
Aciclovir kern pharma

Common Questions and Answers about Aciclovir kern pharma


8787197 tn?1399926374 Looked it, it is in Kern Country between Bakersfield and Lancaster.
Avatar f tn Ok for the last week now my vag. has been paid.ful to wipe, touch, etcetc. and I know it's tmi but what can I do? I have Kern family medical and I'm new at this stuff (medical wise) and I can't go to a Dr.
Avatar f tn he was prescribed aciclovir and valaciclovir both at 200mg every 8 hours for 30 days. From what I have read so far it seems that it is usually one or the other not both. He was able to obtain the aciclovir but not able to find valaciclovir anywhere in Cuba at this time...should the one be enough for the first outbreak...and perhaps controlling any future outbreaks should he use the valaciclovir??
Avatar n tn I love her she is so sweet. I have medical kern family health care insurance but they accept most insurances. Check her out.
Avatar m tn hi, i think i'm not alone in this case. I know a lot of people have either HSV1 or HSV2 or both...this is my first time to experience herpes symptom (cold sores). Honestly I dont know if I should take the medication (aciclovir). i've read somewhere that we do not really need to do anything if we get the sores. Some people claim it will disappear on its own within few days. Is it true? so what's the point of people buying aciclovir if it disappear on its own?
Avatar m tn I've been given a 5 day course of 800mg x 4 of Aciclovir as a treatment for shingles About a day into my treatment I started to get chills/feel weak (slight fever) the next, though I was on the mend, but last night - i had SEVERE chills. Literally i was shaking like anything Could this at all be related to Aciclovir, or did I just coincidentally get another virus at the same time --- the side effects sheet doesn't really mention this.
Avatar n tn Following a course of Aciclovir, she no longer has symptoms but he still has sores present on the penis. The sores have scabbed over and look to be healing - is it safe to have sex without a condom during this time? Or is she at risk of re-infection or a flare-up?
Avatar f tn Hola, hace 1 año me enteré que tuve herpes genital, he tomado tratamiento episodico, es decir, cada que tengo un brote; tomo 1 pastilla de 800mg de aciclovir por 5 o 6 dias y cedo, la cuestion es que mis brotes ocurrian aproximadamente cada 5 semanas, pero extrañamente hace 6 semanas tuve un brote, a las 5 semanas como lo esperaba volvi a tener otro brote (Creo mas extenso) y hoy menos de 1 semana de la desaparición de dicho brote volvi a tener otro brote, es decir, tuve un 2 brotes con una dife
Avatar m tn I know menthol and peppermint can help but since taking a peppermint tablet, once a day, has stopped any further attacks for the last month. I have had this for over a decade and have got aciclovir tablets for it. The Quacks don't like me using it as it's the last known pill for it. The peppermint oil pills seems better than the aciclovir though. Colpermin in good as I don't get reflux with it. Not a cure but not a bad option.
556621 tn?1284217913 I had a Mammo about 3 months ago, it lead to a sonogram which lead to an "unremarkable" diagnosis. This was paid for by a non profit group in Kern County, CA because I have no insurance. Since that time, I have noticed the small spike-like form among large gummy-lumps to be more noticeable. I was told to wait one year before returning, but I'm concerned that it may not be something I should wait on!
Avatar m tn I have had Herpes down below for over a decade and have been on Aciclovir 400mg tablets for many years. I did have a habit of drinking Peppermint tea and found i had reduced amount of infections when in the habit of drinking it. Years later I thought to ramp this up and have Peppermint Oil tablets (200mg per day).
Avatar f tn Hi, i anwered in the std forum and noticed that you posted here so lets stick to this post and not the one in the std forum as it belongs here anyway, BV is a bacterial overgrowth from an imbalance in your vaginal PH, Herpes is a virus and one has nothing to do with eachother. Metron is an antibiotic and aciclovir is a herpes surpressant medication. The antibiotic does not affect the herpes virus but to be sure best to ask your doctor of pharmacy staff.
