
Naloxone narcan

Common Questions and Answers about Naloxone narcan


Avatar m tn s a combo drug of buprenorpine (sub) and naloxone ( narcan). Narcan is an opiate reversal med often used to treat OD and in surgery to reverse anesthesia and wake up the patient. Any way it's a common form of sub treatment. Hope this helps.
466909 tn?1207568232 In the case of a Morphine overdose, where a hospital is concerned that the high dose of Morphine may be dangerous (depressing breathing and heartrate), they may administer Naloxone (an opiate antagonist). The Naloxone finds its way to your opiate receptors and "competes" with Morphine for binding of the receptors. Because Naloxone has a higher affinity for the receptors than Morphine, the Naloxone will generally win out, replacing much of the Morphine at the receptor sites.
Avatar n tn Suboxone is prescribed for treatment of severe opiate addiction. It contains buprenorphine and naloxone - otherwise known as NarcAn. It doesn't get you high and it's dangerous. It will block the high of opiates or throw you into withdrawl if you are dependent. The 8mg pills are orange hexagons. Seriously dude, don't take it, you won't like it.
Avatar n tn I am truly sorry for any of you that have lost a baby or suffered some severe withdrawal effects but EVERYONE needs to understand something, NUBAIN (Nalbuphine) is NOT the same as Narcan (Naloxone)!! NUBAIN is a opioid pain medication very similar to Morphine.
1087566 tn?1282448730 I have been taking Methadone for many years at 120 mg. daily. i also take Oxycodone 30mg. 4/daily. I am wanting to change up my meds due to high tolerance...any thoughts on Opana ER? This discussion is related to <a href='/posts/show/1021891'>left butt check pain that continues down my left leg</a>.
Avatar f tn wait2long knows her sub but the narcan/naloxone in the suboxone will make peole sicker if drugs are still on board than subutex..unfortunately people can even use on subutex they just have to take more/alot more to get is given to people whom the doctor feels are at lower risk for abuse/the naloxone can also cause headaches more so than the subutex...and some have a problem tolerating that...
Avatar f tn does anyone know how long narcan stays in your system? i was given two viles last night around 11:30, and i did not even take anything. long story..........the worst of all wds set in right after they gave it to me in my iv. i tried to take some today for my pain and really bad rls but it got worse?? someone else hold my meds for me.
Avatar f tn I had not heard that naloxone worked against cravings but if u take something u wont feel it so in a counter does...your mind is in control of cravings...not the naloxone...but knowing it is a waste of time to take a narc when on sub would make cravings much better i would think...researched and have been working with my pain doctor closely in my spare time studying his sub patients..I have taken an interest in it and we ar close so he lets me without divulging any confisential info...
Avatar f tn Naloxone is the same drug used is hospitals (narcan) to treat a patient when too much opiate is given... It reverses the effects .., for this purpose it would be given to block the receptor if u tried to use..
Avatar m tn Abritt is right on with the technical info, many people make the mistake of thinking Narcan, or Naloxone, is what causes precipitated withdrawal and blocks opiate receptors. Buprenorphine is intended as a part of a complete recovery program. Subs are powerful opiates and should be used with knowledge, caution, and respect. Nursegirl is right on about some kind or meetings and aftercare, cutting sources, and tell doctors and a friend about your recovery.
Avatar m tn also have heard that sometimes the naloxone can cause depression probs and other issues and there are times my wife says i act like back on opiates again! but ive been totally clean for like a year and some now! she seems to be worried about subutex because its a pill and not a film. has anyone had this come up before and how did you deal with it. also seeing lots of stuff in the news now about how the maker of suboxone isnt playing fair and this crap is waaaayyyyy expensive!
Avatar n tn I am allergic to naloxone. Should I talk to my doc about switching to subutex? Ive taken both and feel good off subutex but terrible on suboxone. I cant sleep and have no appetite. I have a note from my family physician staing this. Would that help,its either that or go back to methadone, which is not an option, please help!
Avatar n tn The Subutex formula was created for Patients with a known or suspected hypersensitivity to Naloxone (In some patients, Naloxone can cause excrutiating headaches), And women who are pregnant. In some clinics, Subutex is used as the Induction drug, and then switched to Suboxone for maintenance purposes. Utilizing monotherapy with Subutex, the physician can better pinpoint any reactions during induction.
Avatar m tn methadone does narcan reduce time of serious withdrawal by making the front end worse........
1843491 tn?1322859611 what should I do and will I still have some withdrawl systems taken the subutex(narcan free unlike suboxone). Can anyone give me any advice....I just don't want to go through the withdrawl systems......will the subutex since it doesn't have narcan in it?????? PLease help asap im going to the doctors this tues.....any advice would help....
Avatar n tn These docs, nurses and medics give narcan way too freely. I don't think he will have any residule problems and he should have never been given the shot. I was under the impression that it is only to be given when a person is out. I was given narcan shots twice when awake (without my knowlege) on methadone and suffered big time. It even left me traumitized. Once the medics gave me a shot a lied about it.
Avatar m tn In the OR suite, more IV Versed, INhaled oxygen, IV Fentanyl (A potent opiate), followed by IV Propofol (This actually is what knocks you out), and the IV Pancuronium Bromide (For muscle relaxation, so the machines can breathe for you) It is common at times to administer reversal drugs depending on how much was given and your response when you come out of anesthesia.
1428440 tn?1287390379 It is the drug that we use on the ambulance in overdose situations (Narcan). Naloxone has a terrible bioavailability when taken orally.... almost non existent. Which is why we push it IV while on the rig. When taken trans mucosally (As in Suboxone) the Naloxone has no effect on the Mu receptors. Naloxone was added to the Suboxone formulation for one purpose only.... to deter the misuse of Suboxone by the IV route.
558096 tn?1255887002 naloxone, unfortunately for suboxone wd pr amy opiate/opioid wd will not aid in easing the pain or physical aspect, it will help a littloe with the cravings for opiates..the biggest advantage with naloxone is that it will block any opiate/opioid no matter what the potency from having any effects for quite a long time especially if you take it for a while. congrats on day 9, what doose of suboxone were you last on? and for how long total were you on sub?
Avatar m tn Precipitated withdrawals will come if either Subutex or Suboxone is taken. A common misconception is that the knocking off of the original opiate is done by the Naloxone, but in fact is caused by the Bupe. The Naloxone is only active if taken by an IV route. If taken sublingually as directed, the Naloxone doesn't factor into the equation at all.
2056952 tn?1330700786 Oh I hope I didn't post in the wrong forum. I'm not least anymore. I was about 3 months ago but decided to abort the pregnancy because of my addiction 8 weeks in. I live with my decision every day and I know I took the cowards way out.
205111 tn?1224639754 I didnt in any way say you abused i was just saying in general so dont take that wrong but i would like to correct your post a little and please dont take the wrong either but the opiate bupe in the suboxone is what actually does everything the narcan only does anything if shot up and suboxone will not make you sick if you use while taking it actually the way it works is that the bupe is so strong and attatches to receptors so tight that other meds cannot get thru it and get on the receptors to