
Tramadol for suboxone withdrawal

Common Questions and Answers about Tramadol for suboxone withdrawal


Avatar f tn the brain zaps are very infrequent, and I usually feel okay on just 2mgs of Suboxone a day. I want to stop taking the Sub when the withdrawal from Tramadol should be over, but I heard that Tramadol withdrawal lasts longer than opiates. I'm getting excited because I might not even need an SSRI, as I am feeling much better from the Serotonin withdrawal symptoms.
Avatar m tn I don't really think the tramadol will work while you're taking suboxone. Suboxone makes it impossible for other opioids to bind while it's in your system. Tramadol is a very weak opioid as it is, so I doubt you will get any benefit from it at all while on suboxone.
Avatar f tn I will be going to Stanford soon and hopefully they can adjust it. Do you know any other medicines like Tramadol that are good for pain that are non narcotic?
Avatar m tn Tramadol might help with withdrawls but it's not a narcotic soo I dunno man. But I was on about 10 10mg hydrocodone ,1 to 2 40 mg oxys, about 2-5 somas a day, mind it if I made more money at work that week( commission job) it was significantly more that that, with fentanyl suckers/ patches, the 100mcg, oxymorphone, roxys, ect. But I got on suboxone,and that helped with the withdrawls better than anything and it's not methadone.
1081265 tn?1256138365 i have been addicted to tramadol for a year. i stopped cold turkey and am having horrible withdrawls. Is it safe to just stop cold turkey?
Avatar f tn Has any one had experience with taking suboxone SHORT TERM, (4 days) for withdrawal symptoms from tramadol. I used suboxone to help with the withdrawal symptoms of oxicodone over a year ago. It helped alot. They got me through that ring of fire. But I was perscribed tramadol over a month ago for back pain from an injury @ work. I no longer have the pain, all healed up, but I can not make it through the day with out the tramadole.
Avatar f tn m not sure how to compare mg with ultram/suboxone and what should work... Are you still taking the suboxone for wds?
Avatar f tn t know this for a fact, but I would be willing to bet that Suboxone would override Tramadol, resulting in no real effect from Tramadol. Both Suboxone and Tramadol are active at the mu receptor on the brain. Since Suboxone has a very high affinity for this receptor, it would already have the receptor full and I doubt that Tramadol would kick it out. The chances of going into withdrawal are very high. My advice would be not to mix the two, but check with your doctor before you make a decision.
1575129 tn?1296004646 Suboxone is not generally used for FM. It is a drug used in Opiate withdrawal. What is your PM doctor suggesting you try instead?
Avatar m tn Hey there, Actually I am on sub for tramadol w/d. Tramadol has properties similar to morphine/heroin though much less potent. The w/d from trams is horrific. My doctor and I agreed to a short term very lose dose of sub with the knowledge that I may have some w/d when tapering off sub. I am taking 2mg once a day and am on day 11 free of trams. (yay!) I will start to taper down in the next couple of weeks. It has saved my life. I have no cravings, can work and be a mom.
1019316 tn?1262615059 I only got a 30 pill prescription that will last the 5 days I need to finally be totally off the Kratom! YEAH!! Will taking tramadol for 5 days cause you to withdrawal from the tramadol? Doesn't seem like it... that is a normal amount of time to have a script. BTW the Kratom w/d's were worse than methadone w/d's several yrs ago. but are pretty much gone with the ultram helping.
Avatar f tn ve been pretty lucky. Before this, I was on Suboxone for 2 years from a Vicodin addiction. I used Trams to get off the Sub, and ended up liking it too much. I have an appointment to get back on Suboxone this Friday, but I am unsure of what to expect switching to that from the Ultram, since it is not a real opiate.
Avatar f tn Hello - just want to confirm all of the above...please don't even start with the tramadol. I have been on both ; withdrawal from the tramadol is much harder than the percs. The anti-depressant takes the emotional & depression problems to a whole new level that linger for a long time. Not worth it!
Avatar f tn are you getting sub for a doctor or did you get if off the streets?
Avatar m tn ve called every treatment center in my area that treats opiod dependence with suboxone. When I say I need treatment for tramadol dependecy they tell me tramadol is not an opiate and they don't treat for it. I reallu need to find some help. I've been tapering off but I know I'm gonna need some extra help. Does anyone know if there is another route I can go to get suboxone?
544292 tn?1268882668 I need more! More information! Question - How bad is Tramadol WIthdrawal? Answer - Ultram (Tramadol) Withdrawal Tramadol is highly addictive. Normally your doctor would reduce intake slowly. Various withdrawal effects may include shakes, shivers, diarrhea, nausea, and possible flu-like symptoms. Not all people experience will all withdrawal symptoms, and some people may experience others not listed here.
Avatar f tn I'm Kelvin, I've been abusing tramadol for 4 years now and I've tried to stay clean but the withdrawal symptoms keeps chasing me right back to it. I experience depression anxiety, sweating, sneezing, runny nose and tiredness. I really need help, support and assistance to deal with this.
Avatar f tn I have appointment with my doctor June 6, I want to tell him about Suboxone. Anyone has used suboxone to help with withdrawal symptoms? Please write or email me at; ***@****. We did tried tapering down but was very hard, the pain was horrible, the flu like symptoms were so bad, diarrhea, vomiting, what’s worst depression and I felt like I can’t breathe. Please someone help let me know if easy stoping tramadol with suboxone was. Thank you.
Avatar m tn Hi all, a very close friend has been taking tramadol for several years now. Not sure how much but its a lot - like 25 pills a day - don't know strength of pills though. he did have a seizure a few years ago after taking too many and being hung over with empty stomach. he recently saw a doc who gave him suboxone.
Avatar m tn I was in a bad car crash 8 years ago and after a year on painkillers my doctor put me on a new drug called Suboxone he said it was for withdraws but it would help with the pain.
Avatar f tn Tramadol is a (insert foulest words you can think of) withdrawal & due to the effexor like antidepressant component, it tends not to be linear. The good news is that after 5 days you should be due for some relief from the worst even without the sub. It can however, take a bit longer for normal sleep to return. Nyquil or phenergan can help with the insomnia. If you want to get support from others enduring tram withdrawal, there is a dedicated thread at:- http://www.medhelp.
Avatar f tn Am on day 9 of Suboxone withdrawal. Still miserable. Went to GNC on advice of many people that I should take vitamin B-12. I spoke to the girl there. She kinda knew I was in withdrawal (I guess I've looked better) and said that lots of people come in to the store in withdrawal and are buying up the B-12 and something called SkullCap (sscutellaria lateriflora). An herbal liquid used to promote a healthy nervous system. . . .
Avatar n tn Six months ago I used Suboxone to get off a 640mg habit. Did real good until I hurt my back. I got real depressed with lots of pain and started to take them again. I'd like to get off and heard of tramadol helping. Suboxone withdrawal was awful for me. This site makes tramadol sound like a bad idea. Beginning to think I have to go away or go to rapid detox.