weight again. I started since September going into the 130's and now am teatering on 138-142.
1936550 tn?1348360208 My wife is using this birth control pills that are called ACTIVELLA shes been using them for a wile now and they really work. But i would recommend you to ask your doctor, only a doctor would tell you whats best for you.
Avatar m tn Ok I will do that when I see my gyn in May. The only time I break out is when I get stressed out. I will want her to order the best test that would be able to see the difference between hsv1 and hsv2 which one would that be? I have never had any sores or blisters on my bottom ever just on my thumbs. My bf now my fiance is going to get tested after I get retested. We both show no symptoms at all. I'm going through menaupause bad that is all and now taking activella. If I'm positive 1.
408958 tn?1214843583 I think i can promisse u its gonna get better , 2 weeks after my first tx i was amazed over the big differens in mood thoughts and everything. Like someone else pointed out.
Avatar f tn I had terrible shoulder pain for about 2 years with Major Depression, and after caving in and finally taking anti-depressants, my only complaint is that I didn't start 1 year and 11 months sooner than I did! It also took away all of my shoulder/back pain. Now it is only sore after I exercise, which is normal and good. :) Good luck, and for your sake I hope it helps!
2070825 tn?1337225969 I have dealt with depression my whole pregnancy you should look into speaking to professional about your depression and looking into joining groups with similar stories so you don't think your the only one. I also found that going shopping even if u don't buy.anything helps you could started planning all the things you want/need for the baby.
429647 tn?1249753429 m on Activella which is a lowdose combination HRT pill (bio Estrogen but nonbio Progesterone)and feeling good on that. If you plan on starting HRT, consider starting on the lowest possible dose and see if that relieves your symptoms. When you change dose it can take a few months to even out and it is easier to work your way up than down in dose. There are pros and cons for HRT. Did you have your cancer tested for estrogen receptors? That can be a big factor in making a decision.
Avatar m tn Depression affect all of us at some stage in our lives and is nothing to be ashamed of.It happens to the best of us and often goes hand in hand with other conditions,but there are excellent medications that can help with depression.You and hubby should have a chat to your doctor.
2064754 tn?1333375663 There are different types and classes of medication that people are prescribed for anxiety and depression. There are faster actiing meds like Xanax and Ativan that are used on an as needed basis and are usually prescribed more short term and then there are medications like Zoloft and Prozac (SSRIs) that are prescribed more long term and taken on a regular basis. While these are only two types, there are also multiple other classes of medications that are used in the treatment of both.
2011699 tn?1328933353 told I was in aperiod where I would benefit treatment RIGHT AWAY,verses waiting~UNTIL I brought up the fact I was concerned about my depression issues and how severe my depression was off meds~Than the Dr. did a complete 180 and told me I should wait 3 months!!? Than do a biopsy and see where I a at....~" There are some things you need to get straightened out before even discussing stategies for dealing with interferon induced depression.
Avatar n tn Hi all, im 32+3 weeks wth my first and really starting to struggle with the idea of labour I have suffered from anxiety and depression in the past and scared of going back down that route as im constantly thinking negative thoughts about things going wrong in labour. I lie awake at night just going over and over it in my head then im ridiculously tired the next day because ive had no sleep which in turn makes me moody, emotional and lethargic.
Avatar m tn Hi I have a major problem. My teenager, who is 18 years old, was charged with a reckless crime. The max sentence is 4 years in prison for this crime. I find myself looking up suicide statistics because I don't think I can handle him going to jail or worse yet prison. I've found a attorney so hopefully he can help .I also have cancer am worried about that. I don't know what to do. How do I survive?
Avatar f tn m having a boy and am very excited but within the last week depression and anger has hit me hard. I have outbursts of mixed emotions on a daily basis; screaming, crying, and anger. I seem to not be able to control it anymore. Sometimes I'll just lay in bed and cry for an hour or two and I'm just not sure why. I am happy about my pregnancy but these hormones are out of control. Today I freaked out on my boyfriend and punched a hole in the door.
Avatar f tn Before pregnancy I was a very confident and ambitious woman... felt like I could take on the world... when I found out I was pregnant, not going to lie, I was a little confused but accepted the fact I was becoming a mother and worked my butt off to prepare. Now that I'm closer to give birth, I feel super depressed and stressed out like no other that it's hard to concentrate and I have no motivation to go out and do things...
Avatar n tn But I just read someplace that depression and mood swings can be part of MS. I am limited as to what I can take for depression. I can't take SSRIs and just tried a low dose of Wellbutrin which fiddled with my BP. Had to go off it. I inject Copaxone 20 mgs daily. Any thoughts? I just wish I could be happier and more motivated in spite of MS.
Avatar f tn I was the same way depression and anxiety before pregnancy I stopped cold Turkey on my meds when I found out I was pregnant and I am riding it out I don't want to get on medication I want to protect my baby but my dr said it's worst not taking medication that the baby feels the stress hormones.
Avatar f tn I suffer from anxiety and depression. More anxiety then depression (I think), I've had it all of my life and I could always pretty much control it,up till about 12 years a ago. I've seen countless drs and therapist and have not gotten much help. I have uncontrollable feelings of panic,fear,and excessive worry ALL the time. I also have no energy,not even to shower or do "everyday" things that normal people don't even think about.
Avatar f tn Your hormones are going to be everywhere while youre pregnant. Be sure to discuss these feeling with you OB the next time you go! If it gets worse please don't wait! Depression is real and it's harmful to you and the baby! It also leads to postpartum depression. Just keep your head up dear!
Avatar f tn You will go through this for some time. Real time. Months and maybe a year or more. The subs are known to cause depression and yes your brain is healing. While you are on any opiates your body stops making seratonin. It's your natural happy drug. It takes a long time for your brain to realize that it has to start making it's own natural pain killer again. You may experience anxiety and depression and even have some aches and pains that you never had before.
Avatar f tn Im a little over 13w and i have had so much anxiety thinking that something could go wrong and a lot of depression cause the dad cant grow up and it gets lonely doing this by myself. Music seems to help and talking to my sister who just went through her pregnancy.
Avatar f tn I'm currently taking zopiclone for sleep been taking them for ten days. Can I just stop taking these? I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety I'm also currently taking propranolol and fluoxetine.
Avatar f tn t handling them well, counselling/ therapy would be the avenue to take. Try looking for a counsellor that deals with depression and anxiety and marital issues. Good luck!
8066593 tn?1404995363 Can anyone tell me how depression and weed effect each other? My boyfriend has depression and he has done for years it's always been on and off for wow years and he has always smoked weed on and off for years! But now his depression is at its worst and has been getting that way for the last year, he has also started to smoke more over the past year.
Avatar n tn I have been on various forms of different anti-depressants which also help some anxiety. The longest medication I was on was Effexor XR for maybe 8 years. Over that time I developed an alcohol problem. Since then I quit alcohol without a problem, however, I am currently in the midst of a major depressive episode due to a break up of a relationship. I went off Effexor 6 months ago and my doctor put me on 150 mg of the Zoloft generic and also started me on Wellbutrin generic.
Avatar f tn It feels like im so alone ... I cry so much and even though the father is here and all I still feel alone and sad! Is there anything that can help me feel happier at the time your supposed to be the happiest in your life?!?
Avatar f tn The last four days I have had panic attacks and have had depression. I had this before pregnancy but I was on medication I got taken off but now it's coming back.