
How to reduce stress in pregnancy

Common Questions and Answers about How to reduce stress in pregnancy


5982197 tn?1391477396 Who is taking care of you? Who is checking in on how you are feeling? Find these people and reach out to them. Make a date with a good friend and share what you’re going through. 2) Be careful with the food you put into your body. Make sure you are eating foods that nourish and energize you. Eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables. Avoid too much caffeine and sugar (and stay away from alcohol). 3) Exercise. Do some gentle exercise every day, even if just for 30 minutes.
Avatar f tn Don't stress for starters! Keep a positive attitude and know in your mind your baby is fine. I miscarried at 19 weeks two years ago, this pregnancy I was worried allot. I kept telling myself I made it this far I can keep going. Sounds lame but self encouragement will keep a positive attitude and keep the stress away. Your close to 12 weeks and that's when you can reduce the chance of miscarriage. You should be fine, best of luck to you and baby!
Avatar f tn Make sure you stay hydrated too- that should help with the braxton hicks (along with trying to reduce stress, of course). Is there anything you can try to take off your plate to help reduce the stress? So sorry you are dealing with so much right now.
Avatar m tn some perfect embryos can fail to implant and some less than perfect or fragmented embryos result in pregnancy. I don't believe that there is anything that you can do but reduce your stress, take your vitamins, get a little exercise, and keep trying. Good luck and Keep us posted!
Avatar f tn So. How much does over stressing affect our babies? I'm not talking about kind of stress "u said u gonna buy me some chocolate and u didnt" I'm talking about some more dip stress rated like stress at work , financial problems ...... just really scared as had so much stress from very start of pregnancy and now when I just managed to get Ok and I'm due in 5 days everything came back.
Avatar n tn Low CD4+ T-cell counts (CD4 counts) are associated with a variety of conditions, including many viral infections, bacterial infections, parasitic infections, sepsis, tuberculosis, coccidioidomycosis, burns, trauma, intravenous injections of foreign proteins, malnutrition, over-exercising, pregnancy, normal daily variation, psychological stress, and social isolation. For the HIV question, please post in the HIV prevention forum as is specific.
Avatar f tn I really feel like I'm stressing and I don't want to stress or lose my baby how can I stop stressing
Avatar f tn Hi, am 7wks pregnant an am having fluctuated symptons, my breast has reduce in size, stomach pain,being my first experience am scared. Pls I need an advise.
Avatar f tn now i am practicing YOGA since one my quetion is how to reduce and finally stopped the drugs,is it possible?
Avatar m tn s no such thing as spot reduction, the only way to reduce your belly fat is to reduce your over all fat, you have to do cardio, gettin.g your heart rate up is the only way, and eat healthy maybe lift weights depending on your goal. Good luck.
Avatar m tn Also some doctors will prescribe a steroid nasal spray, to help reduce the inflammation, which in turn helps to reduce the mucous production. It is something to be considered, after all quality of life is important. And when symptoms become unbearable, then one has to step up the treatment plan.
Avatar n tn My main fear and concern is to avoid passing it on to future partners. This is what I already know, first is to tell all partners about my condition. Second is never to have sex when you feel the first signs to 7 days after the lesions have healed. My next question is about condoms. I have the outbreaks on my scrotum, because I always use condoms. Does this mean that condoms are not effective for me preventing transmission to a partner because the site is on my scrotum?
Avatar n tn The normal procedure is to get you Euthyroid, neither hyper nor hypo, and then monitor you very closely during pregnancy. Your body will go out of whack while pregnant, and the challenge will be to keep your hormones in a range that will allow for a healthy delivery.
Avatar f tn What are some ideas to reduce stress while pregnant? My job and my family make me very stressed and I need help to reduce my stress. Im looking for a new job and have been applying but still need ideas.
5174972 tn?1364731543 I donot know how much correct amount of food must be taken, and how much water should be drunk? how should be the daily way of eating habbits so as to reduce weight.
Avatar f tn I went to the er just to make sure baby was doing just fine and wasn't in my tubes or anything
10707428 tn?1415569790 I called the hospital and they told me i can take voltaren (diklofenak) dont know how its called in english but i read on internet that it isnt safe for pregnant women especially in third trimester ?? Anyone taken this medication in their pregnancy??
Avatar f tn I am 15 weeks and i have made some major changes to turn away from stress no more fb, to reduce the drama, moved in with my mom to reduce financial stress. Now theres mire issues. I love to praise dance and my doctor has approved of it ive found it reduces my stress. but my pastor won't allow me to do so at church because she thinks its bad for pregnant women to do so . Any ideas on how to convince her its safe?
Avatar n tn how to reduce sgpt.
1396753 tn?1280417084 Good Morning, I have PCOS and just to shed some light I have a son who is now 5 years old, what helped me in the past was drinking Red Raspberry leaf tea and Chaste Berry Tea both are know to help regulate your hormones and increase your chances of conceiving, I am in the process of ttc myself and am going to start both teas very soon. Good luck and know that all hope is not lost.
Avatar f tn Hello. Just curious what everyone's experience has been with working while pregnant...specifically, until what point did you remain working (how many weeks along)? I had intentions of working until close to the end but I seem to be losing steam. I am going on 31 weeks, am 39 years old, and this is my first baby.