
Letrozole and iui success

Common Questions and Answers about Letrozole and iui success


1340383 tn?1309990914 I have used both and after five attempts with clomid no success and the first try with letrozole I got pregnant with my son due to placenta ruption. I'm trying letrozole again with this cycle.
256553 tn?1258883918 Hey!! This is my third round of letrozole. 1st with an iui, 2nd with natural trying, 3rd with iui on may 2nd. This is my last round of letrozole so I pray it worked. Good luck!!!!
1773487 tn?1331540488 I did letrozole(femara) with injectibles and timed intercourse. It worked first try and my baby is now a little over 10 months. I didn't have any side effects from it(except pregnancy lol).
Avatar f tn We are going on 2 years if trying with one MC last year. Frustrated and sad. Has anyone had success with IUIS and how many attempts did it take? Please send positive energy our way :) thanks!
519935 tn?1216151210 I am 30 years old and me and my husband have been trying to conceive for 1 year now. Started with 50 mg clomid and went up to 150 mg. changed 2 doctors in the course. Had 1 IUI with Clomid done in Feb'08. Changed to 3rd doctor after that..and he switched me to Letrozole in Mar and did an IUI with it. He also put me on Metformin and Synthroid and said I have mild PCOS. Got laparoscopy done in Apr and found level 2 endometriosis.
1190279 tn?1324936257 then we did 2 rounds of femara (letrezole) with and iui, unfortunately no we took 3 months off, now repeat semen analysis and if the counts are up, injectables to up the odds, if they havent changed we are thinking ivf....
Avatar f tn Good luck Sally. I'll have my second IUI next week and currently taking letrozole (femara) 5mg days 3-7. Hopefully this round works.
Avatar f tn I am worried that I did not ovulate and the 2 follicle still might be growing and I will miss the point to do the HCG injection and 3rd IUI because my doc thinks I already ovulated and we missed the chance. I have also been cramping some the past 2 days and having a hint of redish-pinkish discharge. I had high hopes for doubling the dose of meds this cycle and the fact that I actually had more than one growing follicle starting early this time when the 2 past attempts I have only had one.
Avatar f tn Has anyone had success with IVF at the Atlanta Center for Reproductive Medicine (ACRM)???? I've just had my second failed IUI, first with clomid and then the second with letrozole and am considering skipping the 3rd recommended IUI and going straight to IVF. Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like if IUI was going to work, it would have worked by now. I'm sure everyone on here can relate, but I'm just so disappointed and every month that goes by gets worse and worse.
Avatar f tn I am on my first cycle of gonal-f and letrozole with tic, i hope and pray that this works for me because we have done 4 cycles of clomid with no success.
Avatar f tn me and my husband have been trying to concive for 4yrs now and we have been on clomide and letrozole with no success. Recently we have been refered for IVF with ICSI. am really worried about the ICSI part as most evidence report a lot of health problems to the baby. does anyone have any take on this. please help cos i am even thinking of not having it if it means i am gonna subject my child to a lot of health issues.
1121300 tn?1426184776 The cost sounds about right (unfortunately). I have been told that the IUI success rates are better in round 3 and 4, once you get used to the drug combo. I have been trying to find an insurance plan that covers fertility as well.
148691 tn?1260194903 Hello, I am extremelly frustrated at this point of TTC. A year and some ago I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks, followed by a DNC and a chemical pregnancy. In March, i got discovered a fibroid in my uterus and was put on lupron to shrink it. In May i went under Lap and found no fibroid and some endo that the RE took care of. Now, after all this time and my husband's good SA results, both have been checked for blood and chromosomal disorders and we are all clear, we still can't get pregnant!
Avatar n tn , well i was on it for 4 months with one failed IUI, and i stopped taking it, it was making my lining to thin, and i never ovulated on it, i was told that when you stop clomid stays in your system or about 1 months, so you can try with timining bding, but depending on how old you are and if you really want have a baby i would move on to the next step, i 7 weeks today and i got preg. with good luck.
1190279 tn?1324936257 Hi! Doctors will prescribe either clomid or letrozole to assist with ovulation. There's two main differences: it doesn't have anti-estrogenic side effects like clomid; and although studies have proven letrozole is an effective fertility drug it hasn't been approved by the FDA yet for fertility use, thus isn't covered by insurance (beware it's very expensive). Letrozole was developed to treat estrogen-sensitive breast cancers.
255732 tn?1318517822 I had my 1st appt with an RE today. He wants to do a superovulation / IUI with Letrozole. I am to take 2 - 2.5mg tablets days 3 - 7. After reading up on this, it is the same thing as Femara right? Has anyone taken this med and does it actually work alone? My other ? is, he said that we can try this for 3 - 4 cycles, but after that we have to think about IVF?? The only things that I have tried in the past are 4 cycles of clomid and 1 IUI. Why would he skip injectables??
Avatar f tn this gives me hope as I am in the 2ww of my first IUI. So you came looking for a first time IUI success and it turned out to be you! how great!!!
Avatar f tn I was wondering if anyone has used letrozole to get pregnant and if so did you have any side effects while taking it? My doc just prescribed it and I am just curious about it's effectiveness..
1626928 tn?1378850167 5mg two times a day of femara/letrozole and 1500mg a day metformin. I am curious about side effects, advice, success stories, etc. I am anxious and have been TTC for 3 years total, 2 with a doctors assistance. THANK YOU in advance.
Avatar n tn After AF shows in 2 weeks or so - we will start on letrozole with CD3 blood work and U/S and then do another IUI. If that is unsuccessful - we will do IVF. Has anyone done letrozole vs clomid? side affects? BFPs? also - i will be in NY when Af starts - and will hopefully make it back somewhere between CD2-5 or i will have to have CD3 labs and US done up there and rx called in there as well. so nervous and hesitant to spend so much $ - esp when we have a blessing with our 2.5 yr old. thoughts?
Avatar f tn I have been taking letrozole for the last 6 months as well as have had 4 rounds of iui sith no sucess, last month they had my on 5mg of letrozole, this month I decided to cut it back down to 2.5. without the meds i can skip my period for 3mths at a time, on it I get it every month, never missing. i have also never been 10 days late, which i am now......good news, i would wish for a positive, only problem is I took test 2 days ago (which means on 8 day late) and negitive.
Avatar n tn While we are excited, I am terrified that we may have high order multiples. We used Follistim and letrozole. I had an IUI on cycle day 12. On day 9 I had 3 dominant follicles measuring 18 and one smaller one at 12. I did not have another ultrasound after this. I took one more dose of Follistim per my dr. orders and then took my trigger shot on day 10. Should I be concerned?
Avatar f tn re said its probably from the clomid and that if this last iui didnt work they would have to switch my meds. what do they put you on if clomid is causing problems?
Avatar f tn Hey girl, just spotted your post up here. Yeah, I had really bad hot flashes from the clomid so they put me on femara (primarily used to treat breast cancer, apparantly it either blocks estrogen or tricks your body into thinking it doesn't have enough and thus produces more or something to this effect). For the first IUI with the clomid I had two follicles emerge and then they gave me a trigger shot of Ovidrel.
1287560 tn?1272216521 Thank you for that, my dr hasnt even heard of it, so I am to print a page off web about letrozole and make an apointment to see her and discuss.