Avatar n tn Sometimes she has fever, but it is not very high (around 37.5-37.8 degree Celsius). She is currently taking Aciclovir. She can neither talk nor is aware of her surroundings. Can Aciclovir kill all the brain viruses? Or is there any other way to get rid of the brain viruses? How can the brain swelling be treated? If the brain swelling is treated, can she regain conciousness again? How long does it take typically to recover? Thank you for your time.
Avatar f tn Went away for the weekend and on the Saturday my wee started to burn, the next day I had so much swelling and started to get blisters and it got harder and harder for me to walk. I got back on the Monday night and went to the doctors straight away on the Tuesday morning and she stupidly misdiagnosed me with a water infection.
Avatar n tn I have no been on Aciclovir tablet Supressive Therapy four to five months doubling up for one week on 400mg x2 morning,evening. Can have some feedback please i can not even work i am sign of sick with depression.
Avatar m tn a los 20 dias me salio una ampolla en el prepucio la cual el mèdico calificò como herpes genital y me dio como tratamiento aciclovir en pastillas que termino el dia de hoy. al parecer este es un brote de un herpes ya adquirido. Despues de la cuarta semana me he sentido muy cansado con dolor de cuerpo y de cabeza (como pesada), sudor en la noche por 3 dias y se me inflamo un ganglio de la ingle que duele (supongo que por el herpes??
Avatar n tn the only thing I use, or have been using these past 10 months has been aciclovir cream whenever I feel my skin getting a bit rough. It seems to stop the outbreak fast. can anyone give a little more details of their experiences? is this normal? these length of breakouts? is there anything in particular I can do to make it receed faster? thanks!
Avatar m tn No están sobre el glande sino en la parte retirada. Fui a la farmacia y compré Aciclovir 400, pues leí por ahí que puede ser Herpes Genital (HG). No tengo dolor ni ardor al orinar. Me preocupa poder haber adquirido otras enfermedades como VIH, Gonorrea, etc. ¿Cuáles son mis posibilidades, tomando en cuenta que posiblemente me transmitió HG y lo del preservativo? ¿Como cambia esto mi vida? ¿Qué tengo precisamente que hacer ahora? Agradecería muchos detalles. Muchas gracias por su respta.
Avatar f tn I have had more herpes than ever so I went on medication to help the herpes (Aciclovir) .As I already take a strong medication for psoriasis I am wary about extra problems which can occur in my case the liver in both medications. I had made the conscious decision about the coil making my herpes more frequent but when I asked the doctors they don't think there is a connection.
Avatar n tn Hi there, I had a primary outbreak about 10-14 days ago, small blisters on the end of the penis, and now have swelling of the glands and penis and flu like symptoms - am on my 2nd course of aciclovir. The herpes this was bought on by sex with a new partner, though I think I contracted it about 18 months ago but nothing happened then. Could this be likely? We think it is unlikely that my new partner is infected - although maybe I have just passed it on to her?
Avatar m tn I've recently been diagnosed with Oral Herpes. I don't know whether it's hsv 1 or 2, but it's on my lips, and I'm having my first outbreak. I was drinking water, and some of the water went up my lip and into my nose as I had my head back. I worried this may spread the sores into my nose. I realize that's a bit silly. Well, then when I was applying aciclovir cream, I finished applying it to my lips and immediately put my finger into my nose thinking I'd stop it early.
Avatar n tn Can you take Clarithromycin antibiotics 500mg 2x a day wwith Aciclovir 400mg 2x a day? suffering from first outbreak of Herpes and also have very bad tonsilitus?
Avatar f tn Wow, congratulations Pharma on one year clean!! You truly are an inspiration and give us hope that this fight is possible to beat. Just look at you - ONE WHOLE YEAR - wow, it sounds like a lifetime to me now, but I'm sure to you it really IS a NEW life. All the best and cheers!!