
Yeast infections in teenagers

Common Questions and Answers about Yeast infections in teenagers


Avatar f tn More than its a yeast infection the same thing happened to me with the infection then yeast infection it was really itchy.
Avatar f tn Has anyone had multiple yeast/BV infections? I've had 3 so far and I think I'm having another! I'm going to ob tomorrow and I'm sure I'll get some meds. It's frustrating. Anyone Else?!?! Please help.
Avatar f tn Monistat works like a charm for yeast infections! That's what my doctor told me I could take. Just over the counter. He recommended the 7-day treatment. Baby is protected by the bubble she's in, so the medication does not get to him/her. Perfectly safe! Unless as previously said, you have any other complications. I would talk to your doctor before you do anything. And like they said, anti biotics are needed for a bacterial infection. Good luck!
Avatar f tn I'm 36 weeks pregnant. I gotten alot of yeast infections during my pregnancy. probably around 4 , Ive just got treated for one but I believe I got another again.
Avatar f tn Douching upsets the natural balance of bacteria and yeast in your vagina and will cause infections. 2. Avoid bread and sugary foods as much as possible. If there is yeast in your vagina it is in the rest of your body too and sugar will just feed it. 3. Use condoms if you have sex. You CAN give a yeast infection to a guy (they usually get no symptoms) and then he will just keep passing it back to you. 4. Eat yogurt with live cultures in it - sugar free is best, but any kind helps. 5.
1168718 tn?1464983535 From what I have learnt, all yeast infections begin in the gut, so to get to the root cause of the problem you need to take a pro-biotic to redress the imbalance. I tried this once and, lo and behold , it WORKED! So while smearing cream on your nether regions may seem logical, it doesn't fix the root of the problem. Fix the gut, and the rest will sort itself out.
Avatar n tn t happen all the times but most times when I am dry. I am 32 years old and he is 49 I have went to the doctor and I keep getting yeast infections. I use the over the counter meds fr it and sometimes the doctor prescribes me creams but it keeps coming back. Is it coming back because I gave it to him and he brings it back to me each time? He is a diabetic and is uncircumcized but he is very clean and has good hygienes in that department.
Avatar f tn Im 6 months pregnant and I have never had this many yeast infections in my life. I only bathe with dial soap and the doctor said I shouldnt take baths, nothing but showers. Can anybody help me with some remedies or something to help with the yeast infections ??
Avatar f tn Latly i been getting a lot of yeast infections i never had them before ....when my doctor gave me medicine it was a one day pill i had relief for two days then it came back so i baught a three day treatment from walgreens and its worked for a week or so and now.
Avatar f tn I am diabetic and I am prone to yeast infections so I had to ask in case. They told me pro b for prevention and Monistat 1 not the 1 day but 3 or 7 and do not insert more than an inch. I hope this helps.
Avatar f tn m in my first trimester and pregnancy is already making me experience the wonderful world of yeast infections. I went to the doctor to make sure it is indeed a yeast infection and it is. He didn't prescribe me anything because he said it's too early and to wait until the second trimester, but I've heard of natural remedies, such as the garlic clove in the vagina that cures yeast infections. Has anyone tried this during pregnancy? Is it safe?
Avatar f tn The odor means the infection has not cleared up and you may need a different antibiotic, either pills and/or cream. You may have a propensity to yeast infections and adding cranberry juice or cranberry pills and yogurt to your diet may also help but see the Dr. first to get this cleared up.
Avatar n tn You should also give your husband a good probiotic and help him really keep his sugar in check. The less yeast he has the less yeast you will have. Also, I find that during the week before my period starts I am much more prone to yeast infections and of course if I eat a lot of sugar or drink several glasses (sometimes just 1) of wine. It takes a lot of monitoring! Good luck!
Avatar n tn t know which country you live in, but in the UK you can Canesten, Canesten HC and Trimovate. Some you can buy over the counter, other medications can only be prescribed by the doctor. If you are sexually active, make sure your partner is treated too, otherwise you just spread it to each other. Make sure you wear cotton underwear and do not use soaps, bubble baths, shower gels or feminine sprays down below. This changes the PH level down below and aggravates the condition.
Avatar f tn Anyone else have constant yeast infections? I don't know what to do. Doctor keeps telling me monistat 7. Any natural remedies or suggestions?
Avatar f tn Im at 8 weeks and I've got my second yeast infection in 2 weeks. I know yeast infections are common during pregnancy but is it common that they come this frequently???
Avatar f tn Has anyone experienced yeast infections during their pregnancy? I never had one but iv had like three since I got pregnant. Any suggestions?
Avatar f tn OK so I here yeast infections are very common during pregnancy. I believe I have one. This may be a little to much info, but my vagina has a itch followed by a little burn. Then it feels like it scab up. Im a little worried never had this happen before and im 2 months pregnant(First pregnancy). What should I do?
Avatar f tn How do they test for yeast infections? I had an appointment about a week and a half ago and told my midwife I thought I had a uti because I always had to pee but when I went , nothing came out. so she made me pee in a cup. They never called me back so I'm guessing I don't have one. But, now that symptom went away and I'm just really itchy down there! I know that's a sign of yeast infection but do you think she tested my pee for that too when I went last time ???
Avatar f tn I showered when I had them , it felt better & the dirty water can make it worse. Monistat works great for yeast infections to!!
Avatar f tn they will prescribe you something safe for baby. Sometimes yeast infections can mimic bv, a common bacterial infection in pregnancy.
Avatar n tn I just got done with both of those infections and it drove me crazy but its very common in pregnancy I never used the monistat 7 while pregnant but I don't cause pre term labor but the infection can well that's what I was told so it has to be treated as soon as possible
Avatar n tn Ive been really itchy in the vaginal area and it burns when i go pee. Could this be a yeats infection? I also noticed i have bumps that hurt. Is anyone know what this could be?