
Stomach pain during pregnancy third trimester

Common Questions and Answers about Stomach pain during pregnancy third trimester


Avatar f tn I'm in my third trimester and my stomach is still not hard. My little girl still sits below my belly button. And it's only hard when she balls up. Dr told me she is really small cuz I was very sick for 6months straight.
Avatar f tn I think its different for everyone My First trimester was very very very hard I was sick every and all day and I was so tired until my second trimester which was fine I dont think I had any problems during my second trimester but now that im 33+5 in my third trimester i diffinetly think its way harder your back starts hurting really bad you start to get Braxton hicks contractions you cant sleep at night your body starts getting pains and really uncomfortable at least thats for me .
7166590 tn?1408351416 So they day the first and third trimesters are horrible and the second is a nice break in between. And I am sure I'm about to agree. I hit the third trimester tomorrow (27 weeks) and am already uncomfortable and over it haha the second trimester wasn't a walk in the park for me but have to admit it did end up getting better than the first. But in the last week I have become increasingly uncomfortable, frequently urinating, lack of sleep and heart burn has been kicking my butt!
Avatar f tn t stretch anymore ik it can and is prolly stretching but it just makes me think if this is how the first few days before the third trimester then is it only going to get worse has anyone else been doing on their third trimester??
Avatar f tn They say that sex is safe during pregnancy but in your third trimester, you may want to take it slow.
Avatar f tn t stretch anymore ik it can and is prolly stretching but it just makes me think if this is how the first few days before the third trimester then is it only going to get worse has anyone else been doing on their third trimester??
Avatar f tn 31 weeks, and I've been up all night for the last week with stomach pain && back pain. It literally feels like I'm just going to blow up my toilet (have diarrhea, but I never do) my stomach starts doing these really awkward noises and the back pain is so painful as well as the abdominal pain. Could it be the food I eat? What are some natural ways to relieve the pain?
Avatar f tn Have any of you new moms or already mom felt nauseous during third trimester? Not gagging or throwing up, but just constantly nauseated..? And what may help ease it up.
Avatar n tn is it okay to ejaculate during third trimester.. I di feel slight discomfort after cumming.. But i am soo turned on all the time.. How frequent is too much for me.. I do that once a week or sometimes two weeks.
Avatar f tn im in my third trimester and I feel so extremely exhausted. Yesterday, I slept all day and only woke up to eat and went back to bed. Today I slept until 2 pm then had to tell myself to get stuff done. Now all I want to do is sleep again and it is only 6:24 pm. Plus I am nauseated a lot again. It feels like I'm in my first trimester all over again but with sleep is so much worse. I am absolutely miserable. Any other ladies feel this way?
Avatar n tn This pregnancy though I feel so huge already and I've had killer round ligament pain.
1419259 tn?1303438666 ) I did not do any of these things with my second pregnancy because I had pre-term labor, but if all goes well with the rest of this pregnancy, I plan on using some of these tricks again. Once again, it is not safe to try some of these things (especially the black and blue cohosh) without your midwife or your doc instructing you to do so. The tea is great to drink when you're pregnant or not, it just supports the female system.
Avatar f tn Well last night i woke up in really bad pain and nothing was helping. My stomach balled up really tight and hurt so bad. My back began to hurt really bad too. Walking made it worse and i tried to lay down on my left side and nothing helped. Finally t went away. But when i woke up this morning, it came back again. What is it? It hurts ridiculously bad.
Avatar f tn Yes the third trimester is the hardest for sure. The back pain only gets worse and it gets to the point where you feel like you cant breathe. It gets harder to get comfortable which makes it harder to sleep..
5495842 tn?1374960211 with my last pregnancy i had braxton hicks quite frequently feom 20 weeks on. And it was multiple times a day in third trimester.
Avatar f tn I get pain more in the middle of my back and yes my baby boy is mostly in my left rib sometimes it feels like that area falls asleep I'm 34 weeks
5615074 tn?1378316840 Even though this app counts the 27th week as the third trimester I count the 28th week, because that is what my doctor is counting by. I am finally in the third trimester! I can't believe it! I'm happy lol. Hopefully this trimester will go by fast so I can meet my handsome son. :) For those just about or already in the third trimester how are all of you feeling? Have you started doing kick counts? How is the time going?
11157192 tn?1430159059 im finally in my third trimester and im at the point where I see my dr every 2 weeks when I go see her is she going to be only checking the babys heartbeat or will she be checking other stuff.?
1552748 tn?1294211776 Good news is that during pregnancy your organs tend to move up, including your appendix, so that may not be your problem. Many women have lower stomach pain during pregnancy and it could be due to many things. Usually it's just the baby's position. At 27 week, baby is starting to run out of room already! I do hope you are able to figure out the cause of the pain and rule out anything serious.
Avatar f tn Iv got constant stomach pain. Im 11 w5d. My stomach kills me.. Bad morning sickness... Occasionally cramping.. And alwaysss uncontrolibly gassy which kills my stomache. Constant dirrhea and throwing up. I take b6 for the alll day sickness it works but still very gassy n crampy. Idk what will help it... Also iv crackedy back my whole life.. When shoukd i stop that? Sometimes if i do it my lower stomach hurts a bit but it relieves my back.. Ideas?
Avatar f tn I'm in my third trimester. It was during the middle, nearing the end of my second trimester in which my upper back began to really hurt. So every now and again I have my boyfriend press on back to pop/crack it. I lay flat on my tummy, on our bed, and he presses down from the middle of my back to my upper back. Is this in any way harming my little one? Good, bad? Anyone else do this?
1936698 tn?1333915193 I'm not sure about the pain since I haven't experienced it but I do remember feeling more tired again in the third trimester during my first pregnancy.
Avatar n tn Some sharp pain is normal during end of second trimester and during most of the third, especially when you twist or pull yourself when getting up. You may also experience cramp like pain. Should not last longer than 5/10 minutes. I am expecting my fourth boy and every pregnancy was different. Definitely feel more pains with this one. However,if it hurts that bad I would go to the hospital. Especially if it doesn't go away or lessen.