
Menstrual cycle calculator fertility

Common Questions and Answers about Menstrual cycle calculator fertility


Avatar n tn The fertile period of a woman is determined by analyzing her menstrual cycle with an ovulation calculator or fertility chart. On an average the menstrual cycle is a 28 day cycle. During the 14th day after a period, the ovum is released.12 to 16 days after a period is said to be a woman’s most fertile period. For more queries and assistance visit a gynecologist. I sincerely hope it helps. Best luck and kind regards!
18025868 tn?1462466308 I had sex with 2 different guys (just one day apart) right on the estimated start of my fertility window. My fertility calculator app tells me that my fertile period starts 9-10 days after my LMP. I know this should be taken as just an approximate but I noticed how my menstrual cycles are almost accurately predicted by this app. I (oddly enough) took a HPT and was shocked when I saw it showed positive. I took 4 more to this date on a daily basis and they all showed ( + ).
Avatar n tn You count the length of your cycle from the first day of your last period to the first day of your next period. The length of your mentration does not calculate. Once you know the average length of your cycle, you can find out when you are supposed to O.
Avatar f tn also you are ovulating 14 days before your next menstrual cycle. so count 14 days back from your next menstrual cycle. and start having sex a couple days before then.
Avatar f tn Ovulation, and therefore conception, occur 14 days before your period was due and you can get pregnant from making love up to 5-6 days before ovulation happens. If you have a 28-day menstrual cycle -- which is assumed by many healthcare providers -- that means that you ovulated on day 14. If your cycle is a few days longer, you probably ovulated after day 14, and your baby may arrive a few days after your estimated due date.
Avatar f tn ), but you can always buy an ovulation calculator to figure out your cycle. Personally, I watch my cycle every month and can tell when I am ovulating by discharge consistency, etc, but this does not guarantee fertility. Does that make sense?
Avatar f tn Ovulation does not occur during your menstrual cycle. Because the sperm can live in the body from 3-5 days, pregnancy can occur from having intercourse DURING your period. Estimated ovulation occurs anyhwere between 11-21 days following your menstrual cycle, or 12-16 from when you expect your next cycle. However there is no one way to pin point ovulation. It generally differs from woman to woman. All the best.
7826013 tn?1394702329 Fertile days can be calculated from the first day of menses which is taken as the first day of the menstrual cycle and counted till the next menses. You can also use the ovulation calendar or ovulation detection kits. However this is not a very safe method if you want to prevent a pregnancy. It is better to use some form of contraception. The answer is based on information provided. Exact advice is not possible without a proper examination and investigations.
Avatar f tn First Response® Fertility Test for Women Using the FIRST RESPONSE® Fertility Test for Women on day 3 of your menstrual cycle can help you determine your fertility potential. Click here for Usage Instructions Related Links Conception Strategies - Fact or Fiction? >> Family Planning >> How Fertility Tests Work >> HOME | CONTACT US | PRIVACY POLICY | CHURCHDWIGHT.
Avatar f tn If you had a period in July then the first day of your last menstrual cycle is not June, its whatever day your period started in July
Avatar n tn Your ovulation time is usually about 7 days after your period, depending on how normal your menstrual cycle is... Doctors calculate your due date and how far along you are according to the first day of your last menstrual cycle... And if your last period was in October, then you definitely concieved in October since September is a month before October...
Avatar f tn Here is an Email I received concerning this subject: When is the best time to have intercourse if we're trying to conceive? Timing is everything. Sperm can live for two to three days, but the egg is around for only 12 to 24 hours. To increase the likelihood of conception, it's important to have intercourse more than once around the time of ovulation. It is a good idea to have sex one to two days before ovulation and again on the day you ovulate.
Avatar n tn The FIRST RESPONSE® Fertility Test for Women detects FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), on Day 3 of a woman’s menstrual cycle in order to assess her ovarian reserve, an indicator of fertility. Women who want to assess their ability to conceive may find the results of this test useful. The test must be done on Day 3 of your cycle. Count the first day of bleeding or spotting as Day 1 of your cycle. A small amount of blood in your urine from your period should not affect the results in any way.
919335 tn?1309118662 Ovulation can be calculated by starting with the day the last menstrual period (LMP) starts or by calculating 12-16 days from the next expected period. Most women ovulate anywhere between Day 11 - Day 21 of their cycle, counting from the first day of the LMP. This is what many refer to as the "fertile time" of a woman's cycle, because sexual intercourse during this time increases the chance of pregnancy.
Avatar f tn So I usually have a 26-28 day menstrual cycle and last 4-6 but last month after bleeding for 4 days I kept spotting for two week doctors just brush it off as endo. This month I had my menstural in 41 days but with far more increased pains with a negative pregnancy test. What should I do? Second day bleeding but its much lighter than yesterday.
Avatar n tn Thank you both. So how far along would that make me?
Avatar f tn Rule of thumb is, if you're regularly having sex mid-cycle of your menstrual cycle (14 days after the beginning of your period) and you don't get pregnant after 6 months you have fertility issues. These could be your fertility issues, his, or both. If you've been having sex every month at mid-cycle, it's time to see an OBGYN about your fertility difficulty.
Avatar f tn Do you think an ultrasound is an exact way to determine your due date, conception , and ovulation, as opposed to going off the date of your last menstrual cycle? which is more effective to go off of and why?
10947 tn?1281404252 - I think most women on this site know enough to know that ovulation can be anywhere from 11-21 days into the cycle as you have stated in the calculator. That is really not enough to truly help a woman determine her ovulation. Sorry, but I think that this one misses the mark! IMHO!
712964 tn?1287076618 All women are different and every cycle is different. Try using opks to narrow down your personal fertility window. Good luck!