
Zyprexa zydis drug

Common Questions and Answers about Zyprexa zydis drug


3136619 tn?1345387321 Zydis and Zyprexa have the same active ingredient and would have the same side effect profile. The only difference being that the Zydis will enter the bloodstream quicker and take effect more quickly. I've taken the Zydis and had the weight gain issue.
Avatar m tn I'm prescribed Zyprexa in the "Zydis" rapid-dissolve form, 5mg, as needed "for agitation". I'm bi-polar, and sometimes I get worked up to a state that is more frustrated & agitated than it is manic, per se, The Zyprexa works well for this, except for its notorious weight-gain side effects. I just can't handle the weight issues.
Avatar f tn All antipsychotics CAN make you gain weight, but some are worse than others. Geodon is supposed to be weight neutral, and Abilify mostly weight neutral (won't make you gain or lose). Saphris has gotten a lot of good reviews in the weight department, and I believe Latuda has as well, but these are both still brand only, which might affect insurance coverage (and will affect cost). Unfortunately, there's no way to know for sure if a med will cause you problems without trying it first.
Avatar n tn approximately 70 mg of dextroamphetimines, approximately 30 mg of xanax, and approximately 15 mg of zyprexa? My friend is pretty much self-medicating himself using a therapists help for prescriptions, and I'm worried about the interactions/addictiveness. Just so you know, he's 42 and was diagnosed with schizophrenia 11 years ago; hence, the zyprexa.
Avatar f tn aripripazole (abilify) and ziprasidone (geodon) are 2 other atypical antipsychotics like your olanzapine (zyprexa). nobody neither your pdoc can tell their effect on you, it's all trial and error everybody manifests different effect and side effect. he/she only prescribed them to you because they don't make you put on weight gain contrary to zyprexa, that's all.
1082697 tn?1260064616 Sometimes Zyprexa can be used with an antidepressant such as Fluoxetine (Prozac). Zyprexa can be dosed at different amounts depending on the diagnosis, so I do not know if your dose is low. Antidepressants often have many side effects listed. Legally, the manufacturers must list every single adverse event that occurred in patients who were taking their drug. This does not mean that you will experience all of the side effects listed.
Avatar n tn I was wondering if anyone on this website is taking zyprexa for racing thoughts and irritability. I started taking it in December for these symptoms but I have put on weight taking this drug. I am not sure if it is the drug itself or if my appetite has increased. In anycase, I am really depressed about this and am thinking of switching medications or just getting off the zyprexa itself. I am also taking 20 mg. of lexapro and this has not caused a past weight gain. Please help!
Avatar n tn I do not have any experience with Zyprexa. However if your doctor has prescibed this drug for anxiety then I think that it is safe for you assume that it used for anxiety. Does it not mention what the drug is used for on the directions/side affects? They wouldn't prescribe a drug that is of no use to you. I was on a drug called Olanzapine and that had had some bad press about it possibly causing diabetes.
Avatar m tn I have been taking Zyprexa 5 mg along with Prozac 60 mg for the past 3 months. I have been on Prozac for the past 12 years. On Zyprexa I began to experience Edema and weight gain, which was not great considering I have battled an eating disorder for the past 18 years. I called my doctor and he told me to just stop taking the zyprexa and the edema would go away. I asked him if I should wean down and he said no that there are no withdrawal symptoms.
Avatar n tn My psychiatrist has just added Zyprexa to take with Prozac as the Prozac is not working like it used to work.I'm worried about the weight gain with Zyprexa, is there something else that could be used with the Prozac instead? Also until now I've also been taking 1 mg. Ativan in the morning and 1 mg Ativan before bed. Is it safe to use Ativan with the Zyprexa?
874521 tn?1424116797 Zyprexa is still on the market. There was just a concern at the time that the company under reported the rate at which it causes diabetes. That issue has been addressed. All atypical antipsychotics can cause diabetes, Zyprexa being the one with the greatest potential.
874521 tn?1424116797 I know for a fact that the zyprexa causes drowsiness. I have been on 10mg for over a year and it makes me sleep well through the night and into the morning. I'm not sure about the other drug, but the one thing I am sure of is don't let him just get off the zyprexa "cold turkey"!!! Read on here under zyprexa withdrawls about what most of us feel when we are coming off of this drug. You will be surprised on what it does to someone's well being....
