
Prevacid vs nexium aciphex

Common Questions and Answers about Prevacid vs nexium aciphex


Avatar m tn Protonix and Nexium did NOTHING for me, nor did Aciphex. Prevacid works OK, and my doc suggested Kapidex and I took it for a month. I did about as well on it as the Prevacid if not a tad better. I think Prevacid and/or Kapidex blow away Nexium; although what may be right for me will not be guaranteed for you. My doc gave me a 3 week free-sample of Kapidex, and you take it once a day. I'm always open to trying something new.
296025 tn?1233256719 Prevacid is a Protein Pump Inhibitor (PPI) like Aciphex, Nexium and Prilosec. It's indicated for GERD (chronic acid reflux) and as far as I know has nothing to do with treating Hep C, other than if you happen to have GERD. I believe Prilosec is a generic sold OTC but not 100% sure so speak to your doctor and pharmacist regarding switching off.
Avatar n tn So far I have tried Prevacid, Aciphex, Prilosec,Protonix, and Nexium. Aciphex gave me bad side effects and Nexium made my reflux symptoms worse. Prilosec did absolutely nothing for me. I was successfully treated for H. Pylori in Nov 07. Since then I have been suffering from Water Brash and now heartburn. I don't know where to turn. My GI now wants me to take Zegerid(isn't this med just like Prilosec with sodium?). Any input will be greatly appreciated.
711902 tn?1229431139 Any number of PPIs such as Prevacid and Aciphex. If these are also problematic, talk to your doctor about surgical options, like fundiplication and the Plicator procedure.
Avatar n tn t allow Nexium to be sold/patented because it was so similar to Prilosec. Prilosec = Omeprazole vs Nexium = Esomeprazole, just go with Omeprazole and pay the generic copay.
Avatar n tn t noticed much with the mouth but i will now be paying close attention. I have taken Prilosec, Nexium, Aciphex, and Prevacid up to twice a day at the max dosage. I recently had an eye exam but the doc just said i had dry eye and would need glasses when I hit my 50's. Not real helpful.
Avatar n tn I have actually been on some form of reflux med for a bit longer than 5yrs and started with Prilosec OTC, then prescription Prilosec, Nexium, Aciphex, and briefly Prevacid. These days I tend to take whatever I have in my medicine cabinet (Aciphex or Prevacid) twice a day, max dosage, and occasionally a tagamet to help out. I have a hiatial hernia that is going to be fixed soon so I am hoping to get off the meds and that the side effects will eventually go away...I hope.
Avatar n tn Prevacid, Nexium, Protonix, Aciphex, Zantac, and Pepcid are all used to treat reflux. You can ask you doctor who will know best which one is least likely to cause you dizzyness.
Avatar n tn Really I am thinking that my body is constantly in distress because of my stomach digestive issues. Anyone have advice, or any suggestions? I have been on prevacid, protonix, omeprazole, aciphex and now the nexium. Please help me!
Avatar m tn I have tried all OTC stuff, prevacid, prilosec, and aciphex. I may give nexium a shot because that seems to work the best for some people.
Avatar f tn However, there is another one, Aciphex, which was about 30 dollars cheaper. I am back on the Prevacid as the Aciphex didn't work as well ( for me...I was on Prevacid for years and only switched because of the cost...65 dollars). You may want to ask about that. Also, I was told my pharmacist that otc prilosic works well too.
Avatar f tn Even though medicines like nexium, prilosec, prevacid, protonix, aciphex, and dexilant are all very similar, sometimes you need to try many of them before you find one that works well for you. The nausea could be caused by the GERD. Are you on a GERD-friendly diet? Have you tried raising the head of your bed?
