
Hyaluronic acid and weight gain

Common Questions and Answers about Hyaluronic acid and weight gain


Avatar m tn Because you are asking about hyaluronic acid, and because of the recent addition of GAG's to pharmacy shelves, I think it's important to address a few points about the uses of these compounds therapeutically. On the up side, hyaluronic acid is the same from whatever source it is isolated, and it is so common in the body that it can be used as a hypoallergenic surgical material for reconstructing and building up tissues that are lost.
Avatar m tn Could it cause vision problems, I have seen that the main ingredient of restylane is Hyaluronic acid, I have found a topical cream that is 75% hyaluronic acid, I know this wont work as well but do you think this is an option or not even worth spending hte money on the cream. Any comments or experiences would be great.
Avatar n tn Check into MSM, along with the glucosamine and hyaluronic acid. No chondroitin?
Avatar m tn After a couple of ACL surgeries over the years due to sports injuries and regular knee pain ever since when exercising, descending stairs etc., I was looking into the option of a combined hyaluronic acid/PRP (platelet-rich plasma) injection - about which I'd heard great things - until I realised I didn't want to take the risk after the two half-botched operations I'd had done years ago. So I decided to simply take hyaluronic acid orally on the off-chance, and have had no pain since.
Avatar f tn While pregnant do stay away from retinols which are anti aging. They can cause birth defects. But look for something that has hyaluronic acid in it which is a natural chemical our body makes which helps retains moisture by 1000x its weight. So it is super hydrating which will help reduce and prevent wrinkles.
Avatar n tn The other common ones being headache, menstrual period changes and/or post-menopausal bleeding, easy bruising and/or bleeding, swelling of the ankles/feet, persistent weight gain, puffy face, unusual hair growth and thinning of the skin etc. These side effects will disappear when the medication is stopped in most cases. However, this may not always be true in long-standing cases when some of the side effects cannot be reversed.
Avatar f tn Well it's way better than smoking while pregnant. And your gonna gain weight that's just what happens during pregnancy depending on how healthy you eat and how active you stay will depend on how much you yourself actually gains. Majority of the weight will be your uterus your books etc.
Avatar f tn Hello, I went to the doctor to have a filler injected into the eyes dark circles area, the syringe with the gel (hyaluronic acid) was not new, I know because he took it out of a box but the blister was not sealed, I also saw that the gel in the syringe was not completely full, I saw that he took a needle with a cover from the blister, so I think the needle was new, and he placed it on the tip of the syringe with gel, I am worried that the gel (hyaluronic acid) has been contaminated with the bloo
Avatar f tn Can nexium and priolac cause weight gain. ARe there any other over the counter meds for reflux/sour stomach?
Avatar m tn Can somebody from the old school on this hep.
Avatar n tn I have tried Olay regenerist, ROC and Garnier Nutritionist and currently seen ad for Hydroxatone that contains matrixly 3000, argireline and hyaluronic acid and is there anything you can recommend I use that can help minimize the wrinkles while adding collagen and elasticity to my skin. I am tired of products that offer a lot but delivers nothing. I want a product I can stick to. SO PLEASE what would you recommend I buy and how should I use it.
Avatar n tn Im on nexuim for 5 years constantlynow but the symtoms afterremoving of ulcer dont change Bail and acidreflux almost every day please help Can this drug cause weight gain? How long is it safe to continue drinkng nexuim?
Avatar m tn This has been treated with ultrasound, condroitin sulphate pills for three months, anti-inflammatory drugs on and off, and an insole. The pain when I walk is still there and at times intense. I have two questions: 1. Several physicians have propose hyaluronic acid or cortisone injections. Which is recommended? 2. One physician offered to perform a chondral transplant, consisting in taking fresh chartilage from my knee and implanting it in the toe, with arthroscopic surgery.
Avatar f tn 33 weeks and only gained 5lbs so far.
Avatar f tn Im 17 w and I have lost 4 lbs and maintainingthis weight for now.
1139187 tn?1355706647 Its a different pain than the arthritis.. am i alone?
Avatar f tn Right now he said get my weight up and I've been so busy Tryna put on pounds Ive been looking over my meds
Avatar f tn // for more information. They suggest taking 6 CLA capsules and 4 Omega 3 capsules per day and no eating after 6:00pm.
Avatar n tn Well most prenatals alreaduly contain iron and folic acid. Both are very important for you and baby. Never heard of it making ur belly huge. I have 3 kids and I dont think the folic acid or iron has anything to do with a huge belly.
Avatar n tn during my first pregnancy i lost 15 lds, and then gained 27. so dont worry the weight gain will come.
Avatar f tn We are getting so much closer to meeting our little ones! How are you feeling? What's your weight gain like? I'm 32 weeks tomorrow and I've put on 25 pounds. Super uncomfortable at night!!