Avatar n tn have been on 5mg of zyprexa for 21/2 months and i feel groggy in the morning, slightly depressed until i have some coffee. i missed a dose on purpose to see how i would feel in the morning and i had a great sleep, felt less anxious because i wasn't fatigued from too much sleep. but didn't want to miss more than 1 dose but am concerned that maybe 5mg. is too much to take or that it might not be the drug i should be taking.
1848481 tn?1319676852 I found Zyprexa to be sedating as is generally common although each person responds differently to each medication. Some medications did cause me to have insomnia although this is far less common with Zyprexa. Sometimes I found that some medications when they were started or raised would give me a temporary feeling of euphoria which would then go back to stability. I did speak to my psychiatrist and he said this can happen.
8798274 tn?1399988458 I am not anxious, paranoid or depressed now but I cannot sleep without taking gabapentin (I am never tired or sleepy, there are other people describing a situation similar to mine after stop taking Zyprexa). I am worry, because the same way Zyprexa can make people have diabetes, it can permanently disrupt other psychological process in the brain an produce this chronic insomnia. I am incline to think that the damage is at the hypothalamus, I am never hungry or thirsty.
Avatar f tn I started 5 Mgs of zyprexa about 5 days ago for psychosis, mostly "ideas of reference" the zyprexa is now added to my seroquel since I weaned off invega. So far, I am having less ideas of reference but not totally gone. Didn't expect a miracle in taking it less than a week. Can anyone please let me know their experience with zyprexa. How long it took to work and how it helped you. I would appreciate any advice and information on it.
Avatar m tn My psychiatrist asked that i stop the zyprexa immediately as it was causing an increase in prolactin levels, he asked that i stop the drug COLD TURKEY! (no weaning off) - When I stopped the medication, i did not sleep for 4 days. Whats worse is, I just didn't feel tired anymore...obviously I feel physically tired, but I dont get that sleepy tired feeling.
Avatar f tn I took this **** for long enough to know that it was a danger to my health. I was on it for almost a year. I gained 35 pounds in the first 4 mnths. It made me so sleepy all the time I was on it that I couldn't sit for more than 5 minutes or I would be asleep. My sexdrive was totally nonexistant. That is a big problem for me considering I have an obsession with sex. It made me borderline diabetic and between it and the Risperdal that my new shrink put me on, I am now totally diabetic.
1257808 tn?1322762215 Now, I'm on zyprexa 5mg then increase to 10 mg. Zyprexa instead of Syroquil. Also, monitoring my WBCs to avoid it's down again. The goal is to prevent high mood first then manage and control low mood. My mood include high, low, and mixed moods. Thank you for your time, answer, and help.
Avatar m tn I was given 10 mg Zyprexa by my pdoc for about four months. It stopped working, so he took me off of it. I went from 10mg to 5 mg for a week, then to 2.5mg for a week, then off. This is the 12th day and I've been experiencing intense withdrawal: An extreme anxiety that I've never before experienced, an indescribable, awful feeling, insomnia/early waking, severe and persistent diarrhea, dry heaves and throwing up, unable to eat, etc.
698408 tn?1256958348 If given a choice between an antipsychotic (Zyprexa) and a mood stabilizer (Depakoate) I would choose Depakoate. Zyprexa does have the risk of tardive dyskinesia. If a person needs an antipsychotic of course they have to take one but Depakoate does not have that risk. Zyprexa also has a severe risk for diabetes. All of the atypicals do but Zyprexa is most likely to.
Avatar f tn My son, 21, has been on Zyprexa for 6 months after presenting with a psychotic episode. His psychiatrist recommended a switch from Zyprexa to Zeldox fearing the deveopment of metabolic syndrome. He has now moved and is looking for a new psychiatrist which will take some time before the first appointment. What dosage of Zeldox would be equivalent to 10 mg daily of Zyprexa? What side effects can be expected during the switch from Zyprexa to Zeldox?
5790942 tn?1374334321 Hi there! I have heard a few people say they used this drug to aid with detox. It is an anti-psychotic drug that is usually used for people suffering from schizophrenia and other psychological disorders. It's not addictive per se, but it is like most psych drugs and once our bodies become used to taking it, we must wean ourselves off of it. I suppose that there could be an abuse potential there. We are addicts and can find a way to abuse just about anything.