Avatar m tn 4 PPIs: Nexium, Prevacid, Aciphex, Protonix; 2 H2blockers: Zantac and Pepcid; 2 antiacids: Gaviscon and Riopan. I couldn't take any of these more than a few days (from 1 to 13 days) because of their side effects. The 2 bad side effects I've most often had are: worsened IBS - bad abdominal cramps (caused by Nexium together with fever and Zantac) a white-coated and burning tongue (caused by Prevacid, Zantac, Protonix, Pepcid, Riopan).
Avatar f tn Since August of 2010 I've had chest pain, difficulty breathing, incredible stomach bloating/distention (even after just drinking a glass of water), burping, reflux, and heartburn. My main concern is the bloating and difficulty breathing. I can barely function on a day to day basis. I eat little bites all day long because I can't eat a full meal or I start hyperventilating. I have had an EGD which showed a polyp (was removed) and some mild esophagitis. I don't have H.
1806721 tn?1554333407 I have never taken Prevacid before. Are these two the same thing? Can I use Prilosec to substitute the Prevacid in the pack? I'm scared of stopping Prilosec as my symptoms always get worse when I tried to wean myself off the drug in the past. I'm also horrified by the idea of combined antibiotics for extended time. I can barely tolerate a single antibiotic agent for 5d in the past. How much probiotics should I take to counteract the side effects of antibiotics? Thank you!
238010 tn?1420406272 I had been taking Prevacid, then Aciphex then Dexilant, all heavy weight prescription drugs for reflux once, sometimes twice a day for years with HepC and little if any fibrosis. When you are treating I think you need to be careful from what I have heard (see post on the subject of other medications and treatment). This of course doesn't mean one doesn't make the necessary dietary changes as well as not eating within 4 hours of bedtime and elevating the head of the bed etc.
Avatar n tn which is the safer drug, nexium or prevacid? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/312420'>Nexium VS Protonix</a>.
Avatar f tn I continued with the 80 mg of Nexium until around the middle of February and discovered the Nexium can cause chest pain. When I cut back the Nexium to 40 mg. a day, the chest pain stopped. But now, the reflux is back with a vengeance. I am pretty careful with my diet. My question is: Could the Nexium have stopped working? I am now experiencing pain when I swallow, pain just below my sternum and lots and lots of reflux (but not a lot of acid but I do get a burning throat on occasion).
Avatar n tn t noticed much with the mouth but i will now be paying close attention. I have taken Prilosec, Nexium, Aciphex, and Prevacid up to twice a day at the max dosage. I recently had an eye exam from an eyeMD but the doc just said i had dry eye and would need glasses when I hit my 50's. Not real helpful.
Avatar f tn s (proton pump inhibitors) are a group of medications used to treat GERD like Prilosec, Prevacid, Protonix, Aciphex, Nexium, and Dexilant.
Avatar m tn The problem with PPI's -- any PPI, whether Nexium, Aciphex, Prilosec, or Prevacid (which I'm currently on, 30mg/2xday for GERD) -- is that once you go off of it, the stomach goes into overdrive with creating acid. Unfortunately, the rule of thumb there is that it'll do that for about as long as you were taking it. (If you were taking it for a month, then it'll happen for a month after.
Avatar n tn He said he thought it worked better than aciphex. Well about 8 weeks into the nexium I was getting great pains, I thought my desease was getting worse. I went back to the Dr. and asked to be put back on the aciphex. I beleive those pains were a side effect of the nexium.
Avatar m tn Acid Reflux Medication Heart Attack Class Action Lawsuit Investigation A recent study found that proton pump inhibitor heartburn treatments such as Nexium, Prilosec and Prevacid may be linked to an increased risk of heart attack, heart failure or sudden cardiac death.
Avatar n tn Sounds to me like you have Acid Refulx have you talked to your doctor? Try to get some prevacid or nexium for daily use if you can't then you can get zantac over the counter or the other product which the name is escaping me at the moment...... it will probly come to me b4 I post this or just after lol it's all over the television though. Also Acifex (I think it's a prescription) works fast in an attack.
Avatar f tn Yes, Nexium is completely safe to take with hepatitis C.